Robb Bates
03-24-2004, 09:54 PM
Is it just me or is there a lot more detail on the h2210 ROM update page (
It seems to list a lot more fixes. One I'm interested in is:
Connectivity: pIE uses cached pages when offline even for a local server
Does this have something to do with how Mobile favorites works? Does it work correctly now? That's been a thorn in my side for a while now. Some of my mobile favorite would always try to connect to the internet when loaded even though I had synced then as offline content.
It seems to list a lot more fixes. One I'm interested in is:
Connectivity: pIE uses cached pages when offline even for a local server
Does this have something to do with how Mobile favorites works? Does it work correctly now? That's been a thorn in my side for a while now. Some of my mobile favorite would always try to connect to the internet when loaded even though I had synced then as offline content.