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View Full Version : how long between hp boot screen and today screen?

03-20-2004, 06:02 PM
i have a ipaq5500 and apart from strange things happening and weird bugs going on, (wireless simply not working anymore (which was fixed by simply lifting the battery and putting it back in again(!)) but the slow time (6-7 seconds) between hp firmware boot screen and today screen just annoyed the crap out of me. I am certain that is not the way it was the first time and in the unlikely case that it is, well it's not. the 5500 is fast and 6-7 of white/grey screen simply does not wet a customers appetite.

to get rid of this, i finally performed a hard reset, but it's still there! wtf?

could anyone tell me how fast your 5500 series is (today screen right away after hpboot or ..secs). i just get a blank screen for 7 secs which does not look really cool to me. thanks

Dave Beauvais
03-20-2004, 06:32 PM
I don't have an h5500 series, but my h5455 has a blank white screen for about 3-5 seconds after the HP logo disappears. I only soft reset a couple times a week, though, so I don't care. (Though if I reset once a day, five seconds is hardly a long time.)

03-20-2004, 07:38 PM
Well apart from technical issue's that is causing this you're missing my point. It's ugly, it should not be there, especially not on a new model. I don't know what caused it, my i'm pretty sure it wasn't there the first time.

sure i can wait that long, but do i want to after paying a sh*tload of money for this thing? hell no. it's a handheld running on a what 400mhz? my w98 machine used to boot quicker than that (well ok it didn't).

03-20-2004, 07:53 PM
It takes about 15 seconds on my 2215 to get to the today screen, but thats all on the "hp iPAQ Pocket PC" bootup screen. I go straight to the today screen from there, no gray screen in the middle. How long does the HP screen stay visible on your 5500 before going to the gray?

Personally, and no offence meant, but if 6-7 seconds of gray during bootup was the worst problem I ever had with my devices, I'd be thankful.

03-20-2004, 09:25 PM
heh ;-) well it certainly wasn't the *only* problem i had. tabs dissapearing, wlan not working anymore, wrong updates provided etc etc

and countless bugs to go

03-21-2004, 02:45 AM
you actually have to wait a long time after a soft reset? I think a soft reset takes my T|E five seconds total. Oh well, that doesn't save it from sucking.