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View Full Version : HELP - Dialing out from I-Mate to Regular ISP

03-10-2004, 03:26 AM
I am a recent owner of the I-Mate on Rogers AT&T in Canada.

I am unable to dial out to my Regular ISP and use the Cellular network as a modem. (Rogers AT&T charges excessively for their GPRS Useage)

The error I keep receiving when connecting to my ISP is " No Modem at Above Number." ... I even tried having the I-Mate dial out my home number to see if it is even trying. But it refuses to dial out ! ! 8O

Did the Rogers SIMM disable the "network dial-up" feature in the I-Mate Registry???


03-10-2004, 05:01 AM
Rogers does not allow CSD (Circuit Switched Data) over their GSM/GPRS network. In other words you can't do dialup!

In order to do any kind of data you will need to activate a data account.


03-10-2004, 12:54 PM
Thank you for the response....

If I am able to actually DIAL the phone number of my ISP (Videotron) from the phone, and hear the modem at the other end, how come the I-Mate won't dial it from the network settings?

Did the Rogers SIMM do something to the settings on the I-Mate?

03-10-2004, 02:33 PM
It's seems logical that CSD is turned off at the SIM if you can receive data but not send. The iMate probably is dialing into your ISP. You just can't confirm it since you can't here it, and the messages that the OS gives are extemely vague and misleading at times.
