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View Full Version : looking for a wallet program, please help

03-21-2004, 01:51 AM
What is the best wallet type program that costs the least that has an application for the desktop and pocket pc.
I want something that is pretty well encrypted.
I was very happy with ilock a free application for pocket pc, then I had to hard reset my pocket pc and have to put all my information back in to the ilock program, so I need a program with a desktop application as well. Please give me suggestions.

03-21-2004, 02:20 AM
I'm currently using ipassword (about $5) and pocket controller. It's slower than having a desktop utility, but the size is relatively small. I used to use eWallet, but was just taking up too much memory.

I'm not completely happy with iPassword (no linking to internet, I don't like the way the UI feels, and a couple of minor bugs), but I thought I'd try it out for a time. I've also used Password Juggler in the past (which has a desktop utility), but I didn't like the UI. You may feel differently, so I'd suggest giving it a shot. From what I remember, it was a smallar than eWallet, but a bit on the slow side. As of right now, I'm completely unsatisfied with the quality of Wallet software available for PPC. On my Palm Device (easily 5 years ago), I used a program called Splash or something like that. I thought it was a great tool and I haven't found anything like it. Hopefully, someone like WebIS or someone known for organization will get it right.

Kati Compton
03-21-2004, 04:35 AM
I'd suggest FlexWallet.


$20 for both PPC and Desktop.

Sometimes it goes on sale for quite a bit less, but that's hard to predict.

03-21-2004, 09:26 AM
PocketPCThoughts readers get FlexWallet for $9.95 :D

Steven Cedrone
03-21-2004, 03:07 PM
Marawolf: check out this review! (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=16729&start=0) Tons of info on the three most popular wallet programs.


03-21-2004, 09:27 PM
I use Codewallet... and I keep going back and testing eWallet... but after a short teat period it always seems that I return to Codewallet.

Zack Mahdavi
03-22-2004, 06:07 AM
I really like eWallet. I like the feature set and UI a lot.

Get whatever you're comfortable with.

03-22-2004, 06:18 AM
I got FlexWallet during the initial $5 promo but it has several niggling annoyances that I absolutely hate, especially the icon issue. Templates are a close second. However, I tried eWallet and CodeWallet a while ago but came back to FlexWallet because it's simply better, imo. CodeWallet has a quirky way of doing things and eWallet is u-gly. imo. ymmv.

03-24-2004, 05:36 PM
Thanks so much guys, I chose Flex Wallet becasue if all three of the programs are so close, I went for the cheapest one. The review is great! And then someone gave me the link to get it even cheaper. You guys are the best.

03-24-2004, 05:41 PM
You could have tried out the new FREEWARE program CodeStore (http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php?soft=973) but since you have now purchased a product I wouldn't look at ... :)

I personally use Code Wallet Pro v3.6 and have been very happy with it (especially since Code Wallet came FREE with my Jornada 568 and the update to the latest PRO version was also FREE).

03-26-2004, 12:37 AM
you might consider getting a backup program as well

sprite backup is excellent