View Full Version : What do you consider to be your first PDA?
04-05-2004, 11:21 PM
After reading This Discussion. (
I was wondering what people consider to be there first PDA.
Back in 7th grade I had a Sharp Data Bank that did the basic
organization stuff. It had a three line LCD display and 12K of
Zack Mahdavi
04-05-2004, 11:41 PM
I think really my first PDA was a Palm IIIxe. I bought it in 10th grade (1999) after saving up a lot... I had other junky PDAs such as an organizer by Royal which i bought for $10 at WalMart. However, I never used it... so I'd have to consider the Palm IIIxe as my first.
04-05-2004, 11:48 PM
Mine was an Aero 21xx....
I always loved Compaq Devices and bought even that one...
04-06-2004, 12:05 AM
A Palm Tungsten | E
Before I had a language translator/storage bank for Japanese, and it could keep some dates, but it wasn't helpful for either of its functions and I hated it. I think it died in a juice spill, and I skipped it across a river pond a few months later when I realized it was still in my backpack. That was probably the most unnecessary littering I've ever done, but I was fourteen and I was a wild child.
Don Tolson
04-06-2004, 12:37 AM
Mine was a $20 date, appointment, contacts electronic rolodex-kind-of-thingee. It had 3 lines of 25 characters LCD screen and took 2 AA batteries. I think I bought it back in the very early 90's.
04-06-2004, 12:57 AM
My (still) ultra-cool MessagePad 2000 Newton
04-06-2004, 01:07 AM
I had several daytimer type devices... but I don't consider them a PDA device. My first would be the old Hp Omnigo... It cost me quite a bit at the time... but it was not stable enough for me to keep for more than a few weeks...
04-06-2004, 02:14 AM
Although I had an $8 Radio Shack organizer before it, I regard my Palm m100 as my inception into the PDA world. I use it every now and then for nostalgiac purposes, but it largely goes unused.
04-06-2004, 02:19 AM
My first would be a Handspring Visor.
04-06-2004, 05:15 AM
My first PDA was also an m105. 8 MB of memory and greyscale, that is what I call a great device....
04-06-2004, 06:06 AM
Back in 7th grade I had a Sharp Data Bank that did the basic
organization stuff. It had a three line LCD display and 12K of
I, too, started with a Sharp device. It was a clamshell and had, I think, 32kb...maybe less. I got tired of using the scrap paper method of keeping track of everything. I bought a used one and had high hopes of getting it connected to my PC, but that never happened.
I had a lot of fun with the Sharp, and decided to move on to a real PDA. My PDA history: Sharp -> Philips Nino (sat on it and broke LCD) -> Casio E100 (needs new battery) -> iPaq 3670 (x2, I broke one and then bought another one from a friend who never used it and then broke it again) -> Sony Clie SJ33 -> iPaq 2215.
04-06-2004, 07:51 AM
A Psion 3 - a proper real computer that fit in a pocket. Then a couple of Psion 5s (my first experience of a touchscreen). When I wanted to replace them I looked a Palm - and rejected it immediately. I'd been used to a real computer, a jumped-up filofax wasn't going to be any use to me.
Then I discovered the Cassiopeia E125 and never looked back.
Stephen Beesley
04-06-2004, 08:38 AM
In the early 90s I can remeber being very keen on the clamshell Sharp Wizard line of organisers, but being a pennyless Uni student kept me from actually buying one.
My first PDA was the device that the name was coined for: an Apple Newton. I start off with a second hand Message Pad 110, and evenually progressed to an upgraded Message Pad 2000 (a uMP2K :D) which I sitll have, still treasure and even still use!
04-06-2004, 09:25 AM
I really liked (and had a few) the Sharp Wizards...but I would consider my first PDA to be my Philips Nino 501. That thing rocked. I got it while I was a "termite guy". I quit that job to join the Army. In Basic Training I convinced my drill sergeant that I needed it for the address book function. He let me get it out of my civilian bag, because the ability to write to your family is one of the few prized values that exist both in and out of the military. :D That night I played solitare before I went to sleep. It was the best night of basic training ever. The next day, I decided not to leave it in my locker for fear of what the other drill sergeants might do if they found it. I tucked it into my belt. When we got back to the barracks that night, the screen was shattered. After a period of mourning, it was time to move on. Well, that and the fact that in basic training you don't get to just skip out to CompUSA whenever you feel like you might need a new gadget.
04-06-2004, 10:50 PM
I must say I don't know how I would be able to keep up to date with everything without a PDA. I am glad that i never knew of a time when they didn't esist.
04-07-2004, 12:16 AM
If I recall correctly, the sequence was Palm III, IIIx, V, m505, m515, iPAQ 3955, Palm TC, Palm T3, iPaq 2215, Axim X3i, and hopefully soon (being shipped) e800.
Zack Mahdavi
04-07-2004, 02:08 AM
If I recall correctly, the sequence was Palm III, IIIx, V, m505, m515, iPAQ 3955, Palm TC, Palm T3, iPaq 2215, Axim X3i, and hopefully soon (being shipped) e800.
Wow, that's a lot of PDAs! :)
04-07-2004, 02:17 AM
If I recall correctly, the sequence was Palm III, IIIx, V, m505, m515, iPAQ 3955, Palm TC, Palm T3, iPaq 2215, Axim X3i, and hopefully soon (being shipped) e800.
Wow, that's a lot of PDAs! :)
Yes, but no real regrets. I do hope I can resist the temptation to go to the higher speed (520 Mhz), higher res devices that will come out later this year. Hopefully the e800 will satisfy me for at least a year.
Zack Mahdavi
04-07-2004, 02:19 AM
If I recall correctly, the sequence was Palm III, IIIx, V, m505, m515, iPAQ 3955, Palm TC, Palm T3, iPaq 2215, Axim X3i, and hopefully soon (being shipped) e800.
Wow, that's a lot of PDAs! :)
Yes, but no real regrets. I do hope I can resist the temptation to go to the higher speed (520 Mhz), higher res devices that will come out later this year. Hopefully the e800 will satisfy me for at least a year.
I noticed that you seem to move between Palm and PocketPC devices. What makes you switch frequently like that?
Steven Cedrone
04-07-2004, 02:22 AM
Hey, I still have a functioning REX! ( Remember those?
04-07-2004, 12:49 PM
If I recall correctly, the sequence was Palm III, IIIx, V, m505, m515, iPAQ 3955, Palm TC, Palm T3, iPaq 2215, Axim X3i, and hopefully soon (being shipped) e800.
Wow, that's a lot of PDAs! :)
Yes, but no real regrets. I do hope I can resist the temptation to go to the higher speed (520 Mhz), higher res devices that will come out later this year. Hopefully the e800 will satisfy me for at least a year.
I noticed that you seem to move between Palm and PocketPC devices. What makes you switch frequently like that?
The 3955 was my first Pocket PC. I loved it. But I hated Pocket Word and Excel, and knew that Documents to Go on a Palm more closely imitated Word and Excel than they did. Plus the 3955 was a bit slow for large apps, especially TextMaker and PocketInformant. So I switched back to a Palm, the Tungsten T|C, which also had built-in wireless. Then Palm came out with the T3 which has a 320x480 screen, and I went with it solely because of that - I have a lot of digital pictures of my late wife and having a high quality viewer for those photos, and one that helped me manage time and Word and Excel files, meant a lot to me. The HP came out with the nicely priced iPAQ 2215 and I recalled how much I missed being able to use handwriting for input (Palm lacks sadly in this category), so I got the iPAQ 2215 and kept the T3 for backup and for photos. I loved everything about the 2215 except the handgrips. I have no patience or tolerance when it comes to poor design, and I thought having built-in wireless would give me a better wireless experience, plus the Axim X3i has more memory than the 2215. So I got the Axim. I did not consider getting an e800 at the time, because I read some bad press about Toshiba support. But, I have since become so sold on the Pocket PC platform that I want to have ONE device that does it all, including the hi-res piece for photos, so I've ordered an e800 and it is supposed to arrive today. If it proves to be as good as people say it is (I've read a lot more on it than I did before I bought the Axim), then I will sell my T3 and possibly my Axim. I might keep the Axim for backup, though.
Hope that explains some of the switching.
04-07-2004, 01:37 PM
wow! I would love to go through pda's like that. That would be great :D
Stephen Beesley
04-07-2004, 01:59 PM
...and I recalled how much I missed being able to use handwriting for input (Palm lacks sadly in this category)...
The very reason that has kept me from switching to Palm (despite the temptation of devices like the T3) or to the Sharp Zaurus line of Linux PDAs
Jon Westfall
04-07-2004, 02:47 PM
Had the sharp wizards, but never used them much. I guess my first PDA would have been an old Casio Digital Diary that my mother had but never used, so I started playing with it. My first purchased 'real' pda was a palm m500. Then the line starts:
palm m500 -> palm m505 -> T-Mobile Pocket PC -> I-Mate.
Who knows what's next!
04-07-2004, 03:00 PM
I had the Sharp Data Bank too! It was slim with the clamshell cover. I think that started me down the road to being a gadget fiend.
Steven Cedrone
04-07-2004, 03:30 PM
For some laughs I just powered up my Aero 2150. What an awesome device! We ought to start a "museum" thread and add pictures of working devices to it...
Jeff Rutledge
04-07-2004, 03:34 PM
For some laughs I just powered up my Aero 2150. What an awesome device! We ought to start a "museum" thread and add pictures of working devices to it...
Awesome idea. I don't have any, otherwise I'd start it. I'd be interested to see what's still out there.
04-07-2004, 11:24 PM
For some laughs I just powered up my Aero 2150. What an awesome device! We ought to start a "museum" thread and add pictures of working devices to it...
Jason what about it???
To everyone else with the old, very old PDA's check out this thread PPC Trade In Program (
04-08-2004, 01:33 AM
My first "PDA" was a very cheap TI organzer. 1 line of text, a little keyboard, and almost no features. :D
My first "real" PDA was a Pilot 1000.
If I remember correctly, the sequence was:
Pilot 1000
Casio A11 HPC
Pilot 1000 (new one.. decided the A11 wasn't powerful enough to run its own OS ;) , and couldn't get back my old 1000)
PalmPilot Pro
Palm III
Casio Cassiopeia E-100 (when I became enlightened)
Compaq iPaq 3630
iPaq 3830
iPaq 2215
I also had a Casio Planeo for a few weeks before the first Pilot 1000, which was very cool because of its (three) color screen and GUI that laid out all of its features on a virtual 3D desk. :) I ended up returning it though, because it couldn't do as much as a Pilot 1000 (like install new software), and the screen ghosted horrendously. Also, in between the iPaq 3830 and 2215 I got a used Newton MP2100u. It was only my main PDA for a few months, then I moved back to my PPC. I thought about selling it, but it's so fun just to play around with, that I decided to keep it. :D
Stephen Beesley
04-08-2004, 09:01 AM
I got a used Newton MP2100u. It was only my main PDA for a few months, then I moved back to my PPC. I thought about selling it, but it's so fun just to play around with, that I decided to keep it. :D
I Know the feeling - I just cannot get rid of either of my Newtons. In fact I still use my uMP2k fairly regularly for taking notes on.
Ryan Joseph
04-08-2004, 02:28 PM
My first PDA was a Newton I got at a garage sale for $20. I don't know the model number off hand, but I still have the thing in a drawer somewhere. I really liked it, but it was huge. That started my love of PDAs. And the rest of my progression is in my signiture.
On a side note, I love the idea about posting a "museum" of pictures of old devices. I've got some others becides the Newton lying around. It'd be fun.
And my mom still uses a in uses it daily! That certainly holds a place in the museum! :wink:
04-09-2004, 11:26 PM
If I recall correctly, the sequence was Palm III, IIIx, V, m505, m515, iPAQ 3955, Palm TC, Palm T3, iPaq 2215, Axim X3i, and hopefully soon (being shipped) e800.
Wow, that's a lot of PDAs! :)
11 devices? Oh please, that's nothing. :-) Here's my list:
Psion Siena, Psion Revo Palm Pilot Pro, Palm IIIe, Palm IIIc, Palm M130, Palm Tungsten E, Compaq Ipaq 3630, HP100lx, HP Ipaq 1915, HP Jornada 565, Xircom Rex, Philips Nino, OSI Osaris, Sony Clie SL10
15 devices. Who's next?
04-10-2004, 03:34 AM
The first real one was a Palm Pro, then Palm Pro again, Palm III, Palm IIIc, Palm IIIc again, Palm Vx, Palm 505, IPAQ 3850, Toshiba 740, Axim X5, Ipaq 5450, that's it, I am really happy with it come to think of it, I could have had a Segway for the money I spent on these things including accessories.
04-10-2004, 04:21 AM
What got me into this whole Palm Sized PC thing (Pocket PC) was the HP 200 LX. That was like a little computer. I was totally amazed at how I could create Lotus 123 spreadsheets with it and then use them at my job! It also had Pocket Quicken. Totally cool. Then the Casio Casiopeia E105 came out and the rest is history...
04-11-2004, 05:21 AM
I started with a Palm m105, moved to Handspring Visor Edge and finally to ipaq 1940.
Zack Mahdavi
04-11-2004, 06:44 AM
come to think of it, I could have had a Segway for the money I spent on these things including accessories.
Which would also have been a great purchase!
04-11-2004, 09:02 AM
my sharp wizard was my first. i was actually annoyed because i wanted the one with the most memory (128k at the time) which meant i had to get the mini-laptop form factor. this annoyed me because the previous wizards opened like a book instead, and i wanted one like that (for reasons that will become clear in the next sentence).
nevertheless, once i updated to a sharp zaurus, i proceded to paint a smiling green planet and the words "Don't Panic!" on the old model :)
my current nice start theme matches it (can't bring myself to paint my ipaq)
shortly after the wizard and the zaurus, i got a compaq hpc and a newton. still have both of those, the sharps were unfortunately not auto accident-friendly :?
04-11-2004, 11:16 AM
My first one was an HP620LX - the very first Handheld PC with a color screen, after I almost got myself a Philips Velo... But I concluded that - since my eyes are capable of seeing colors a b&w would be just not what I wanted at all...
When I look back... the from factor, keyboard and full CF slot is something I still miss... OK, it was damn heavy with it's battery and consumed way to much power, but I used it for about five years before I got myself a PocketPC 8O
04-11-2004, 02:08 PM
Back in the late 80's I had a credit card sized data bank (as well as a watch data bank). The credit card device was like a Rex but even smaller (though more limited). I carried it in my wallet (but found out the hard way it wasn't made for sitting on). I had similar devices like that in the early 90's (mainly data banks) including one that you could choose a phone number from and then hold the device up to a phone at it would dial it for you (using audible touch tones to talk to the phone). I later got a Rex which was cool, but you could not input on the device while on the go. The first PDA that most resembled a modern PPC was my Philips Nino, with an early edition of Windows CE. It had a monochrome screen, but I loved it.
04-12-2004, 12:01 AM
I started with a Sharp organizer, several of the Wizard series with the max memory being 256k. I then saw my dream... the Palm Pilot Personal. That began it all .... since then I have had: Palm Pilot Professional, Palm III, Palm IIIc, Palm V, Vx, 505, 515, Sony n710, Palm Tungsten T, Tungsten E, Sony NX70v, Sony TG50, Sony NX80, Sony TJ35, Sony UX50, Jornada 545, Jornada 565, iPaq 3600 series, iPaq 3700 series, Toshiba e310, HP 1910, HP 2215 (current), Sony TH55 (also current)... I may have missed a couple along the way... all not necessarily in the order listed... :D
04-12-2004, 12:42 AM
I don't own one yet, but the first real PDA I used was a Audiovox, a rebranded Toshiba. Pocket PC, forget the model number. Only had it for a few weeks, as it was a borrowed one.
But man was that thing fun. I downloaded a demo copy of Simcity 2000 for PPC and drained the batteries about 5 times playing it endlessly. It was the first version of SC2K so I locked it up a few dozen times, but I was playing computer games wirelessly!
That got me hooked, ever since I have wanted one, started with the ipaq 3600, and drooled my way up to now, the 2200. Which I will be getting within a few months hopefully. :mrgreen:
Edit: It was an Audiovox Maestro! Found out when I looked at the museum thread.
04-12-2004, 05:30 PM
Wow hard to remember the first pda. I do however remember my first windows ce device and each one since....
Sharp Mobilon 4100, then a Mobilon 4500 straight to a 4600 Series. From there I jumped in with a Casio e115 and e125 and finally to a hp2215.
To me, each one of those devices were the best for thier time the best games came from Jimmy, and the best productivty tools came from b!
04-12-2004, 05:32 PM
I started off in the late eighties with a Casio databank calculator watch and have had a few of those afterwards. have also had a couple of credit card type databanks as well afterwards. Also one thicker one.
First true PDA with synch capabilities was my onhandpc which you can find out more info on from - it's a computer watch! I still have that. A couple of years afterwards I bought a Diamond Mako (rebranded Psion Revo Plus), but sold it to buy my current Axim :D
04-13-2004, 07:47 PM
I had a Psion Series II in the mid eighties, upgraded to a Series 3C, then a series 5 before moving to Palm Vx, then Palm m515, switched to PPC ipaq 5450 and now I am with an i-mate PPC. The Psions were great fun, the series II was chunky, only 2 lines of text, and a pocket full of memory and software disks. I still have all of my old PDA's.
04-13-2004, 11:15 PM
After thinking about it I changed what my first PDA was.
My first "Personal Data Assistant" was defintially... my mom.
I didn't even have to know what I was doing that day. But if I needed to know I'd ask and she'd tell me. Now that is a real Voice Activation calendar.
And after thinking about it that was probably the best one ever. I didn't even have to spend time putting data in. I hope eventually I can trade my PDA in for a newer version of those... a wife.
Also thanks to Steven Cedrone for starting:
The Pocket PC Thoughts Virtual Museum ( <-----LINK
04-14-2004, 03:49 AM
My first PDA was a Cybiko (Original).
I got it in the 8th grade for Christmas. I begged my mom for one, since I could not afford a Jornada 568 at the time.
I thought the open source software and wireless capabilities where at best "c00l". Problem was that she had grabbed the last one....and it was purple. :cry:
I had the option of keeping it sealed in it's box and returning it later to get the blue one. I waited nearly 2 hours, just starring at it trying not to open it.....but I failed at that. It turned on in it's box and I said "N33d CY81K0!!111"
So I ended up selling it to some kid and buying a Casio BE-300, which gave me ALOT of experience with the Windows CE core operating system. I loved hacking that thing! :mrgreen: .....I miss it :cry:
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