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View Full Version : Word always crashes after suspend...

03-25-2004, 04:15 AM

Why is it that whenever I am editing my text files (Not word doc files) on the iPAQ, it crashes almost everytime the iPAQ is turned off and on. It appears to try to do a auto save, but because it is a text file it pops up that stupid message like I do not even know I am editing a text file,a sking if I want to save as a word document.

But then when I turn on the iPAQ, I cannot do anything. Just hangs. And I have lost all the data I have been entering.

Anyone else had this?

Can you stop the popup? I cannot believe Word has only 3 things in the options.

I have a iPAQ 5550. Not using the SD card for either app or word doc in this case. word doc saved in main memory.


PS, I moved to using text files because the word documents on the iPAQ used to regularly get corrupted.