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View Full Version : Possible fix the the Calculator Problem after ROM update on 2215

03-22-2004, 02:11 PM
I have something we may want to try. I have the orginal Calc.exe from the ROM of my iPaq. It has the original ROM 1.00 on it. Everyone has been saying that you do not want to restore from a backup from an earlier ROM because it might copy (but not overwrite the file) onto the device. The iPaq is then programed to use the old file instead of the new one on the ROM.

Using that logic, you should be able to copy the EXE from my old ROM over to your device into "\windows". You'll then be able to have your old calculator back.

Is anyone here willing to give it a shot?

Email me at [email protected] and I will send you the files try it with.

I noticed I have two "Calc.exe" I'll send both in a zip file for you to try.

03-22-2004, 10:22 PM
I really do not understand the preoccupation about the MS Calculator. I personally do not even use it. I find it a waste of rom, I use a third party calculator which can be loaded from the start menu.

Why do you love this calculator so much...? Am I missing something...?

03-22-2004, 11:53 PM
Personally, I use the built-in calculator all the time. I still have ROM version 1.00, so I don't really care. Others seemed to care and I think I might have an easy workaround.