03-10-2004, 04:39 AM
i think this is the perfect ppc for me. i have had a 54** and 1945, as well as others, and both ipaqs were almost perfect. I liked the power of the 5455, but the size was an issue. the size of the 1945 is perfect, and the buttons are very nice as well. only thing i didnt like about it was the random hard resets and no remote software (i really need this, the 5455 had this :)) i use wifi, but i can get a cf card for that and use the SD for my memory. it has nevo and is a very fast devise. small, powerfull, and expandable...
for those of you that have one, how good does it run? is the d-pad good and not require massive force to use (my 5455 was kinda weird in that i had to push harder on certain directions) also, is it a pocketable devise, compaired to your previous devises.
for those of you that have one, how good does it run? is the d-pad good and not require massive force to use (my 5455 was kinda weird in that i had to push harder on certain directions) also, is it a pocketable devise, compaired to your previous devises.