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View Full Version : help: using softwares on ppc

03-27-2004, 07:28 PM
Hello everyon!!

I'm a new user on ppc. I don't know anything on it. I just bought a ppc hp1990. When I did ActiveSync a software form my pc to ppc, but I can't use that sotfware on ppc. the massage said that "it is not a valid ppc application". I tried everything, but It doesn't work. if anyone knows, please show me how to use the transfer software on ppc. Thanks :wink:

03-27-2004, 07:50 PM
Unlike a Palm program, most of the *.exe files you download from the web are actually setup programs you run on your Windows PC. You do not usually copy them over to your Pocket PC and then run them from there; if you do, you'll get that "Not a valid PPC application." error message.

So I think all you have to do is try running that *.exe on the PC, instead of the PPC. :-)

PS: Every once in a while, you'll download a small *.exe is actually is supposed to run on the PPC. You'll know for sure because you'll get a similar "invalid application" error message when you try and run it on your Windows PC. In this case only, you can just copy the file to your PPC directly, and run it from there.


03-28-2004, 09:40 PM
Hi eeksock.

Thanks for your advices, but how can I copy directly files on ppc? you meant that's not sync files