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View Full Version : Another Software Question - PocketMusic MP3. OOG, WMA Bundle

04-03-2004, 11:49 PM
There's nothing like some new software to get you excited all over again about your PPC. I'm thinking about this for a few reasons, of which only one is really important to me. I like the idea of being able to set alarms to wake me with music. This is the only feature that draws me to the software. Other things like the equalizer (a "nice to have" but not a big deal), OOG (which I'll probably never use) are less important.

I'm fortunate in that $20 is not that big a deal to me. But I am interested in any opinions of the software and whether I need it to have an alarm wake me to music.

Thanx again for any comments.

04-04-2004, 01:08 AM
I love the PocketMusic Feature Pack, it has so many great features. Their newest release includes a could of great GUIs with large buttons that make controlling your music easy with your fingers. It also has a very nice playlist and equalizer. Most of the time I keep it in the Winamp like mode, which I find very user friendly and easy to select music. I also really like the hardware button mapping; I use that in the car, doing work outside, etc. If you plan on listening to music often with your iPaq, this is a great piece of software, it definately beats WMP.

04-04-2004, 01:55 AM
Falstaff, you've sold me. Thanx for the information.