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View Full Version : Cellular Data Cables for PPCs

03-13-2004, 09:25 PM
Has anyone tried these before? They allow you to hook ur pocket PC to your phone, and dial an ISP and connect to internet. Here's the link:

I was planning on buying one, but they claim to not be compatible w/ WM 2003 for e755 devices...

If you have tried these... did it work okay?? any thoughts?

03-13-2004, 10:33 PM
I've never tried to connect a PPC to a phone by any means other than Bluetooth so I have no experience with cables, but you can also get cables like this from Gomadic (http://www.gomadic.com).

03-13-2004, 11:09 PM
Thanks for that website.. but they don't seem to carry the cable for toshiba e755... :(
Anyone know of another company that makes these cables?

03-15-2004, 02:53 PM
I would e-mail the tech support and ask them. They may have a work around for your setup that they don't post because they don't want to support it.

03-16-2004, 07:37 AM
Here's the response I got from gomadic.com:

I'm afraid we don't. The problem is that the e755 doesn't support serial communication (natively) which is required for our system to work properly. Sorry

I think I'm going to get the Samsung e715 phone, which has an irDA port. I'm hoping to be able to use that phone as a modem for my PPC using AOL 2.0 software. Anyone here try the irDA route?