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View Full Version : Multiple 4155s and Windows XP

03-13-2004, 10:05 PM

I'm thinking of buying my wife and myself iPaq 4155s.

My wife and I each have accounts set up under Windows XP Pro.

Will she be able to sync with her activesync profile under her Windows account and will I be able to do the same under mine? Essentially, using one PC to sync with two 4155s, but under different accounts.

Thanks for your help.



03-14-2004, 12:01 AM
should be able to.. you can do it under 1 account just fine ... but not at the sametime (without a mod or seperate program).

I'm guessing you're not using both cradles right? They can both sync with the same cradle so it would make no sense to plug both of them in at the sametime (charging can be done via the power adapater with the lil adapter on the end directly into the PDA)

Janak Parekh
03-14-2004, 12:15 AM
SHoTTa35 is correct. As long as you and your wife have separate Outlook folders set up, and as long as you only plug one Pocket PC in at a time, they should stay separate without any problems.


03-14-2004, 03:43 PM
Go to the Add/Remove Programs applet and install from the CD-ROM, this ensures that Active Sync will be available to "all users." Whenever you are dealing with multiple user accounts, this is the for sure way to install an application making it available to all local users.