View Full Version : What Issues Should I Take to Microsoft?
Jason Dunn
04-03-2004, 12:05 AM
On Sunday afternoon, I'm leaving for the Microsoft MVP Summit, held in Redmond, Washington. At the MVP Summit several team members from this site will have a chance to interact with Microsoft Product Managers and give them product feedback. These sessions can get somewhat heated, especially when the MVPs feel passionate about certain issues (close button, DRM, and eBooks come to mind). What I'd like to know, on behalf of all the Thoughts Media team members who will be there, is what are the issues you'd like us to raise? What are some of the top issues you run into, some of the most frustrating scenarios that you wish worked differently? <br /><br />This can be anything from a specific feature missing from an application to a core issue with the operating system. I can't promise we'll have enough time to pass along 100% of your feedback, but I give you my personal commitment that I'll do my best to make sure Microsoft is aware of the issues that you're facing. So what should I tell them?
04-03-2004, 12:10 AM
Not just because it's timely right now with a new OS update imminent but because it's an issue that is revisited every update. It would be great if MS could somehow pressure OEMs to provide updates for any device that is still in the retail channel. I think MS should have enough clout to prevent this flurry of petitions every time an update is released by MS.
Laying it all on the OEMs is just a cop out in my book.
04-03-2004, 12:16 AM
Jason, this request is my one major complaint with WM 2003 and it's fore runners. I guess it's not a huge deal, but it takes up a ton of space as I use my Axim to sync with my office e-mail.
The gripe is that when you tell P-Inbox to save attachments to a storage card and you have a built in-storage, like on the Axim, it thinks the built in-storage is the storage Axim and saves all the attachments to built-in storage.
I would really like to see MS fix this problem by allowing you to choose from the 4 options, Main Memory, Built-In Storage, SD or CF Card. I know some have suggested registry hacks to fix this and I have tried those but have not gotten them to work.
See what the MVPs say. Thanks Jason.
04-03-2004, 12:20 AM
Connection Mangler
04-03-2004, 12:21 AM
make wifi syncing with a pc&ppc more seamless and easily done.
Jonathon Watkins
04-03-2004, 12:22 AM
Two really good first suggestions there! :edit Four really good suggestions! 8)
Not just because it's timely right now with a new OS update imminent but because it's an issue that is revisited every update. It would be great if MS could somehow pressure OEMs to provide updates for any device that is still in the retail channel. I think MS should have enough clout to prevent this flurry of petitions every time an update is released by MS.
Totally, totally agree. I don't understand why Dell and the others are refusing an additional revenue stream in having us pay for an upgrade. Well, actually I do kind of understand - it's because each manufacturer has to roll their own updates for each device. :? So either MS could change the OS so we could update the relevant parts ourselves, as Jkendrick suggested, they could 'suggest' that the OEMs offer the upgrades each time.
I would really like to see MS fix this problem by allowing you to choose from the 4 options, Main Memory, Built-In Storage, SD or CF Card. I.
That would indeed, be fantastic to have fixed/enhanced.
04-03-2004, 12:23 AM
3 things I'd like to see fixed:
a) Better connection management - switching between BT, WiFi, dialup etc. Apps get confused, especially when connections break.
b) Bluetooth connections. If you have a device which is being connected to, and the device doesn't communicate.... its reset time, because you can't get past the app causing the BT connection screen to pop up.
c) Inbox - I have major problems with synching, causing exchange to crash ... I'm about to fork over money for MS support.
Thanks. Steve.
A full featured in-box on the PPC!
Most importantly, the pop3 settings should have an option to remove mail from the server after it's downloaded. Then when synced with your PC, any messages you had saved on your PPCs inbox would be moved across.
As it is, the PPC inbox is utterly useless to me and I can't see how anyone could use it for retreiving e-mail on the road. I can't do e-mail triage on it as anything I download and look at I just have to download and look at again on my PC!
04-03-2004, 12:27 AM
A full featured in-box on the PPC!
Most importantly, the pop3 settings should have an option to remove mail from the server after it's downloaded. Then when synced with your PC, any messages you had saved on your PPCs inbox would be moved across.
As it is, the PPC inbox is utterly useless to me and I can't see how anyone could use it for retreiving e-mail on the road. I can't do e-mail triage on it as anything I download and look at I just have to download and look at again on my PC!
Agree totally. I have set up a hosted exchange server so I can use Outlook Web Access from the PPC so I can avoid this problem.
04-03-2004, 12:31 AM
One thing that drives me nuts is when you open P-Word or Notes and it shows you EVERY file on your PDA that it can read. Why can't it just work like um, I dunno, WINDOWS on your PC!? Just show me the files in the directory I am currently browsing and remember which folder I was in last next time I open P-Word. I tend to compartmentalize my files depending on what the topic is. If I want my shopping list I would look in a folder on my CF card called Personal. A file showin Allen-Bradley overload sizing for AB starters ( electrician thing ) it would be in my Electrical folder. I have always thought that PPC handles this very poorly. Am I alone? Hell just let me set them to use Resco File Explorer instead of the crappy PPC file explorer style of searching. It just sucks wind.
04-03-2004, 12:42 AM
an EQ for WMA files in WMP
alarms that are 100% reliable, ie don't require a 3rd party app to correct MS' mistakes.
Pocket Word that could support pictures and tables.
ohh, and Hotmail support out of the box would be nice, since MS is pushing Passport so hard and whatnot.
04-03-2004, 12:46 AM
I don't think anyone expects Pocket Word or Excel to be robust, particularly since Microsoft doesn't make any money on them, but it would be nice if PW better supported formatting (Tables and better handling of bullets, numbering, and highlighting would be especially nice). I would not want to see them grow to be 5 MB apps, but some improvement would show a high degree of seriousnes by MS on helping PPC users get what they want out of the devices.
I am now a solid Pocket PC supporter, with my fourth Pocket PC on order (e800), but I went back to Palm for a while after using my first PPC about 18 months ago, because Palm had better support for Word and Excel (not to mention Power Point) by throwing Documents To Go into the mix.
I do like TextMaker, but it is annoying to have to add a 5 MB app to my system to give me what I (wrongly) suspected was built in to PW when I bought my first PPC.
I know MS has heard this complaint until they're sick of it, but some movement on their part could work wonders for the growth of the PPC market.
Charles Pickrell
04-03-2004, 12:48 AM
I know that these suggestions normally go into the black hole with other MVP suggestions, but I appreciate your efforts here.
We need the ability to extend the OS. What made the Apple Newton so great was that third party developers could extend/enhance parts of the OS. We need hooks to allow more of this to occur.
Examples would be:
Replace File Explorer in open/save dialog. Add more features in contacts/calendar (by extending the built-in apps, not writing new ones completely). Add more functionality to MS Word. etc.
If Microsoft made easy-to program against APIs, this could make Windows Mobile much more valuable and flexible.
04-03-2004, 12:51 AM
Glissen wrote :
just let me set them to use Resco File Explorer instead of the crappy PPC file explorer style of searching.
Heck yeah... there's a neat idea in these days of .NET CF. Be able to choose the file opener you want to use.
Have a file opener chooser. If MSFT's isn't up to it, use Resco as your "open" file interface.
04-03-2004, 12:52 AM
Responding to Microsoft >>>I need to sync with two different computers on a regular basis. One for email, the other (at my home) for my finance software. I use a Bluetooth connection with each. Trouble is, the paired devices connection has to be re-initialized every time I sync with the other computer. I have not found anyone who knows why this occurs. Simply, very annoying. Also, as one who updates my PPC several times/ year, I wish that Ereader was not always such a pain to activate. According to Microsoft, my problems are relative to using the same PASSPORT each time. :|
Chris Spera
04-03-2004, 12:56 AM
1. Pocket Excel and Pocket Word need an update. They should support tables and not strip additional desktop formatting out of the document when synced. The feature set sucks, and when SoftMaker can do it, MS can help by making the default apps a little easier to use.
2. All OEM's should be made to offer OS Upgrades for Pocket PC's still sold at retail at the time that MS releases the OS to the OEMs for modification. Period. ENOUGH with the online petitions already! Sheesh!
3. Phone Edition versions of the OS should require OEM's and cell carriers to be more cooperative with development based mods so that Phone Edition customers don't have to wait forever to get an upgrade. i700 owners have been promised an upgrade FOREVER, and we have yet to see anything, or have any concrete communication from either Samsung or Verizon.
4. The BlueTooth connection bug(s). The stack is unstable from device to device... HELP!
5. PPC Devices don't have a lot of internal memory. It would be nice if the tools used to develop programs would create more space efficient executables. I want to be able to install a lot more than I've got on my 64MB i700.
6. ActiveSync needs a complete overhaul. I'd like to be able to sync a device to more than one PC, and not have to worry about how duplicates will or won't be handled.
7. I should be able to store data in any location on the PPC. I nest folders all over the place in My Documents. If you don't organize it at least a little bit, it becomes a cess pool of unorganized junk. I usually organize things by application (\My Documents\Word\), then by Subject Matter (..\Word\Personal Documents\Freelancing) then by Owner (..\Freelancing\pocketnow) and ULTIMATELY via Month and Date folders (..\2004\01 January\01-Jan-04) I have quite a nested folder structure; but its the only way to keep things organized when one writes as much as I do... I'd like to be able to open and save documents from anywhere on the device, regardless of location. File Open/Save dialogs should not be limited to a single level under \My Documents as they are now.
8. Hardware requirements should NOT permit OEM's to engineer an inordinant amount of proprietary hardware into a single device. The i700 for example, has a proprietary Serial Interface. It has resin encased RAM, etc. See my review on pocket now at:
Using standardized accessories (like wireless keyboards) is near impossible without a hacked driver...
Thanks for offering to do this, Jason. I really appreciate it.
Kind Regards,
Christopher Spera
04-03-2004, 12:57 AM
1. Better features for syncing in ActiveSync(Amount of space to use, attachment size, a feature called remote forward for attachments).
2. Use the Catagories like one would expect.
3. Be able to sync to multiple devices, without scrambling data every where.
I second the vote for alarms, which work 100%.
Come up with a better way to re-install apps. I am so tired of doing a rom update, and then having to MANUALLY re-install all of my APPS, and the license keys!
04-03-2004, 01:07 AM
1. I do not appreciate the idea that to have my PocketPC sync remotely to my exchange server that I have to be connected via sync cable OR have to purchase/run an expensive server add-on. It is stupid.
They should make it so that you can remotely (via WiFi) or via internet (VPN) Sync to your desktop (without craddle). ActiveSync should allow TCP/IP Sync. This would truely be a KILLER application.
If I'm in another city, I should be able to Sync to my desktop machine...
2. I also think that Windows Media Player should allow EQ Functions (it's way to tinny).
3. Record Audio Meeting - I find that I need a dedicated application for this, not something added onto Notes, etc... Seem like it would be wise to have a record meeting button ON/OFF... Then I can run whatever I want... It should have a clock, etc... Append Audio....
4. Close Program - I can't understand why they haven't done this yet. It is dumb.
5. IE - Multiple Windows, forward and back buttons... make it more standard.
6. Software reboot. I should not have to poke my machine to reboot.
7. Format Storage Card Option - Hide it deep, but it should be part of it all.
8. VPN Connection usability isn't obvious... it's hidden and shouldn't be.
9. I should be able to Sync two or more inboxes/calanders... I have multiple machine (office/home) and I'd like one consolidated calander and access to both inboxes.
10. Application Installation - I install to my storage card, but I should be able to install all applications into a folder in storage... my card is a mess of folders.
04-03-2004, 01:12 AM
<li>Is the dbnotify bug fixed yet?
<li>Is the alarms bug fixed yet?
<li>The ability to send and receive handwritten instant messages... You can do it on a Tablet PC, why not on a Pocket PC?
<li>Digital signature & encryption support in the Inbox (SMIME)
<li>Make it remember what input method I picked last, even through a soft reset
<li>Make it remember how I want my meeting invitees notified: Email or ActiveSync, it defaults to ActiveSync after a soft reset :(
<li>Text-to-speech: I want it to be able to read my email (and eBooks) to me, preferably via a voice command ("Computer, read me today's email")
<li>All updates to embedded applications (Reader, Messenger, etc.) made via EUU ROM updates. DO NOT TAKE UP ANY MORE OF MY RAM TO FIX A PROBLEM THAT SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! :evil:
<li>Remote Desktop: so I can control my desktop computer running XP Pro from my WiFi connected Pocket PC (or GPRS connected, etc)
<li>Impliment some kind of routing icon (like the old Newton had, where I can send via email, IrDA, Bluetooth, etc. from one menu location, that's the same across applications, not spread hither and yon as it is now)
<li>Native landscape support (oh wait, that's coming)
<li>Rename Pocket Word to "WordPad" because that's really all that it is, in fact, while you're at it, just port WordPad over to the Pocket PC, save yourself the trouble...
04-03-2004, 01:20 AM
Oh, and I think this is worthy of it's own post:
Loose PIE, let's get "Pocket FireFox" :twisted:
04-03-2004, 01:23 AM
-Is the dbnotify bug fixed yet?
-Is the alarms bug fixed yet?
-All updates to embedded applications (Reader, Messenger, etc.) made via EUU ROM updates. DO NOT TAKE UP ANY MORE OF MY RAM TO FIX A PROBLEM THAT SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! :evil:
-Remote Desktop: so I can control my desktop computer running XP Pro from my WiFi connected Pocket PC (or GPRS connected, etc)
Totally agree on all of these items :mrgreen: !
Aspecially the debugging part :evil: fix the horrible flaws that shouldn't have made it to market in the first place !
04-03-2004, 01:26 AM
I have been a PPC user for over 4 years. There are a few things that need improvements but the one thing they really need to fix is the close button issue that was mentioned in the original post.
Microsoft needs to add Wisbar like functionality. People are used to that environment every day on the desktop and have been asking for it for way to long on there PDA.
Bob Anderson
04-03-2004, 01:28 AM
Not just because it's timely right now with a new OS update imminent but because it's an issue that is revisited every update. It would be great if MS could somehow pressure OEMs to provide updates for any device that is still in the retail channel. I think MS should have enough clout to prevent this flurry of petitions every time an update is released by MS.
Laying it all on the OEMs is just a cop out in my book.
I couldn't agree more!
There's got to be something that can be done here... Bugs are bugs, and given enough time and space on this website, I'm sure many could be listed. But if the whole point of listing bugs is to make a new version, rather than update and improve the existing devices, who wants to bother! Yes, there always comes a time when you need to buy new hardware, but jeesh... should a device that's not even a year old not be eligible for an OS upgrade? (my iPaq 5455 was bought last April).
Jason, please... make a point to mention to every program manager you run into that is working on SmartPhones, PPCs and the lot, that something has to be done with the OS situation, the arrangement today just doesn't work for mainstream users.
Thanks for giving us a chance to discuss the subject!
Pat Logsdon
04-03-2004, 01:31 AM
ALARMS, ALARMS, ALARMS! Do not let anyone out of the room until they promise to fix the problem! :mrgreen:
TIP: Look mean! It might help if you all wore eye patches. :wink:
04-03-2004, 01:32 AM
Remote Desktop: so I can control my desktop computer running XP Pro from my WiFi connected Pocket PC (or GPRS connected, etc)
That has been in PPC since day one. I use the built in VPN over WiFi in the office to control PC's at home.
04-03-2004, 01:32 AM
For the love of god fix Activestink!!! Please *gets on his hands and knees* Please. Just rewrite the bloody thing and make it work. **sobs uncontrollably**
Oh and how about mount the Pocket PC as a drive? Can't tell you how annoying it is that I open up something in winzip and I can extract it to the Pocket PC from the dialog box. Or how about that cut and past feature from the PC to the PPC. It doesn't cut its more like copy and paste.
The Pocket PC is a perfectly fine device at this point. There is a single Achilles heal at this point and that is Activesuck!!
04-03-2004, 01:37 AM
Support for the Follow-up Flag Status field in Inbox.
And maybe EQ settings in WMP.
04-03-2004, 01:45 AM
1) That darned "close" button that doesn't close!
It's enough of a challenge to explain to people why the close button is really minimize and that 20 step process to end a program is really unnecessary.
2) Explorer - How about a tap and drag feature? I don't know about everyone else but isn't it easier to tap and drag than tap+hold, cut, open folder, tap+hold and paste?
3) Hi-speed USB 2.0 support.
It might be more a hardware feature but having software support might be a good start (unless it's supported already) so that OEMs can integrate USB2. It would be much more convienent to keep the memory card in the PDA instead of taking out a card reader to transfer files.
4) I also agree with adding an EQ on WMP.
5) ActiveSync can be improved more ways than one. (Think overhaul)
Jason, we all appreciate the offer to take up these suggestions with MS!
04-03-2004, 01:53 AM
I'll live with software flaws. Lets get talking about free hardware! 0X
David Prahl
04-03-2004, 01:55 AM
I'll keep in list form to facilitate the gleaning of suggestions:
--Dump ActiveSync. Make something new from the ground up that actually works and isn't tied to other MS products. Like HotSync.
--More functionality for Word & Excel, get PPT viewer. I can't bring myself to word process documents because it's so cumbersome. Static toolbars. Tables. IMAGES!
--Let me come with. I'm sure I could bus tables or something. :lol:
David C
04-03-2004, 01:56 AM
A better acceleration engine for Windows Media Video. Also, WMV 9 support for older Pocket PC that did not have option to upgrade to WM2003.
04-03-2004, 02:11 AM
This is my list already sent to Microsoft a while ago.
- Allow the Inbox accounts to be backed up and restored without corruption via Activesync.
- Bring back the "Windows CE Inbox Transfer" functionality... The ability to transfer Draft messages between Outlook and Inbox (with a warning that formatting will be lost)... The ability to move Sent messages in non-Activesync email accounts to Outlook... The ability to copy certain emails that you want to respond to to the Pocket PC which may be older than your syncing period... The ability to copy/move old SMS messages to folders in Outlook.
- More user friendly Bluetooth implementation... Options for settings on Paired Bluetooth devices... Multiple Bluetooth Activesync partnerships... Swapable Bluetooth headset definitions. FTP profile in the "Beam File" command.
- "Phone" application skin swaping interface... More highly customizable skinning for Phone application (similar to Media Player's skinning functionalty/implementation).* Use image files for down state of buttons!* No more DLL and registry editing for changing skins.
- Visual listing of Conference call attendee's in Phone application. Tap & Hold interface for hanging up or holding certain conference call attendees.* Currently you can only hang up on all conference attendees!
- Ability to back-up/syncronize Call History to Outlook Journal.
- SMS Sent Folder should display actual message not subject in the list view. In the SMS message view, it should also display the subject in the subject field.
- Basic MMS support in Inbox for sending file attachments (images, audio, movies) as MMS messages.
- Pocket Streets with GPS routing capabilities that integrates with Microsoft Voice Command for synthesized directions.
- Microsoft Voice Command capabilities for recognition of setting destinations with Pocket Streets.
- The ability to activate Microsoft Voice Command from a Bluetooth Headset, and the ability for Voice Command to recieve input from a Bluetooth Headset.
- The ability for Microsoft Voice Command to announce incoming calls by pronouncing the caller's name (after looking it up in Caller ID).*
- The ability to pronounce contact names in the Contacts list so that the user can more easily speak the way Voice Command understands.*
- SMS/MMS account integration with Outlook.* Must have the ability to move/copy messages to Outlook folders.* NO SYNCING PLEASE!*
- Ability to send SMS/MMS messages from Outlook through Activesync through the Windows Mobile Phone.
- The ability to send audio other than phone conversations to a bluetooth headset (particularly for GPS navigation.)
- Make Internet Explorer's "Fit to Screen" command fit the web page content to the screen width so that there is no horizontal scrolling.*
- Extended operating system theme capabilities.* It would be very cool if a developer could create a Theme file that would not only change the OS colors and Today screen, but also the Windows Media Player skin and Phone skin.*
- Ability to log in to MSN Messenger via port 80.
- No duplicate Notification Events
- Sort by modification date for Windows Media Player's Local Content Playlist view.* This is VERY important to me!
- Media Player Playlist creation by genre, artist, or album.* Similar to what Voice Command does except using visual GUI.
- Voice Command support for playing a particular song title in Media Player.
- Close applications via sliding gesture definable through a smart minimize control panel setting.* Current behavior can be retained by default.
- Outlook Journal syncing.* Journal application on the Pocket PC with list view similar to Tasks application.
- Portable Media Center skin interface for Media Player?
- Bluetooth powered remote control interface for Windows XP Media Center!!
- Photo caller ID on Windows Mobile Phone edition with Contact photos that syncronize with Outlook 2003.
- "Photos" application that can scroll through all images in a folder by using the directional pad.* Side to Side switches photos.* Up and down zooms in/out.*
- "Find on Map" command for Contacts program that allows you to choose from multiple addresses.
- All "Tap 'n Hold" commands shown in the context sensitive menu for selected Contacts should also appear in the open Contact's Tools menu!* Same for Calendar, Tasks, & Notes.
04-03-2004, 02:11 AM
The biggest issue I have is not being able to specify a different port for terminal server connections.
04-03-2004, 02:14 AM
7. .........I have quite a nested folder structure; but its the only way to keep things organized when one writes as much as I do... I'd like to be able to open and save documents from anywhere on the device, regardless of location. File Open/Save dialogs should not be limited to a single level under \My Documents as they are now.
And only barely secondarily to the above is the ability to sync *any* file nested *anywhere* on the PPC to *anywhere* on the desktop, laptop, OR network.
Personally, I would also be as happy as a pig in slop if they provided USB or Firewire support. I'd like nothing better than to be able to attach a 20gb drive to the PPC when out 'in the field' with the digicam and transfer RAW files off the digicam to the HD.[/code]
Steven Cedrone
04-03-2004, 02:14 AM
I can't believe it wasn't until the second page before alrms were mentioned! :wink:
04-03-2004, 02:22 AM
top of my list to fix would include:
- alarms - they should go off multiple times
- connection manager - way too confusing
- new 2003 bugs related to alarms
- more functionality in the Today screen - like listing tasks or multi-day appointments
- better playlist support in WMP - right now you have to be a masochist to use playlists of any large size
- bring back sound scheme support
04-03-2004, 02:22 AM
Remote Desktop: so I can control my desktop computer running XP Pro from my WiFi connected Pocket PC (or GPRS connected, etc)
That has been in PPC since day one. I use the built in VPN over WiFi in the office to control PC's at home.
Wow! I thought I knew a lot about Pocket PCs, obviously not!! Any chance you could point me to a tutorial on how to do this? Thanks!!!
04-03-2004, 02:24 AM
We have a vocal crowd... and after reading through these responses - I agree with just about everyone of the requests!!
Go for it - with both barrels!!
04-03-2004, 02:25 AM
3) Hi-speed USB 2.0 support.
It might be more a hardware feature but having software support might be a good start (unless it's supported already) so that OEMs can integrate USB2. It would be much more convienent to keep the memory card in the PDA instead of taking out a card reader to transfer files.
I'll second that!
04-03-2004, 02:42 AM
1) SQL Server CE that can replicate / utalize stored procedures!
2) PocketPC / Windows Mobile etc., developer tools that are available to the developer community either free (like EVB/C was) or at a reasonable cost ($800 CA is a bit too expensive)
3) How about a certification? MCSD.NET PPC/CE/WM
Dave Potter
04-03-2004, 02:45 AM
Make it remember what input method I picked last, even through a soft reset
Better links between the calender, contacts and tasks. It should be possible to view an appointment and link to the associated contact(s) with a single click. Same for tasks as well. Inversly, we should be able to view contacts and link to associated tasks, appointments and related contacts with a single click.
Dave Potter
04-03-2004, 02:47 AM
Remote Desktop: so I can control my desktop computer running XP Pro from my WiFi connected Pocket PC (or GPRS connected, etc)
That has been in PPC since day one. I use the built in VPN over WiFi in the office to control PC's at home.
Wow! I thought I knew a lot about Pocket PCs, obviously not!! Any chance you could point me to a tutorial on how to do this? Thanks!!!
I wouldn't mind seeing this as well. I've been using VNC - but I've never tried the built in Terminal Services Client.
04-03-2004, 02:51 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing this as well. I've been using VNC - but I've never tried the built in Terminal Services Client.
The built-in one works very well, but that screenshot is not of the built-in Terminal client from PPC2002, WM2003. It looks like some other Terminal Server client used for PPC 2000 or raw WinCE. Note the application title bar at the bottom of the screen.
04-03-2004, 02:51 AM
A real Inbox that handles multiple POP3 & IMAP accounts and imports those accounts from the desktop. No more reconfiguring email accounts in Inbox after resets.
Dave Potter
04-03-2004, 02:55 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing this as well. I've been using VNC - but I've never tried the built in Terminal Services Client.
The built-in one works very well, but that screenshot is not of the built-in Terminal client from PPC2002, WM2003. It looks like some other Terminal Server client used for PPC 2000 or raw WinCE. Note the application title bar at the bottom of the screen.
Soooo... the tutorial??? :)
04-03-2004, 02:56 AM
Fix problem with Ink Notes that corrupt the record.
Bring back the old feature to give user selectable field column sizes by draging the colum width bar, as we have on on most Window machines. That is the one thing i miss from the old Win Ce days. When the screen is small let us decide how much of each field we wish to display...
04-03-2004, 03:08 AM
OH I forgot... OneNote ( compatibility!
alarms that are 100% reliable, ie don't require a 3rd party app to correct MS' mistakes.
that is VERY important
primal basic feature that needs to work correctly
Mitch D
04-03-2004, 03:10 AM
I won't echo ideas that others have already posted because there is alot of good ones.
What I would like is too see is a MS MCP (not MVP) program for portable OS's like WinCE, Windows Mobile, etc.
04-03-2004, 03:15 AM
1) More system control -=> I find it more than strange that I have to download software in order to change the file associations or to format/check for errors on an SD card - these are things that should be included from the get go.
2) Pocket Office -=> Word especially. Give us tables. Maybe it's because I'm an engineering student and have to have a lot of numbers in lab write ups - but I use tables and I'd like to see them behave better in pocket word
3) Media formats -=> I find it a joke that I have to download additional software to play mpegs.
4) Software -=> Where is an application like paint or something so I can make doodles, etc etc.
Thats all I can think of now.
04-03-2004, 03:21 AM
1) More system control -=> I find it more than strange that I have to download software in order to change the file associations or to format/check for errors on an SD card - these are things that should be included from the get go.
2) Pocket Office -=> Word especially. Give us tables. Maybe it's because I'm an engineering student and have to have a lot of numbers in lab write ups - but I use tables and I'd like to see them behave better in pocket word
3) Media formats -=> I find it a joke that I have to download additional software to play mpegs.
4) Software -=> Where is an application like paint or something so I can make doodles, etc etc.
Thats all I can think of now.
You ask too much for free. :lol:
04-03-2004, 03:29 AM
Connection Mangler
The connection mangler needs to be fixed!
One of my biggest beefs...
I would love P-Inbox to support and be able to sync with PST folders that you create in Outlook on your desktop.
Our exchange server scans each item as it is delivered for viruses. Obviously this creates a ton of lag and hanging. If i dont move the emails to a local inbox in my PST folder, it still accesses that info from the exchange server and hangs some more. Large attachments make my Outlook crash! So by creating a rule to automatically move each item to the PST folder where my local inbox is, it hangs while the message is transfered there and then is problem free.... why can't P-Inbox sync with PST folders you create???? Why oh why?
ActiveSync needs a complete overhaul
04-03-2004, 03:31 AM
Alarm problems
Fix problems with alarms not reliably waking up the PPC and duplicate alarms entries being created in the alarm database.
Change alarm API to allow each alarm to specify how long the PPC should remain powered on after an alarm triggers. Currently there is no API for this at all and it can cause long or repeated alarm sounds to get cut off.
04-03-2004, 03:39 AM
Another vote for
1. easy synching over the Internet
2. PRESSURE THE SUPPLIERS OF PPC DEVICES TO UPGRADE THE OS!!!! Raise your hand if you hate Toshiba.
Ryan Joseph
04-03-2004, 03:54 AM
OH I forgot... OneNote ( compatibility!
Absolutely!! OneNote has to be one of the coolest programs Microsoft has come up with so far. Even a slimmed down version for PPCs would be sweet. I want a Tablet now just so I can have OneNote! And with the handwriting recognition of PPCs, it wouldn't be that hard to find someway to integrate them. 8)
Good luck, Jason! We'll be thinking about you!
04-03-2004, 03:58 AM
1) Fix the alarm bug.
2) Multiple pies.
3) Have forward arrow to allow going forward/back in pie.
3) Include format/defrag/fdisk.
4) Allow to delete multiple prior items in appts.
Well thats about it off the top of my head (might as well have something up there since there is no hair) :lol:
04-03-2004, 04:08 AM
1) FIX ALARMS in PPC2003
2) FIX ActiveStink once and for all. Please use HotSync as your target.
04-03-2004, 04:16 AM
Some suggestions from me...
1) Fix the Alarm Bug so that it works reliably.
2) Fix the Microsoft Reader program so that we don't get the error "Microsoft Reader is no longer able to read the file..."
3) Allow users to specify whether the X button Minimises or Closes an application.
4) Windows Media Player - Support for MPEG and DivX files.
5) Create a PocketAccess application for users to view and create Microsoft Access Files on the PocketPC.
Thank you.
04-03-2004, 04:25 AM
I heard that you are going to be briefed about office 12. I would be very interested to know about it and its interaction with what we will be using then as PDA OSes.
04-03-2004, 04:51 AM
Please, allow alarms for Tasks set in Outlook to go off at ANY time other than 8am!!!
Either a user-defineable set time for all task alams, or the actual time that Outlook has set the alarm for each task would be nice.
Not everyone works a 7:30-3:30 job.
04-03-2004, 04:55 AM
All I'm saying is to go here:
04-03-2004, 04:59 AM
I would also like to see wizards in Pocket Office (once it actually gets some features of course :lol:). They could just pop up as a dialog or even as a full screen thing (maybe better for size, like the secure link notification dialog in Pocket IE). Not something as sophisticated as the Mail Merge wizard is, but something simple like an AutoFormat wizard would be nice.
04-03-2004, 05:06 AM
A few simple suggestions:
1) A "go to item" button (like Outlook has) on the Task Reminder screen. That way I can easily get to whatever notes I may have written concerning said task.
2) Ability to view HTML in e-mails, even if it is by utilizing an external viewer (i.e. PIE), like nPOP does. Of course, that would also mean changing ActiveSync's need to strip out HTML.
3) Easier WiFi ActiveSync
4) More consistency with PPC's ability/inability to recognize NTFS drives on a network
Thanks for giving us a better chance of having our voices heard , Jason!
04-03-2004, 05:13 AM
Yet another thing: I would like to see Microsoft add some more audio feedback from the PPC. For example, when you open Pocket Money, maybe you could hear that Money tune thing? If the PPC has many multimedia capabilities, why not use them to add to the pleasure of using the device? Right now there are about ten sounds you can use to do things.
The Pocket PC Phone Edition's have ringtones, don't they? :wink:
04-03-2004, 05:22 AM
OH I forgot... OneNote ( compatibility!
Absolutely!! OneNote has to be one of the coolest programs Microsoft has come up with so far. Even a slimmed down version for PPCs would be sweet. I want a Tablet now just so I can have OneNote! And with the handwriting recognition of PPCs, it wouldn't be that hard to find someway to integrate them. 8)
Good luck, Jason! We'll be thinking about you!
A lite version of OneNote would be nice, (currently using Repli-Go to save OneNote folders on PPC) but at the very least, a OneNote SideNote applet that would allow me to jot something quickly on my PPC and sync back to OneNote. This would be slick.
04-03-2004, 05:29 AM
OH I forgot... OneNote ( compatibility!
Absolutely!! OneNote has to be one of the coolest programs Microsoft has come up with so far. Even a slimmed down version for PPCs would be sweet. I want a Tablet now just so I can have OneNote! And with the handwriting recognition of PPCs, it wouldn't be that hard to find someway to integrate them. 8)
Good luck, Jason! We'll be thinking about you!
A lite version of OneNote would be nice, (currently using Repli-Go to save OneNote folders on PPC) but at the very least, a OneNote SideNote applet that would allow me to jot something quickly on my PPC and sync back to OneNote. This would be slick.
How are you using RepliGO to do this with OneNote?
04-03-2004, 05:39 AM
Yeah, OneNote compatibility, that is a definite need-to-have. I was wondering why Word included Pocket PC notes support while Microsoft's biggest note application, OneNote, still does not.
Very good point 8)
Kacey Green
04-03-2004, 06:09 AM
Not just because it's timely right now with a new OS update imminent but because it's an issue that is revisited every update. It would be great if MS could somehow pressure OEMs to provide updates for any device that is still in the retail channel. I think MS should have enough clout to prevent this flurry of petitions every time an update is released by MS.
Laying it all on the OEMs is just a cop out in my book.
how about the upgrade process being more like the pc where MS handles the OS and the OEMs provide driver and software updates
Kacey Green
04-03-2004, 06:10 AM
how about giving them a printout of this thread?
04-03-2004, 06:18 AM
Make connection manager understandable and flexible.
Make Bluetooth connections more stable.
Make PIE faster, fix fit-to-page and allow multiple windows.
DRM is a major issue for me. Most of my music and movies start out as CDs/DVDs, and although I'd like to keep the ability to copy them into whatever format I'd like, at least I do have the originals. Ebooks are more of a problem, because the ebook is all I have. I've spent at least a thousand dollars on ebooks in the past few years, and I'd really like to think that I've actually bought the books, and not just rented them. At least with PeanutPress books, I can pass them on to my husband after I've read them (along with my credit card number), but with Microsoft Lit, I can't lend them out or even be sure of reading them on multiple devices without jumping through hoops. And with either system, there are no guarantees that the formats won't become obsolete and unreadable on any new devices.
04-03-2004, 07:59 AM
Microsoft should make ROM upgrades available to OEMs immediately so that users of existing technology can upgrade
Permit upgrade paths in all forthcoming PPC products
Loosen the hold on form factors--the HPC would still be available in abundance had this not happened--the PPC is not the best solution for everyone
Permit the same OS in all form factors
(BTW, I have no bias; I use both the HPC and PPC; the HPC is my solution of choice at work; I use the PPC outside work)
Thank you,
Rene Siegel
Wow lot's of replys! 8O
I gotta say, I didn't take the time to read them all...
Whatever happened to going to your office with your Bluetooth enabled PDA in your suitcase and having your desktop connect and sync to your PDA while it's still in the case??? MAKE IT HAPPEN MICROSOFT!
If you have used Float's Mobile Agent (, you'll see that it can be done. I have it setup so when I get back to my apartment, my desktop unmutes the speakers and plays music. It knows I'm in range when I'm coming up the steps to the front door.
This is done with a Sony Ericsson T610 and Float proxi's MA proximity setting for bluetooth.
It's been said by many before, but I'll add my vote as number one issue:
ActiveSync. It sucks. Speaking as a student of software engineering, it seems as if it is not fixable in its current form. I emphatically do not want ActiveSync that is broken in a slightly different way. Throw it away and start over.
Subpoint 1: "Does this network card connect to Work or Internet?" WTF are you talking about? What are the consequences if I select one or the other? It connects to the freaking TCP/IP network, and the rest is none of your business! How did this nonsensical crap get past usability QA? If you want to do something useful, allow me to define multiple network profiles and select which should be active.
Subpoint 2: Syncing over wifi. This should be built-in (why do I have to download Pocket Hosts?) and work effortlessly and consistently. I can't believe that at this late stage of the game this functionality is still so broken.
As for other features:
The mail client is useless to me until it supports secure IMAP connections.
Close buttons that actually close programs would be nice. I'm beginning to think that there must be some bureaucratic/political issues within MS preventing this feature, as it's clearly one of the most requested, and I can't see any technical issues.
-- Opus
04-03-2004, 08:52 AM
This one really is a nuisance IMHO! I have a XDA model I with 32 MB and at least once a day I get the low memory error even when no apps are loaded into memory and then I have to soft reset it :evil:
04-03-2004, 08:56 AM
It may seem simple but I want a program like MS Paint.
04-03-2004, 09:13 AM
4) Software -=> Where is an application like paint or something so I can make doodles, etc etc.
Why don't you use one of the following FREEWARE programs:
Pencil Box ( PaintWinCE v1.0 ( Mobile Pencil Normal Version ( JINZO Paint ( Paint & Create ( UltraG (
to mention a few.
04-03-2004, 09:15 AM
1. Fix Activesync
2. Fix Connection Manager: Work and Internet??? WTF is that?!
3. Fix Alarms (this is really important!!!)
4. Fix 'X' Button not closing the app thing...
5. Improve Pocket Word and Excel; Pocket IE; File Explorer; and WMP (if not see #6.)
6. Allow PPC users to choose an App to replace the built in ones (i.e. Replace 'File Explorer' with "Resco 2003')
7. Fix the limitation in 'Inbox' let us store our attachments where we want them...
8. Make Pocket Word see only documents that are in the damn folder!
9. Allow PPC Users to select the Install Directory for a particular App (i.e. SD Card\Games\RPG\xxxxx)
10. Let PPC Users set the Alarm time for Tasks (8am task reminder sucks....)
Bny Castro
May the FORCE Be With You...
04-03-2004, 10:41 AM
Better links between the calender, contacts and tasks. It should be possible to view an appointment and link to the associated contact(s) with a single click. Same for tasks as well. Inversly, we should be able to view contacts and link to associated tasks, appointments and related contacts with a single click.
from zipper
I've looked for this for a long time. I go to a meeting and I'd like to hyperlink to my agenda or better yet to pocketmindmap where they give me the capability to hyperlink from the branches. If they can do it why can't microsoft?
Pocketmindmap also has a great way to make curved lines. I'd like to make simple graphics with smooth curved lines. Nothing out there seems to do that. I have pocket artist. I know I can do some graphics within p-word but not this curved line thing or "connectors" to the boxes and circles. That can't be that hard or add that much memory since mindmap does it.
I'd like to see graphics out of p-excel. without that it's about useless to me.
I have a 3600 ipaq and i think this is fixed but - the digitizer is not good which means the lines are rarely smooth made in "ink" mode.
Shaun Stuart
04-03-2004, 11:04 AM
I have read through the suggestions so far and I think all the major issues have been mentioned with the exception of one.
While this may not fall directly under OS enhancement the Pocket PCs media funtions and portability is grossly underutilised due to limited content availability.
I purchased Microsoft Plus : Digital Media - purely for the "Sync and Go" software for Pocket PC. The idea is that video content can be downloaded over the internet and synchronised with my Pocket PC so I can watch it wherever I am whenever I want. The idea is great the implementation is let down by limited content. The news bulletins are quite good but they are all US stations. One channel offers movie trailers - or I should say trailer as they have been showing Harry Potter 3 for the last 4 weeks. I am sure Microsoft should be in a position to offer better and more regular content. I want to be able to view international news, a daily magazine show for music, games and movies, a few 30 minutes TV shows, a good sports highlight show and the odd cartoon would be nice to watch on the commute to or from work every day.
Even the written content available is limited to Avantgo at the minute. I like Avantgo but feel there should be more options. Why cant I read my full Empire Movie Magazine (With pictures), the Economist or Mens Health formatted for a pocket pc screen. I know I could visit the websites but its not the samething.
If Microsoft got behind this and really pushed it I am sure that people would be willing to pay subscriptions for qood quality premium content.
(1) Close ("X") button = Close application. If they want it to minimize, add a minimize button. WM's app/memory management isn't very good. Lots of apps open = SLOW performance.
(2) Scrap the existing connection manager completely! Create a new one that allows prioritizing of different connections (WiFi = first priority, if it is not available or turned off go to Activesync at 2nd priority; if it is not available go to bluetooth at 3rd priority, etc), and also allows VPN connections independent of internet connection method.
...Also allow a single network to connect to both Work and The Internet and not have to choose one or the other (don't most networks do both these days?). This whole thing is WAY too confusing and frustrating to set up! I still don't have it right even after playing with it for hours.
(3) ActiveSync needs some work. About 3/4 of the time i get a "critical communications could not start" and then a lot of the time I get a synchronization conflict: "remove and reset your device and reconnect." This just shouldn't be. Why should I have to remove the device? Can't ActiveSync just reinialize without me physically removing the device?
(4) It would also be nice if ActiveSync over WiFi worked as a partnered device instead of a guest.
That is all... for now.
Anthony Caruana
04-03-2004, 12:08 PM
alarms that are 100% reliable, ie don't require a 3rd party app to correct MS' mistakes.
that is VERY important
primal basic feature that needs to work correctly
The real issue to fix is that apps like this are more thoroughly tested before release. This particular bug has been around since day 1 of WM2003 and still isn't fixed.
04-03-2004, 12:17 PM
First of, the usual complaints:
Fix activesync, fix alarms, fix memory management issues and add a close button, add multiple windows in PIE, and add more features to Word and Excel
Now some other issues:
1. Add the ability to export recorded audio embedded in notes as WAV files
2. Fix notes program so it doesn't become so sluggish with more than 100 records.
3. Add ability to set the install-to-directory when installing applications (not just specifying card or RAM)
4. Fix it so that it doesn't take so long for installed programs window to come up (currently it takes *way* too long to install multiple applications because you spend a lot of time waiting around).
5. Improve Transcriber responsiveness (I stopped using it because of screen pauses on my HP2210).
6. Add Palm's graffiti-like shortcuts for navigation and commands.
Make connection manager like it is in Windows XP/2k
At the moment I sync with my personal email using Exchange ActiveSync server and have an IMAP account for my work email.
* When I am at home the IMAP works ok by dialling the VPN automatically, and doing a send and recieve
* When I am at work it still tries to VPN in and that doesn't work
* If I try and wireless synch to my desktop PC from home it still establishes the VPN and does a send and recieve via my Office.
* When using bluetooth you have to change everything to get it to work.
04-03-2004, 03:47 PM
This is a Pocket PC – or Pocket PERSONAL Computer – allow me to make it more personal…
I would like it if I purchased a Pocket PC and it came with a default load in RAM, But I could PERSONALIZE it - more like a desktop install…
This way on my WM2003 I could add things that are important to me PERSONALLY (like eVB Runtimes) and exclude things that are not important to me (MS Pictures, MSN Messenger). I could then PERSONALIZE my Pocket PC balancing the utility I want and the amount of “file store” I want.
Beyond the following is my ‘punch list’
- fix the alarms!
- allow me to open the item from the notification alarm
- allow me to configure repeating alarms for appointments
- allow me to define time for task alarm
- fix that database that keeps growing with each reset
- add a task manager that works well and is always available
- change the “X” to a minimize icon – allow me to CLOSE WITH A GESTURE
In the area of independent software developers – give us more tools at a reasonable cost to program for these GREAT devices! I can’t and won’t drop US$1000. to get the latest programming suite…
Provide an Active Sync Conduit (or updated RAPI calls) that allows for the transfer of an Access Table on the desktop to create SQLCE tables on the Pocket PC. A lot of database applications are for personal use and using DAO or ADO on the desktop to a MDB is all that is needed – but the ADO on the Pocket PC is too limited. These individual applications are not for an enterprise and SQL Server on the desktop side is OVERKILL. A MDB <--> SQLCE ActiveSync conduit would resolve this.
IMPROVE POCKET WORD!!! I´m tired of losing formats. And i don´t want to buy another app. At least, keep the fonts size! 0X :devilboy:
:!: :!: :!: "AND" FILTERING for PIM items (categories), not only "or".
04-03-2004, 05:35 PM
4) Software -=> Where is an application like paint or something so I can make doodles, etc etc.
Why don't you use one of the following FREEWARE programs:
Becasue we want one built into the ROM. We want MS Paint for PPC.
04-03-2004, 05:38 PM
Many of these have been mentioned, but here is my list:
1. Fix the fake X button - besides almost guaranteeing poor performance, this has to be the worst transfer effect ever in a user interface given the desktop behavior.
2. Replace - don't fix - Activesync. In my experience, newer versions just don't work any better than older ones, they just have different (inexcusably bad) bugs. I can't count the number of times syncing has failed altogether, or taken 30 minutes instead of seconds, or wiped my Money file on my desktop, or had unresolvable items, or not recognized the device, or crashed my XP machine... you get the idea.
3. Overhaul WMP. There is no way to simply open a file. There is no way to play a 240x320 video file on a 240x320 screen (without rotating 90 degrees and cropping). Defaulting to a list of all "local content" of both videos and music from across folders in an unpredictable order is not useful. Again, the list goes on.
4. Include some obviously missing core applications, such as a simple drawing program. You have a device characterized by its high quality color screen and stylus based input, and no way to draw a blue smiley face without a third party program. And include a PowerPoint viewer while you're at it.
5. Make the Today screen more useful, with a program launcher, multiple day schedule, task and inbox listing, etc. Again, without needing third party fixes.
But most importantly:
Include an automatic backup to filestore or memory card before running out of power and self hard resetting. Dump the entire contents of the RAM onto my SD card if you have to, but don't just self-destruct. As long as my PocketPC continues to self-destruct, I will never be able to rely on it for anything important.
04-03-2004, 06:12 PM
1. Fix the alarm issue. This is almost criminal that 3rd-party app's are needed to get an alarm to work on a PDA.
2. Provide the ability to close an app. Again, almost criminal that I need a 3rd-party app for such a simple (seemingly) request that appears to be universal among users.
3. Make Pocket Word minimally functional or get rid of the icon that misleads people into thinking that this program has any use at all. I'm not looking for a full-fledged version of Word but geez, this is ridiculous!
4. Give me the ability to list my Tasks similar to appointments. Again, no way I should need a 3rd-party app for something that should be so inherently basic in a PDA.
Thanx for the opportunity to provide this type of input.
04-03-2004, 06:16 PM
Include an automatic backup to filestore or memory card before running out of power and self hard resetting. Dump the entire contents of the RAM onto my SD card if you have to, but don't just self-destruct. As long as my PocketPC continues to self-destruct, I will never be able to rely on it for anything important.
Hey guy, your h2210 has this future! Just open iPaq Backup and see the settings!
04-03-2004, 06:29 PM
Include an automatic backup to filestore or memory card before running out of power and self hard resetting. Dump the entire contents of the RAM onto my SD card if you have to, but don't just self-destruct. As long as my PocketPC continues to self-destruct, I will never be able to rely on it for anything important.
Hey guy, your h2210 has this future! Just open iPaq Backup and see the settings!
I'm not referring to scheduled backups, but automatic backups in the event my iPaq runs out of power. Also, I've had problems with my device not being recognized after restoring from iPaq Backup. In any case, this was meant as a suggestion for Microsoft concerning the OS, which ships on plenty of non-HP devices. :wink:
04-03-2004, 06:38 PM
Include an automatic backup to filestore or memory card before running out of power and self hard resetting. Dump the entire contents of the RAM onto my SD card if you have to, but don't just self-destruct. As long as my PocketPC continues to self-destruct, I will never be able to rely on it for anything important.
Hey guy, your h2210 has this future! Just open iPaq Backup and see the settings!
I'm not referring to scheduled backups, but automatic backups in the event my iPaq runs out of power. Also, I've had problems with my device not being recognized after restoring from iPaq Backup. In any case, this was meant as a suggestion for Microsoft concerning the OS, which ships on plenty of non-HP devices. :wink:
I'm not reffering to scheduled backups either:
But I agree, that having this utility directly in OS would be nice. However - this is one of many reasons, why my next PPC will be from HP, too.
04-03-2004, 06:41 PM
ActiveSync synchronizes with the default profile only (as far as I can tell). It should be possible to specify explicitly which profile ActiveSync uses for inbox/contacts/notes/etc. Also, ActiveSync should be able to use this explicit profile even if, say, desktop Outlook is currently open and using a different profile.
Intellisync operates correctly with the above described behaviour, so there should be no technological reason that this cannot be done.
04-03-2004, 06:53 PM
I'm not reffering to scheduled backups either:
But I agree, that having this utility directly in OS would be nice. However - this is one of many reasons, why my next PPC will be from HP, too.
Sorry, I should have clarified: the problem I have is that my iPaq turns itself on and hence runs out of power and hard resets itself. When it turns itself on like this, the battery power monitor from iPaq Backup doesn't work - I do have it turned on. I already have daily scheduled backups, but it has now happened to me twice that I spend an hour or two entering events or contacts while away, only to find everything gone by the time I get home (and before the next scheduled backup). :?
Thanks anyway though, I'm sure the iPaq Backup monitor works for many other people.
04-03-2004, 07:13 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing this as well. I've been using VNC - but I've never tried the built in Terminal Services Client.
The built-in one works very well, but that screenshot is not of the built-in Terminal client from PPC2002, WM2003. It looks like some other Terminal Server client used for PPC 2000 or raw WinCE. Note the application title bar at the bottom of the screen.
It is the built in Terminal Service app that has shiped with every PPC over the last four years. It will control Win 2k Server running terminal services or Win XP Pro remote desktop. To use it you launch Terminal services on the PPC and enter the name or IP of the machine that you would like to control. If the desktop is configured to run remote desktop you get a login screen.
There are many ways to set up a VPN the easiest in hardware. Linksys and many router companies have built VPN support. The Linksys WRV54G is a nice box. Or you can follow this tutorial if you would like to use Win XP
04-03-2004, 07:20 PM
1. Add the ability to export recorded audio embedded in notes as WAV files
Do you mean on the PPC? If you use the voice recorder on your PPC while in a text note it embedded the .wav file in the note. When you sync it will show a .wav file in the note in Outlook on the desktop. That .wav file can be exported.
04-03-2004, 07:42 PM
Here's a good one. I noticed this in the Beta of the OZONE 2003 phone edition. Unless inbox is open and running(minimized, not closed) the auto check email feature does not work. Well in the different vendors versions throughout the world they fixed this, EXCEPT...unless you have more then one email account. If you do it will only on it's own launch it's self and check you email if before closing inbox you had left it selected on an email account you choose check email for. If you leave it on SMS or Activesync, or any other account that does not auto connect and check email, you will not get your email. It should check all the acounts one by on in the list that you have choosen this feature for not just one only. This feature is rendered useless for thes other account even if you have check auto connect and check email every...
ok that my 2 cents.
Actually why is it a penny for your thoughts and 2 cents for you ideas? Someones making a penny somewhere here 8O ......hmmmm...? :?
David Prahl
04-03-2004, 08:14 PM
About the whole "X-button/close program" fiasco:
Why not tap the close button to minimize an app and hold-tap it to close it?
04-03-2004, 08:16 PM
i dont know if any of the thoughts team will get this but you must beg for them to fix the alarm problem. i was playing around with it and ended up hard reseting my 2215. the sad thing is that i almost did a backup earlier that morning but decided against it because i was trying to use it at the time.
04-03-2004, 08:43 PM
I have read a lot of post but not all so here it is my little list:
- choose the hour for tasks alarm (at 08:00 a lot of user still sleeping or only me? :wink: )
- choose if the X button must close or minimize apps
- add a function to Inbox for check every account you have, (now you must do it one by one)
- add a function to sincronization that allows user to sync pubblic folder of MS Outlook and not only the personal folder
- add a function that allow user to sync not only inbox folder of email but also sent draft and other folder that user can create into outlook
- add ability to sent over bluetooth everything (just like beam file in Explorer)
- add tree visualization to file explorer
- add ability to send and receive file over messenger (i think it is possible or not?)
- add more visualization scheme for the today screen (more option for calendar and task like more day visualization or today task ecc.)
- improve activesync for sync big file (it crash when you have to sync big file now)
- add dial over bluetooth also into the contact view not only in the list view trought the tap&hold function (this is stupid I know but is also a stupid lack)
- add ability to open a task or appointment when the alarm ring, so you can read something more than the little thing you see now.
- add ability to link element of the pim each other like PocketInformant or Agenda fusion do example ad alarm ring you open the element "meeting with Mr. X" and you need to call this person if you have the link you can open the contact.
- add ability to create a task or an appointment directly from contact list
I think this should give a little work to the MS guys hoping that do the 50% of this :wink:
04-03-2004, 09:12 PM
Lotsa good suggestions, so I won't repeat them. I've got one which hasn't been mentioned, so here it is..
Thank you.
Kevin Daly
04-03-2004, 09:15 PM
1) That darned "close" button that doesn't close!
It's enough of a challenge to explain to people why the close button is really minimize and that 20 step process to end a program is really unnecessary.
The Not-Really-Close button is interesting because it's not a limitation of the operating system, it's a standard.
Every day people writing software are having to make the choice "Do I make it easy for users to close the application, or do I go for logo certification etc. etc. ?"
It would be interesting to know if anybody thinks Smart [yeah, right] Minimize is a good idea. Microsoft seem to think They're Doing It For Our Own Good And One Day We'll Thank Them. It's not obvious why it would be so terrible to at least give people the choice (even if you dutifully design your app to have no close button, just the minimise, if you have a menu option that lets people close, that's a no-no too. It's completely loony).
I know their reasoning (maximise availability of commonly used applications, and have them remember their state when you return to them), but that doesn't fit very well the world of limited memory and CPU power we live in still. Making the memory management routines in the OS more aggressive might help, but I'm not sure I see the advantage over letting users make the choice. It's also true that application developers may be partly to blame for the grand vision not playing out as er, envisaged: we have an obligation to clean up unused resources when an app is minimised which I suspect is often ignored.
It's also possible that if Windows Mobile applications shift to being largely .NET Compact Framework based with the release of version 2.0 next year, with the improved garbage collector in that version and possibly better support from a future OS version the Smart Minimize thing might end up being less annoying than it is now, but I still don't see why they can't just let people choose themselves. It would make for so many more happy campers. Another option would be to have an API call that mapped to something users could configure in Settings, so they could define globally whether its behaviour should be Close or Minimise (I think that would need to be a new icon on the Form, since the existing Close and Minimize both have their place and will continue to)...So the existing Close would mean "Always Close", and would continue to be used for dialogs and so on, the existing Minimize would mean "Always Minimize" and be used for when people who normally like to close don't want to just now, and the new one would be "Either Close Or Deactivate Depending On User Settings".
04-03-2004, 09:22 PM
I don't have WM2003, so if I'm stating things that already exist, sorry!
Put PocketPowerPoint back! Maybe PocketAccess, too, but I have yet to use it on my HPC (that I've had for about four weeks, now)
Make a nice sweet deal with Zinio, so that I can read my digital magazines on my next PPC.
Give us a scientific calculator! That other one just makes me angry!
Like everyone else says, fix or re-do ActiveSync. I'm tired of being asked from device to device what to do with the stuff (overwrite, combine, do nothing), and I'm tired of getting dozens of "Changed Copy of <blah>" in my limited storage space. As mentioned before, I also want to synchronize public folders; it would be really nice to be able to sync my workgroup's On-Call Calendar. Give me syncing anywhere, so that I can keep my main storage free for running programs. That last release of ActiveSync broke browsing on my PPC, so that I have to close all explorer windows to get into it; no amount of uninstalling and re-installing (even oldere version) has restored what I lost. Give it back!
I feel like I'm being disloyal to the wonderful programmers of TextMaker and PPX, but I, too, would like tables in Word and Excel. Heck, just make them useful, or like another poster said, call PWord PWordPad, or maybe PNotePad, since I wonder if WordPad has more functionality. I mentioned PPX, because I also want to close programs, the way I can on my HPC.
I had my Axim configured at one time to keep alarms from draining my batteries, but it seems my problem is back. Like everyone else in the world, I want this to work right.
How about some OGG support in WMP? No? I didn't think that one would fly.
Note: reading down further in my PPCT newsletter, I see that build 4034 of ActiveSync 3.7.1 is supposed to fix my explorer issue. Ve shall see!
04-03-2004, 10:55 PM
(4) It would also be nice if ActiveSync over WiFi worked as a partnered device instead of a guest.
I'm doing this all the time.
04-03-2004, 11:07 PM
I sync to my Exchange server and my PC (whenever my PC isn't connected to my work VPN, which is admittedly rare, since I need the VPN to keep Outlook up-to-date) via WiFi. The Axim doesn't make a guest connection to do this.
04-03-2004, 11:08 PM
I would like an application like wordpad that can read and edit .txt files larger than memory, that does NOT have Word's overhead - I use write on Windows all the time.
Just a note: It is the inability of PocketPC developers to address most of the issues identified in this thread (I have been waiting for the last 4 years) that has me waiting on OQO and/or FlipStart this Christmas. I'll give up instant on for functionality.
04-03-2004, 11:28 PM
While I would prefer that Microsoft improve the existing Pocket Word, Excel and Outlook apps, I personally would be willing to pay a _reasonable_ price for a Pocket Office app that has the functionality we all thought we were getting when we bought our first Pocket PCs. I may be totally alone on this, but I do understand that MS doesn't make much off each PPC (I've heard $10 ...) so they have no incentive to gear up their Office programmers to spend a lot of hours on PW, PE, and PO. However, if they made $40 or so off of a separately sold Pocket Office, there _might_ be some incentive for them. Again, just a personal opinion that might not be widely shared. It' probably too late to help you out for next week, Jason, but maybe a poll on this would be worthwhile. If there's already been one and I missed, I apologize.
04-03-2004, 11:39 PM
1. Add the ability to export recorded audio embedded in notes as WAV files
Do you mean on the PPC? If you use the voice recorder on your PPC while in a text note it embedded the .wav file in the note. When you sync it will show a .wav file in the note in Outlook on the desktop. That .wav file can be exported.
SeanI have a bunch of embedded audio clips in notes that I can't pull out of Outlook. I looked into it a while back and found that a lot of people were having trouble exporting WAV files from Outlook notes. How did you do it?
I've been able to get to some of my audio clips but not others... I did have Pocket Informant installed for a while and that might have something to do with some of the audio clips showing up as WAV files on the PPC and some not... I don't remember as it's been so long since I tried to extract the audio files.
04-04-2004, 12:28 AM
OH I forgot... OneNote ( compatibility!
Yes...and along the same lines, some way of working with the digital ink formats from the different programs - seems to be different for OneNote, MS Journal (previous tablet app that did the same thing) and ink files from Pocket Notepad.
04-04-2004, 12:49 AM
Just a note: It is the inability of PocketPC developers to address most of the issues identified in this thread (I have been waiting for the last 4 years) that has me waiting on OQO and/or FlipStart this Christmas. I'll give up instant on for functionality.
I may not be getting the correct gist of what you mean by this. My thoughts were the opposite - that many of the requests are for additional "features" that really belong in the domain of third party apps. Also that many of the requests have already been addressed by a third-party app, and so no need to add them into the application load. In fact, there was one post that suggested that the app load is already too big and the poster wanted the ability to unload some. Interestingly, this ability is now appearing in where you can significantly modify the ROMs of devices made by HTC and get rid of stuff that you don't want, and also insert into ROM apps that you consider indispensable.
04-04-2004, 01:36 AM
Oh, yeah, I want that, too! If we're going to continue with that stupid calculator, then let me be able to remove it and install a better one! If we're going to have a crippled Word, then let me be able to get it off my limited storage space and make room for TextMaker! By all means, if Microsoft is going to make substandard (user standards, of course) apps, then let us be able to remove them, the way we can with the Cassiopeia BE-300.
Chairman Clench
04-04-2004, 02:16 AM
alarms that are 100% reliable, ie don't require a 3rd party app to correct MS' mistakes.
that is VERY important
primal basic feature that needs to work correctly
The real issue to fix is that apps like this are more thoroughly tested before release. This particular bug has been around since day 1 of WM2003 and still isn't fixed.
Try again...
This issue has been around since PPC2000!!!!!!
It only affected a small number devices in PPC2000.
It was REALLY bad in PPC2002.
It has driven people away from the whole platform in WM2003.
The fact that this BASIC functionality bug has made it through 3 versions of the OS does not bode well for MS. Heck, they haven't even acknowledged the problem exists!
I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that this issue isn't fixed in WM2003SE either. Perhaps they will fix it in WM2022? Nah.
04-04-2004, 02:42 AM
You should ask them how they view POS Cobalt - a threat or a pushover.
04-04-2004, 03:30 AM
The number one thing I think Microsoft need to do is
to make the applications close when your done with
them. All these handhelds suffer from memory problems
and locking up because the applications do not shut down
after you use them to free up memory.
Dave Potter
04-04-2004, 05:44 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing this as well. I've been using VNC - but I've never tried the built in Terminal Services Client.
The built-in one works very well, but that screenshot is not of the built-in Terminal client from PPC2002, WM2003. It looks like some other Terminal Server client used for PPC 2000 or raw WinCE. Note the application title bar at the bottom of the screen.
It is the built in Terminal Service app that has shiped with every PPC over the last four years. It will control Win 2k Server running terminal services or Win XP Pro remote desktop. To use it you launch Terminal services on the PPC and enter the name or IP of the machine that you would like to control. If the desktop is configured to run remote desktop you get a login screen.
There are many ways to set up a VPN the easiest in hardware. Linksys and many router companies have built VPN support. The Linksys WRV54G is a nice box. Or you can follow this tutorial if you would like to use Win XP
Thanks for the link - but it doesn't work for me.
04-04-2004, 06:52 AM
Can the OS require that apps be run from RAM that doesn't get erased when the power is cut off?, maybe they can make it so that the RAM for Running Programs and the RAM for Installing Programs are separate. For example: 64MB ROM (for the Fixed the OS :lol:) + 64 MB RAM (for Running Programs) + 128MB RAM (for Installing Programs)
Bny Castro
May the FORCE Be With You...
04-04-2004, 06:30 PM
Zipper here is the link for seting up a VPN using Win XP
04-05-2004, 02:41 AM
Did someone mention this already? Make the Media Player play gaplessly between files!
Steven Cedrone
04-05-2004, 03:08 AM
For me, the issues that can be addressed by third party apps (ie: closing vs. smart minimize), are not a big concern. I would love to see ActiveSync, Connection Manager and the alarms problems given a high priority...
I started following this thread, but now with 12 pages and counting I don't have more time to read them all.
Like Glisson on page 1 I have problems with P.Word listing all the files on my X5 which has a 1 GB CF & a 256 MB SD cards. Each time I close a file to open another it takes ages to list all (my 1.3 GB of storage contains approximately 15,000 files in 1,000 folders !!).
Same huge problem with most apps that list all folders and all file types as a default, but also ALL THE TIME; they don't memorise the last folder and the last file type opened, even within the same work session.
It seems that only folders created from within P.Word can be listed individually (*) but not those created on the PC and probably those created with StarTap Explorer or another third party file explorer.
With all these severe, irritating and unacceptable limitations that MS bluntly ignores since 4 years ago (like centuries in the computing field), like P.Word/Excel that still strips formats within a file and most of the problems listed on the 12 pages, when miniPCs hit the market I'll very gladly abandon :2gunfire: PocketPCs in a heartbeat!!!!! :onfire:
*=within P.Word too, P.Excel might behave the same but apparently not other apps like Aidem P.Painter which uses another file open control, more akin to older Palm-size PCs
04-05-2004, 02:56 PM
Allow me to configure wireless to force itself to one wireless SSID, and not EVER prompt user to connect to a newly discovered SSID.
This is critical for vertical market wireless apps that work in kiosk mode. Once user unknowingly switches wifi networks, we're done, and the device is useless until a technician fixes the wireless configuration.
This "broke" with Windows Mobile 2003 and WZC (Wireless Zero Config, which we've now redubbed Wireless Zero Control).
And, in fact, this concept can be generically stated: Whenever you (MS) adds a feature to make things more automatic for the average consumer user, ALWAYS provide a documented means for the vertical market and enterprise application developers to disable that automatic behavior. WE MUST HAVE CONTROL over the device's behavior.
04-05-2004, 06:50 PM
Put some effort into the Pocket PC. It is still too complicated, requires too many steps to do things and does not handle memory very well. Forget about if it competes with the Tablet PC or not and do it right. Get rid of the Start menu.
04-05-2004, 07:28 PM
Ick...get rid of HIS Start Menu, but let me keep mine, even if I do cover it up with another Start Menu from PPX! Seriously, what are the options? That nasty TopMenu junk from the Cassiopeia BE-300 (I skinned the heck out of that, too!)? Back to Program Manager? Do give me cascading Start Menus, please.
(I just had to say that, but I wonder if Jason's checking in to read more, or if he was done collecting info Sunday.)
04-07-2004, 09:17 AM
I guess I'm too late for this, but anyway...
Having upgraded from a Jornada 430 to a Ipaq 5550, I'm pretty lost. Everything's so different!
It would really help if manuals for the software on my PPC were included along with the device manual (which, frankly, could be improved - this wireless newbie is really struggling to work out supposedly simple things - like connecting to a HP printer with bluetooth, for eg! :evil: )
How come we spend so much on our machines, and the suppliers just assume that our knowlege level is the same as a PPC Thoughts moderator's???? :roll: Surely some decent manuals in PDF format can't be too expensive to include?
Or maybe MS has already thought of this, and I just can't find the right pages on thier website?? :?
04-09-2004, 03:07 PM
Jason, tell Microsoft that we need a consistent and better upgrade path than relying on the manufacturer's whims :evil: to provide (ex.) PPCPE 2002 to WM2003 upgrades. It is kind of ridiculous to purchase Pocket PCs (I've owned 6 of them) only to find that they are dead-ended development-wise in 8 months. Let's ask Microsoft to strongly require upgrade compliance for each device to at least one additional platform. :)
Best Regards,
04-09-2004, 05:18 PM
A big ditto to all the requests here, even those I don't have a clue about! I for one am quite happy with my iPaq's (went from 3635 to 2210), but there's so much room for improvement. Considering that nobody wants the prices to go too high for new features, I'd settle for some tweaking on the existing software, so apart from fixing mistakes mainly:
:!: * Tree visualization in file explorer. It's a pain to go back & forward and this is the only place where we can do it since the applications don't navigate properly.
:!: * Show the application icon when a file is opened from file explorer. ie: If I open a file from Word, I can move to the dictionary or the calculator & then return to my document with just a tap. If I open the file from file explorer (only option if it's in a subdirectory), and then move to another application, the file is still open in Word, but there's no icon for it, I have to go back to file explorer & tap the file name again just to switch to it.
:!: * Allow me to edit, reschedule, and/or mark complete a task/appointment from the alarm. Currently I can snooze the alert for later, but nothing else.
:!: * Add bookmarks to Word & Excel or at the very least open the file in the same location where it was saved. Especially in Word, there's no way to return to the page/paragraph where you left it.
:!: * At least for the 2200's there seems to be a battery/memory drain when applications/documents are left open & the screen is off. My old 3600 never had a big problem with those, but the 2210 continually crashes and/or completely drains its battery if I don't close everything before turning the iPaq screen off for more than a few minutes. Usually not too many things running either, mainly Word, Excel & Notes.
04-09-2004, 07:16 PM
A full featured in-box on the PPC!
Most importantly, the pop3 settings should have an option to remove mail from the server after it's downloaded. Then when synced with your PC, any messages you had saved on your PPCs inbox would be moved across.
As it is, the PPC inbox is utterly useless to me and I can't see how anyone could use it for retreiving e-mail on the road. I can't do e-mail triage on it as anything I download and look at I just have to download and look at again on my PC!
Agree totally. I have set up a hosted exchange server so I can use Outlook Web Access from the PPC so I can avoid this problem.
And include an IMAP client that works with more than just Exchange servers. I get my IMAP mail from a unix box running Courier-IMAP. Because the "Deleted Items" Folder is respresented as "INBOX.Deleted Items" and not "Deleted Items", the messages are not deleted from the server when I delete them on my PPC. Initial research into the IMAP protocol suggests that the client is supposed to be able to configure it's namespace based upon info gathered from the server. It appears that the PPC IMAP client does not do this.
04-09-2004, 07:59 PM
Two things stopping me from moving from my Palm:
1: Not being able to access company email using OWA (I can on the Tungsten)
2: Only one directory synching documents between desktop & PPC
Probably not a very original choice ....
I support most of the requests.
Let me add another little thought:
Nobody likes Active Sync, because you are not able to "control" it, everythings works automatically or it does not work at all and troubleshooting is not real possible.
04-11-2004, 12:35 AM
It would be great to be able to plug in an extra USB hard drive, cellular connection cable, etc. and have it be recognized as a USB device a-la Plug-N-Play.
04-11-2004, 01:58 AM
Did I miss it or how did it go? Just curious if you have a feel for how well MS listened? Or did they even give you guys a chance to bring up stuff like all the ideas in this thread?
we are eager to see your feedback :(
Janak Parekh
04-11-2004, 08:32 PM
Did I miss it or how did it go? Just curious if you have a feel for how well MS listened? Or did they even give you guys a chance to bring up stuff like all the ideas in this thread?
We brought up a number of them. We didn't have time to bring up all of them -- one of my feedbacks about the event as a whole was more feedback sessions. But you can believe that some of the more popular issues were talked about, loud and clear.
The good news is Microsoft is doing things about it. We simply had to applaud at some of their recent movements, because things are really looking promising. But I can't say anything much about them, thanks to NDAs. :(
04-14-2004, 08:59 PM
Ask Microsoft to fix alarm issues so they will work 100% of the time. I have a HP Ipaq 5455 and the third party software just doesn't help 100%.
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