View Full Version : Is There A Windows Mobile 2004?
Ed Hansberry
03-11-2004, 04:30 PM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />Brighthand editor Ed Hardy asks is the forthcoming OS for Windows Mobile devices a major upgrade with a new name as past updates have been, or is it simply a refresh of Windows Mobile 2003?<br /><br />"There's no doubt that Microsoft is going to release a very significant upgrade to Windows Mobile this year. However, it isn't known exactly how this is going to be presented. At Microsoft's Professional Development Conference in October, a presenter in one session mentioned the need for Pocket PC developers to add support for VGA (640 by 480 pixels) to their applications. He also said there will be support for both portrait and landscape modes added to the operating system...In addition, unnamed sources have confirmed that several licensees are expecting an update for Windows Mobile 2003, not a whole new version of the operating system."<br /><br />I know one of the first things running through your mind is "Oh, an update? So it could be free, right!?" Well, yeah, it <i>could</i> be. Then again, was Windows 98SE free to Windows 98 users? :wink: Whatever it is called, and whatever the cost, from free to the typical $30 to the OEMs that decide to provide it, as Dell and HP have in the past :way to go:, the new features will be a welcome addition to the Windows Mobile platform.
My quandry is this.
Where as past updates have been somewhat hardware independent (except for the ARM requirement), the next update may force me to wait for new hardware. That is if it indeed will support VGA resolutions....
If I am correct, that will require new higher reslution capable screens.
03-11-2004, 04:42 PM
Oh yea were is my Jornada 568 Upgrade to 2003
03-11-2004, 04:42 PM
Not only am I wondering about the above, I am wondering if I will be left out in the cold. I own a 3950 and although I'm sure it should be more than capable of running a new OS, will HP have to make me upgrade the hardware as it is a discontinued product?
Also, I'm guessing that MS might charge the vendors (HP, Dell, etc) for the upgrade, as if it contains FULL landscape support then they are going to have to rewrite some of the software such as the calculator and the calander, which all bork (to different extents) to landscape mode, not to mention the password screen.
03-11-2004, 04:55 PM
Where as past updates have been somewhat hardware independent (except for the ARM requirement), the next update may force me to wait for new hardware. That is if it indeed will support VGA resolutions....
If I am correct, that will require new higher reslution capable screens.
Right, in order to get the benefits of the higher-resolution support, you'll need a VGA screen on your handheld. That's just the way LCDs work.
But this update won't be all about VGA. Everyone can appreciate switching between landscape and portrait on the fly.
03-11-2004, 05:37 PM
The only rumour I accept is that an update is coming this year. That's it. We can all hope for new features and fixes for the existing OS, but until we actually have this update in hand;- we shall see.
Speculation is fun, but really annoying sometimes....
As for cost, why would the OEMs be any different, I am expecting $30-$50 for the upgrade, late release date, not actually getting it when promised, having my credit card charged at least twice, receiving e-mails telling me that is has shipped after I have receeived it.... Oh well... :roll:
03-11-2004, 05:42 PM
...As for cost, why would the OEMs be any different, I am expecting $30-$50 for the upgrade, late release date, not actually getting it when promised, having my credit card charged at least twice, receiving e-mails telling me that is has shipped after I have receeived it.... Oh well... :roll:
DUDE - YOU GOT A DELL???!!! :lol:
03-11-2004, 06:15 PM
sounds neat :) saw this thanks to my rss feeds. can't wait for more upgrades hehe
Kevin Daly
03-11-2004, 06:24 PM
I can see an ironic reversal of the situation with the original release with much fanfare of Windows Mobile 2003 - back then, despite the fundamental change in the underlying OS, since that was mostly not visible on the surface people were saying "Is that all?".
Now we're going to have what I personally think will be a significant advance slip in as an upgrade.
Although it might not look all that earth-shattering when it's released, possibly mostly adding support for features that manufacturers have been adding themselves in a piecemeal fashion lately, I expect that we'll see an explosion of diversity in the second half of the year.
Of course, the "upgrade" approach could be a way of avoiding the conservatism of the over-valued Enterprise market, which tends to be reluctant to change operating system versions (I say "over-valued" because while it is customary for vendors to prattle on about how useful PDAs can be to mobile workers and the sales force and so on, and treat "enthusiasts" or "hobbyists" as an embarrassing sideline, the truth is that in corporations Pocket PCs typically end up as toys for the execs. Just like tablets.)
However I'm concerned by the apparent delay of the Whidbey version of Visual Studio .NET until next year, because (and yes I know this is my developer bias showing) the picture really won't be complete until you add the .NET Compact Framework v 2
Then decent OS + Excellent API and programming languages= software nirvana.
03-11-2004, 06:46 PM
Here is my simple soultion for this whole update thing. Buy a new damn ipaq. I'd rather sit back and wait for P to play catch up with the os and launch their new os, than updating my 2215 (which i love) and lose some of the features. Call me ignorant...but im addicted to these things, i must have a new ipaq every summer like clock work! This summer?...VGA!!!!
03-11-2004, 06:53 PM
Here is my simple soultion for this whole update thing. Buy a new damn ipaq. I'd rather sit back and wait for P to play catch up with the os and launch their new os, than updating my 2215 (which i love) and lose some of the features. Call me ignorant...but im addicted to these things, i must have a new ipaq every summer like clock work! This summer?...VGA!!!!'s a little cheaper to buy a $30 upgrade than a new $300+ PDA every few years. :roll: :|
03-11-2004, 07:16 PM
The two things that are bothering me about this is the possibility that this could mean that Microsoft is downplaying this version of Pocket PC (Dang it I'm not giving up that name!) possibly because the changes aren't as big as we hoped. And that even if the changes are massive if they don't call it a new version of Windows Mobile it could confuse some users who may think its still Windows Mobile 2003 when in actuality its an up to date version.
03-11-2004, 07:17 PM
My whole premise of working in .net would be that the OS is not important so long as it can run .net. I wasn't quite happy that the older ppc's can't run applications i developed and that vendors charge for the os upgrade. (some don't even offer it)
This upcoming OS would probably gain more popularity if it was available to those even running ppc2002. =)
I'd probably go on a mad buying spree for all those old ipaq models!
oh yeah I'd like to see it as a free upgrade too but that's wishful thinking =)
03-11-2004, 07:18 PM
Isn't it possible that MS is preparing both an update or SP t WM2003 which includes ONLY the landscape support (maybe VGA too) and updated core applications? (this would make feasible the supposed release date of Motorola MPx using WMPE2003) And they are also preparing WM2004 with all the other goodies in addition ((maybe) functionally updated applications, Sqlserver CE etc..)
The new landscape/resolution support would result a lot of 3rd party application incompatibility. If they introduce it in WM2004, everybody would shout, how incompatible the new WM2004 is. On the other hand, if they introduce the landscape support in WM2003 (as a SP) they can push the work and the problem neatly to the developers (and force them, to update their applications) and the number of landscape capable devices would be instantly high (as soon as people start to apply the SP). So developers would be forced to update their software if they still want to claim, that they support WM2003. (it would be ugly to say, that I'm supporting WM2003, but WITHOUT any servicepack)...
Ok just sume wild imagination...
Ryan Joseph
03-11-2004, 07:42 PM
I just hope this is released soon enough to be included on the new devices like the MPx and iPAQ 6000.
I still can't decide which of those two I'd rather have..... :roll:
03-11-2004, 08:08 PM
I just hope this is released soon enough to be included on the new devices like the MPx and iPAQ 6000.
I still can't decide which of those two I'd rather have..... :roll:
I think it goes without saying that the MPx will have this new OS whatever it's called. I don't see how they can do what they propose without it.
I'm with you - can't decide between these two devices. :?
Knowing my lack of self-control on these things I bet I end up buying the first one that is avaiable. It wouldn't suprise me if there are quite a few other gadget freeks like me that will do the same thing. :D
03-11-2004, 08:15 PM
Just an interesting aside to all of this talk...
I went to Best Buy yesterday b/c the battery on my 2215 had a short. While they were testing and trying to decide if I was getting a new battery or a new IQAP, I went to the PDA section to look at the display models. There were only 2 models there- a 2210 and a 1945. Thats all. I asked the BB employee working in the department and he said (and I quote...) "We have stopped purchasing current models from our suppliers because several new models will be released by June" 8O He then proceded to tell me that if I wanted a model that was on but not in the store I should buy fast because they are not being re-stocked (at least on a normal basis) either because of these supposedly soon-to-be-released new models. I know that BB employees have not always been the most reliable or informative sources of info in the past but doesn't that date sound vaguely familliar- as in the date that earlier rumors had suggested for a potential release date for both the new OS/upgrade and new models (i.e. the LOOX and the HP 6300)?!?!? :roll:
Jimmy Dodd
03-11-2004, 08:24 PM
Just an interesting aside to all of this talk...
I went to Best Buy yesterday ...
That's been the story from BB for a few months now. There are one or two threads in the iPAQ forum on it. It's my understanding that BB is trying to avoid getting stuck with a lot of outdated devices again when the new OS and new models arrive.
Jason Lee
03-11-2004, 08:51 PM
That would explain why the shelves are empty at BB.. I was beginning to think they were getting out of the pda business.
I've had to go all the way across the street to CC to drool.. ;)
03-11-2004, 09:01 PM
That's been the story from BB for a few months now. There are one or two threads in the iPAQ forum on it. It's my understanding that BB is trying to avoid getting stuck with a lot of outdated devices again when the new OS and new models arrive.
Makes perfect sense, which is why I wonder just how much BB knows...
Jimmy Dodd
03-11-2004, 09:20 PM
That's been the story from BB for a few months now. There are one or two threads in the iPAQ forum on it. It's my understanding that BB is trying to avoid getting stuck with a lot of outdated devices again when the new OS and new models arrive.
Makes perfect sense, which is why I wonder just how much BB knows...
At the corporate level I'm sure they know quite a bit. Their buyers would have to know what's coming and when it's due so they can decide how many of which brands and models to buy, how much shelf space to devote to it, advertising plans, etc.
At the retail level I'm convinced they know little more than when the new Britney Spears album is supposed to arrive. :roll:
03-11-2004, 10:45 PM
I wonder about the message a simple 2003 upgrade will send to people wavering between PPC and Palm? If OS 6 delivers a compelling OS, where does that leave PPC fans?
Ed Hansberry
03-11-2004, 10:54 PM
I wonder about the message a simple 2003 upgrade will send to people wavering between PPC and Palm? If OS 6 delivers a compelling OS, where does that leave PPC fans?With an OS that multitasks? :wink: :lol:
Seriously, if WM2003 Update/WM2004/WMWhatever is 2003 + extra resolutions and landscape support, and PalmOS6 is PalmOS5 plus a few tweaks, how does that even begin to leave PPC behind?
I think we need to see products with both final OSs first before making a call on either one.
03-11-2004, 11:02 PM
I'm no expert, but there is a perception that MS has been sitting on its hands when it comes to innovation, leaving it for Palm to do it all. I hope I'm wrong! I just need to see some serious progress in the OS. I am losing too many of my friends who are first-time buyers to Palm because of the perception that its not afraid to be innovative (Sony). I've been with PPC since early summer 2000. I like/love the OS. But I just wish for a little more obvious innovation. Am I off with my perceptions?
03-11-2004, 11:20 PM
I'm no expert, but there is a perception that MS has been sitting on its hands when it comes to innovation, leaving it for Palm to do it all. I hope I'm wrong! I just need to see some serious progress in the OS. I am losing too many of my friends who are first-time buyers to Palm because of the perception that its not afraid to be innovative (Sony). I've been with PPC since early summer 2000. I like/love the OS. But I just wish for a little more obvious innovation. Am I off with my perceptions?
I have never seen that perception...except in regars to hardware. Every single article, forum comment, etc... I read clearly has the perception that WM is far more advanced over PalmOS, while Palm hardwa is more advanced.
03-11-2004, 11:31 PM
You know, Alex, you're right. WM is a more developed OS and it's the hardware is lagging behind. My mistake. Thanks for the clarification. And by the way, I'm a loyal PI user!!
Ed Hansberry
03-11-2004, 11:37 PM
You know, Alex, you're right. WM is a more developed OS and it's the hardware is lagging behind. My mistake. Thanks for the clarification. And by the way, I'm a loyal PI user!!
Part of that hardware lag is clearly gone once the Motrola MPx ships - something made possible by landscape support in the OS.
I think 2004 and 2005 will be killer years for Windows Mobile on the hardware side.
Jason Dunn
03-11-2004, 11:48 PM
And that even if the changes are massive if they don't call it a new version of Windows Mobile it could confuse some users who may think its still Windows Mobile 2003 when in actuality its an up to date version.
Well, it could always have a slightly different name. :mrgreen:
03-11-2004, 11:51 PM
Well, it could always have a slightly different name. :mrgreen:
This is where MS is going to test market the whole "Reloaded" moniker we've been hearing about WinXP? 8) :wink:
03-12-2004, 12:29 AM
I wouldn't mind more functionality in the basic PIM/Office apps and WMP, especially an EQ that could support WMA.
03-12-2004, 01:28 AM
I, for one, am looking forward to seeing what MS has done with WM, whatever year or name they arttach to it. It's time.
Ryan Joseph
03-12-2004, 01:57 AM
This is certainly going to be the year for great new PPCs. The MPx is just the begining. I can't wait to see what other OEMs have in store. All this about Best Buy just confirms that others are, indeed, preparing new launches. A new OS just sweetens the deal.
On another note, does anyone wonder why we expect a new PPC OS every year from Microsoft, but nobody seems upset that the next version of Windows isn't due for a couple more years...and XP has already been out for a few years.
I realize that WM is much less complicated than XP, but it just strikes me as odd.
03-12-2004, 02:16 AM
Well I have been a pocket pc user for over 2 years now and I have switched over 4 different devices and basically nothing serious has really changed in the pocket pc world.
It’s little things that count that that is what gives MS the edge and that is what is going to help MS in the smart phone world as well, the software. The operating system is just a shell that developers deploy solutions, MS don’t need to make that complicated. They only have to ensure the platform is stable and compatible and that any changes won’t break anything, especially 3rd party applications, and MS is very good at that.
The only things that the pocket pc lacks are resolution change and screen rotation on the fly. Oh and did I forget to say reliable alarms? But I am beginning to think that it’s a hardware related issue.
03-12-2004, 03:44 AM
i want an upgrade for my e805
Ed Hansberry
03-12-2004, 04:00 AM
i want an upgrade for my e805
I really hope there is one. Toshiba hase one of the worst upgrade racords though. :evil:
03-12-2004, 04:24 AM
the 755 had an upgrade to wm2003. It was even for free in some cases.
Rob Alexander
03-12-2004, 05:25 AM
On another note, does anyone wonder why we expect a new PPC OS every year from Microsoft, but nobody seems upset that the next version of Windows isn't due for a couple more years...and XP has already been out for a few years.
Windows XP is a mature technology that does everything I need it to do, so I'm happy that they're not bringing out a new version every year, 'cause I'd feel like I had to go out and buy it (just on principle).
Windows Mobile still lacks many important features that directly affect our ability to use the devices. Since there's lots more that we want from it, we're anxious about how long it will take. At least, that's why I'm more worried about WM than XP.
03-12-2004, 05:36 AM
the only needed winxp upgrade is for full 64bit computing. (comming soon)
Wm needs many many more.
03-12-2004, 07:05 AM
My quandry is this.
Where as past updates have been somewhat hardware independent (except for the ARM requirement), the next update may force me to wait for new hardware. That is if it indeed will support VGA resolutions....
If I am correct, that will require new higher reslution capable screens.
Wich are already available, check the Zaurus line of linux PDA´s and on PPC the Toshibe e800/805
03-12-2004, 07:10 AM
Here is my simple soultion for this whole update thing. Buy a new damn ipaq. I'd rather sit back and wait for P to play catch up with the os and launch their new os, than updating my 2215 (which i love) and lose some of the features. Call me ignorant...but im addicted to these things, i must have a new ipaq every summer like clock work! This summer?...VGA!!!!'s a little cheaper to buy a $30 upgrade than a new $300+ PDA every few years. :roll: :|
Every few years?
I started out 2k3 with a Toshiba 310, then switched to an ipaq 1910(birthday gift), inbetween got a clie to meddle with and give away REAL QUICK, summer came and I got an Ipaq 2215(sold the 1910) in december I got a TungstenE for the sweet high res screen, lost my ipaq 2215 as I returned from a trip to Japan in january and a few weeks ago treated myself to a Toshiba e800, got rid of the TungstenE as well.
03-12-2004, 07:12 AM
I wonder about the message a simple 2003 upgrade will send to people wavering between PPC and Palm? If OS 6 delivers a compelling OS, where does that leave PPC fans?
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahah ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahaha
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaahahahahaha
Sorry, couldnt resist.
Jimmy Dodd
03-12-2004, 03:00 PM
And that even if the changes are massive if they don't call it a new version of Windows Mobile it could confuse some users who may think its still Windows Mobile 2003 when in actuality its an up to date version.
Well, it could always have a slightly different name. :mrgreen:
Yes, that's right. Due to high demand and in an attempt to fight Palm on their own terms, MS is bringing back Bob. Windows Mobile 2003 will be completely revamped and renamed Microsoft Pocket Bob. :lol:
03-12-2004, 04:12 PM
And that even if the changes are massive if they don't call it a new version of Windows Mobile it could confuse some users who may think its still Windows Mobile 2003 when in actuality its an up to date version.
Well, it could always have a slightly different name. :mrgreen:
Yes, that's right. Due to high demand and in an attempt to fight Palm on their own terms, MS is bringing back Bob. Windows Mobile 2003 will be completely revamped and renamed Microsoft Pocket Bob. :lol:
Bob is old, why not call it Dick?
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Jonathon Watkins
03-13-2004, 12:44 AM
PLay nice now Fishie! :wink: Bob still has life left in him. :twisted:
Will T Smith
03-13-2004, 10:16 PM
I wonder about the message a simple 2003 upgrade will send to people wavering between PPC and Palm? If OS 6 delivers a compelling OS, where does that leave PPC fans?With an OS that multitasks? :wink: :lol:
Seriously, if WM2003 Update/WM2004/WMWhatever is 2003 + extra resolutions and landscape support, and PalmOS6 is PalmOS5 plus a few tweaks, how does that even begin to leave PPC behind?
I think we need to see products with both final OSs first before making a call on either one.
PocketPC needs this for faster syncs. Native hosting ability with mini USB jacks (like the cameras use) would be nice as well.
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