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View Full Version : Older PPC Recs for a friend?

03-03-2004, 01:58 PM
I have a co-worker that's a real sweetie. She's a good person that does not have an easy life-full time job plus all the overtime she can get, while babysitting her grandkids in between, several medical problems, short on money, etc.

We usually give her giftcards to Walmart, so that she can get whatever she actually *needs* but I showed her Shanghai on my Axim one night at work, and she just loved it! I can pretty much guarantee that as soon as the work slows down, she's gonna grin and ask to play Shanghai!

So I was thinking that for her birthday, I'd try to get her an older pocket pc, and load up a compact flash card with Shanghai, the bible, bible trivia (?), some card games, and whatever else I can think of. I *know* she'd love it and use it.

The main problem is, I've done a little searching but I'm not sure what would be a good ppc. I know it needs to have a color screen, use a compact flash card, and that can run a decent variety of programs. The other problem is money-we'd really only set aside $40 for her gift, but some friends at work may be willing to chip in, so that *might* not be a big issue.

What I really need is some recommendations from you all as to what would be a good ppc to look into for her. I'm thinking maybe a Jornada or Cassiopeia of some sort? Can anyone give me reasons for/against either of these or suggest something else? I'd like to make sure I get her something that will last at least a little bit (I know, asking for a miracle here!)

I'd really appreciate any advice you can give me,


03-03-2004, 02:19 PM
A used Jornada 568.
I miss mine sometimes..... :cry:

03-03-2004, 02:31 PM
A Jornada 568? Ok, I'll look into that one :)

Thank you!

Bruno Figueiredo
03-03-2004, 02:55 PM
You can try a Toshiba e570. It's the PPC I have and it's great. You can buy one on eBay for as little as 30 dollars:


There's still 3 days of bidding to go on. You might try searching other offers but they are higher (around 120-180 dollars). If you can nail the one I told you about above for 50 dollars, that would be sweet!

03-03-2004, 03:03 PM
The 568 was an excellent machine and I just so happen to have one listed FS/FT in the Buying and Selling forum... take a look if you'd like...

Stephen Beesley
03-03-2004, 03:03 PM
Just chiming in to concur with the above posts. If you can get a used 568 it would be ideal I think - I still cannot quite give up mine!. The Toshiba e570 is a very similiar machine in many respects and might be a bit cheaper.

Even an old Jornada 548 might do the trick - although the screen is no good outside and the SH3 processor will limit the range of software available

03-03-2004, 03:07 PM
Thank you! I didn't even think about a Maestro-there's just so many that would probably fit what I need, it's finding out what they all are :roll:

I've put it on watch, and will keep an eye on it :)

03-03-2004, 03:24 PM
Holy mackerel, Dignow96, that's a lot of stuff! It's a really nice package, but I'm afraid with everything you're offering, you deserve a lot more than what I can afford to pay you :) And also, Viola doesn't have a computer, so just a basic setup would do for her.

uMP2K, thanks for the secondary votes on the Jornada 568 and the Toshiba e570, these are ones I'll certainly be looking for. I appreciate the informattion on the 548 and software range, that's something I do want to be careful about, so I think it'd be better if I stick with the others :)

I really appreciate the help, thank you both!

03-03-2004, 03:42 PM
if you are on a really low budget, try out the jornada 520. served me quite well :)

03-03-2004, 04:24 PM
Yep, definitely on a tight budget :)

But, as I said, some more of Viola's friends may want to chip in, so I'll check with them tonight at work, I might be able to do more than I think.

And I'll check out the 520, thanks for the rec :)

03-03-2004, 04:47 PM
One thing to remember is that if she is older, an e570 or jornada 568 might not be the best choice. My reason for saying this is that the screen brightness indoors on both those models is subpar IMHO. I would think an older jornada 548 or casio e125 might be the best as there still is software for the things you are thinking and the screen size and brightness is bigger and better indoors. Doesn't seem like she'd need to use it in direct sunlight too much. Go to usedhandhelds.com. They usually have the above models for under $100 with a decent warranty. Good luck.

03-03-2004, 08:56 PM
Yep, definitely on a tight budget :)

But, as I said, some more of Viola's friends may want to chip in, so I'll check with them tonight at work, I might be able to do more than I think.

And I'll check out the 520, thanks for the rec :)

Actually a Toshiba 310 might be had really cheap these days.

03-04-2004, 02:48 AM
powder2000-I had thought of that, but her eyesight is pretty good. I did check Usedhandhelds.com but the cheapest was still a little higher than I can afford right now, but again, after work tonight that may change. I also think I might hit some of the local pawn shops and see if I can find one locally.....

Fishie-a Toshiba 310? Ok, I'll check that out too :)

Thank you all so much for the rec's and information, I've made a list of the unit's mentioned here, and some that I found on Ebay that I'm curious about, so when I get home in the morning, I'm going to do a little more research and try to find some reviews on these particular models *and* the software available for each :) You guys are wonderful!

Thanks again,