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View Full Version : Exchange 2003 OMA & PPC 2003

03-18-2004, 05:40 AM
I've searched the Internet high and low looking for the answers to some simple questions about just what exactly you can do with the new OMA functionality of Exchange 2003 and a PPC 2003 device. Microsoft's own website has a lot of interesting drop-downs that lead you to screens devoid of information (not just vague, but totally blank) -- so I'm beginning to think this may be the latest in vaporware marketing concepts. (I attended one of the MS Exchange 2003 dog-and-pony shows that made this all seem so much more simple and wonderful. Imagine!) ;)

But, maybe someone here will have played with it...

We have some clients successfully doing the ActiveSync wirelessly from PPC 2002 devices. It's okay, but has some annoyances (Contacts won't sync the notes field, lack of public folder/multiple folder support, fact that it only does Mail, Calendar, and Contacts, etc...).

Are any of these capabilites added by switching to PPC 2003, or is that just about all the functionality built into Outlook Mobile Access? In order to do these things wirelessly, do we have to investigate third-party software and the like?

Furthermore, as consultants in the field 100% of the time, we'd be super-happy if some way existed for us to get ActiveSync copies of other USERS calendars -- but I'm not getting my hopes up on that one. Still...

Any comments greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.