View Full Version : Full Pocket XP Computer
03-30-2004, 12:09 AM
just look..
Did somebody want a PPC without buttons. This migght be a bit better.
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If priced right pocket PC's will be a thing of the past.
I know it has been around for a while but it acctually has a release date for fall of 2004. For a little bit more than a high end PPC it may be worth the jump.
The OQO ultra personal computer (uPC) is a fully-functional Windows XP PC small enough to fit in your pocket, yet powerful enough to replace your laptop. The OQO computer is the much-anticipated mobility solution for people who until now had to choose between the bulk and awkwardness of a laptop and the limited capability of a PDA.
The OQO computer has all the functionality of an ultraportable notebook computer, with a 1GHz processor, a 20GB hard drive, 256MB of RAM, color transflective display (for easy indoor and outdoor viewing), 802.11b wireless, a removable lithium-polymer battery, and FireWire™ and USB 1.1 ports. For input and navigation it includes thumb keyboard with TrackStik™ and mouse buttons as well as digital pen and thumbwheel.
03-30-2004, 12:16 AM
This thing has been floating around for a couple of years. AFAIK it's still vapourware.
Jason Dunn
03-30-2004, 12:17 AM
If priced right pocket PC's will be a thing of the past.
We've SO had this discussion before :lol: so I'd really encourage you to do a search for OQO on this site and see what others think of the OQO. I think it's a very interesting device, but when you consider the price will be around $2000, it competes with laptops, not Pocket PCs.
03-30-2004, 12:37 AM
Okay sorry about this. After doing a search I realize everyone has already exhausted this issue. Take it down? If you want to Jason.
Jason Dunn
03-30-2004, 12:38 AM
Okay sorry about this. After doing a search I realize everyone has already exhausted this issue. Take it down? If you want to Jason.
Oh, no no, I wasn't suggesting that we not discuss it again, just that there have been a lot of discussions on it already, so it would be good to read them to get a feeling for what others think. ;-)
I love this device. I'm getting one as soon as it's released. Finally, no compromises. This is the ultimate PPC replacement. It won't replace my laptop or desktop, but it will surely replace my e805. Imagine downloading MP3's from WinMX directly onto your portable player or getting movies from Kazaa wirelessly from the palm of your hand and immediately watching them on the same device with zero conversion. Imagine having all your desktop software in the palm of your hand. Imagine surfing the web with a real browser. Imagine watching a movie on that 5" 800 by 480 W-VGA screen. Imagine having a mouse/Trackstik and a thumboard that can be hidden. Don't forget this device is the same size as a PPC, but has greatly superior hardware and software. I can't wait for fall to come! There may be a model with 1 GB of RAM as well!!!! $2000 is dirt cheap for a device that does what the OQO does, and it will likely be cheaper.
Check out these links too.
03-30-2004, 07:16 AM
I seriously start to think this guy is on the OQO payroll.
03-30-2004, 08:34 AM
On the face it looks like a dream come true, but I wonder about the practicality of such a device in the current market (although I hope they DO release it). Given it will include so many features, such as fully functionining Xp OS, Hard-drive it is likely to weight at least several times that of a typical PPC: perhaps 500-600g, and require a hefty battery. And of course, for a LONG time the price will be around the same as a Laptop, as Jason mentioned. It's a bit like the Clie NZ90 which is not selling as well because of its price.
I think instead of 'upgrading' Palmtops in terms of functionality, they will be continually downsizing the traditional notebook/laptop flip design. Ie. the Sharp Zaurus (while using a version of CE) and the Clie PEG UX50 are examples in this direction, yet what I would like to see is a compromise between this and a compact notebook (perhaps in the 600-700g range). Of course such a device would not be pocketable, but easy enough to take in a small carry-case.
I predict that in about 3 years we will have PPC-sized PDAs with the current level of functionality Windows 32-desktops possess (or at least that a few years ago) with the compatibility with peripherals and connectability devices. The key in this area, is of course, wireless technology. Yet, nonetheless this looks like an exciting device.
Don't forget also a PPC is like a games console, most things that run on it where designed for it.
Whereas this will be like an old games PC, most stuff will work with it one way or another but any shoddy programming may mean your application runs slow or not at all.
With Windows you have the choice of so much, it's impossible not to find something that works great for you.
Price is perfect IMO. A top end PDA will run $600 plus another $500 for memory and add-ons. About $1000. A top end laptop will run between $3000 and $4000. The OQO will be about $2000. Right in the middle, just as it should be.
It is twice as heavy as an e805, but that's still featherweight IMO. In three years when PPC's are like the desktops of today, just think how awesome our uPC's will be. 8)
03-30-2004, 10:11 PM
Unless the OQO has the same kind of time from off to on and able to be used, then it won't replace my PPC.
If I have to wait even close to a whole minute before I can see my calendar for the day then, that's almost a whole minute too long.
03-30-2004, 11:31 PM
This is one thing I have not thought of...
Unless the OQO has the same kind of time from off to on and able to be used, then it won't replace my PPC.
If I have to wait even close to a whole minute before I can see my calendar for the day then, that's almost a whole minute too long.
I defintially would not wait a minute to put info in the device. Especially on the go when looking up a phone number or something. Okay so maybe it will not beat the PPC but its true that after getting a PPC, all the extra memory and add ons, as well as lets say a MP3 Jukebox like the Ipod which this will replace as well that it creates competition for today's PDA's. I for one do not have the money to spend on it right away. Also I don't like to buy anything until HP makes it better than the original, none the less this will be the future.
03-31-2004, 06:14 AM
I imagine it will have a standby function. Otherwise, it is on the boundary of useless for most people, in comparision to what it's trying to be. Both a laptop and ppc. If it's slow to boot, then you may as well get a ppc. If you need it for powerful things... Well, the screen is too small for most bigger jobs. As simple as that. All I can see myself useing that for is... Not much. Word processing maybe... Sketching little pictures... Playing a few games... Otherwise, why? 2000 dollars?
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