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View Full Version : Controlling Music Player

03-28-2004, 01:27 PM
I am currently trying to write a replacement app for the volume control that comes with ppx, what I would like to do would include not only the volume but generic play, pause, stop, next and prev to control whatever music player one is currently using.

My music player of choice is PocketPlayer so this is what I am trying to target first.

However I am having no luck at all. My main thought was this is going to be easy, open Remote Spy and see what messages are passed to Pocket Player when I tap on it's internal controls and then simply send those messages from my application to Pocket Player. Well I have done very little Win32 programming so I don't know too much about the message system - so my idea seemed logical and easy enough.

So I went about and did this, from looking at Remote Spy the messages were definatly getting through - even the god damn play button would 'press' down when I ran my prog. But nothing happened, the song wouldn't play and yeah - pocket player was completely unresponsive!

Any ideas?