03-17-2004, 07:53 PM
Hy all,
This morning arrived my new ppc a beatyful 2210 from UK (I'm Italian) and after a little play time with the new device I noticed a problem.
I was going to try the cool feature of Dial over BT in the Contact list but when I try the tap&hold by pressing along the action button I see that doesn't work... it only open the contact just like the normal single pression.
Over messenger I discover that also 2 friends of mine with the same model of ppc has the same problem... :(
Does anibody has this same problem on this model of iPAQ or is the normal way of work of new joypad?
For now I set the Itask button for reply this function but is not the solution of the problem.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion or alternative :idea:
This morning arrived my new ppc a beatyful 2210 from UK (I'm Italian) and after a little play time with the new device I noticed a problem.
I was going to try the cool feature of Dial over BT in the Contact list but when I try the tap&hold by pressing along the action button I see that doesn't work... it only open the contact just like the normal single pression.
Over messenger I discover that also 2 friends of mine with the same model of ppc has the same problem... :(
Does anibody has this same problem on this model of iPAQ or is the normal way of work of new joypad?
For now I set the Itask button for reply this function but is not the solution of the problem.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion or alternative :idea: