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View Full Version : My SD Card works... Just not in my PPC...

03-19-2004, 06:07 PM

Alright, I know SanDisk is no good - but I didn't know that a year ago when I bought this card. And now, my h2210 doesn't recognize it, although it used to... I don't know what happened to make it stop working.

I can read the card with my card reader on my computer, and I took the SD card with me to a store and plugged it into a 4155 and T3 and both of them recognized it.

I just upped the ROM to 1.10 - no change.

One weird thing is that my computer recognizes it as FAT but my CF card says FAT32 but I can't find a way to convert it to FAT32, the format in windows explorer doesn't give me any options other than FAT...

Got any advice?



03-19-2004, 06:22 PM
Could be a lot of things. Did you try inserting it right after the ROM upgrade, and before you loaded anything?

Did it work before the upgrade?

If it fail before the upgrade, and did not work right after the upgrade, before you restored anything your iPAQ may be defective.

You can try a soft reset on the iPAQ, and if it does not detect the card, try a hard reset, and then insert the card. If it fails then, you have ruled out a program effecting your iPAQ. You know the card is good, other devices can read it, that leaves a hardware failure on your iPAQ. Chances are it will not read any SD cards.

03-20-2004, 03:21 PM
You speaked about formatting the card to another FAT - Pocket Mechanic ( http://www.pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=12677 ) can do that - but you will probably need a Pocket PC, that will recognize the SD.

03-20-2004, 05:41 PM
I just had a similar situation this week with my Dell Axim X3i. I purchased a 1GB SanDisc SD Card and the 512MB card that was in my Axim was working just fine. Then the 1GB Card arrived and when I inserted it into the Axim it would see the card. I tried putting the 512MB Card into the Axim and it too was gone. Ultimately Dell replaced the X3i for me with a new one the next day. I still don't know what caused it, but on the new unit both cards are working just fine.


03-21-2004, 01:30 AM
You didn't say if your iPaq works with any other SD cards. Could the slot be frelled?

03-24-2004, 04:06 PM
Anyway, thanks for your help guys. Turns out there was a piece of fabric stuck in the slot, I suppose preventing some of the contacts from touching... The slot works now. :oops:
