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View Full Version : I need Urgent help - Advice - on this matter.

03-14-2004, 01:52 AM
I am a PALM man. Always loved its simplicity and speed. Now got onto the
PPC bandwagon with a 2210 and GPS system. Very nice....


I need help. I was looking for a program like DATEPLAN "HACK" on the Palm. This is a small nifty add-on that allows you to put icons onto your month mode. For example when you go into the month mode you can add small plane, fork, holiday etc icons in the day boxes on the month view, so that at a glance you can see what the schedule is for the whole month... just by looking at the icons..!.

I NEED SOMETHING like this. I realise there is AGENDA fusion, but i dont want and dont like all its functionality except the month option (and i dont like to have 100 and 1 features just to only use one..!) . Also i think calendar plus or something like that has icon options but theose icons represent different groups.. and you cannot just add it on.

PLEASE can anyone help me....?

I have serched everywhere for something simila. Even emailed the author.. but to no avail...



03-14-2004, 02:07 AM
I REALLY dont KNOW anyTHING :lol:

Maybe you should try Pocket Informant? http://www.handango.com/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=1&jid=21E4D5FFEDF8B3BAXD6FFE7EC2A4712C&platformId=2&productType=2&productId=10226

03-14-2004, 02:58 AM
You can try a great PIM enhancement called Ulti-Planner.

Go to


It is currently on sale for only $6.00 USD

Steven Cedrone
03-14-2004, 03:06 AM
Shah, please don't post the same question to multiple forums!



03-14-2004, 07:13 AM
Before I started using Agenda Fusion (which works great BTW) I used something called Super Calendar (Scary Bear Software - $9.95) that had this functionality.

03-14-2004, 07:52 AM
Shah, please put a subject in the box instead of just "a problem".


03-14-2004, 12:36 PM
Thanks for advice. Wont post again in multiple forums. I dont know how active a forum is, obviously this is pretty active and cool..! I wanted to maximise response. If the mods can, they can delete the other posts..!

As for the scary bear prog.. i think in order to add icons you need to assign an icon to a group, i .e plane for all the holiday groups, fork for all the dinner groups.... unfortunately that means i need lots of differentgroups/Folders which i dont want.

Any more ideas...!


03-14-2004, 01:13 PM
I just checked pocket informant and yes, you have to assign categories to an item to use it as an icon.

But why don't you just think of categories as 'labels' for the icons? Like put the plane under the 'plane' category and dinner in the 'dinner' category? ;)

You'll need a third party app to utilize icons in month view. Pocketinformant is great and you may actually find yourself using the nifty little features that you did not think you need! I certainly did :mrgreen:

As it is, you can trial both PI (which i would do first) or agenda fusion for free. Simply download the trial versions from the handango websites.