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View Full Version : request to help recover files deleted through ActiveSync on XDA-II

03-02-2004, 02:53 PM
I guess I am really screwed, with my new mmO2 XDA-II and very surprising behaviour of activesync. It is my first PDA, and really the very first time I used ActiveSync in "standard partnership" mode, I should have continued to use "guest partnership mode". Perhaps someone can shed light if the ActiveSync process actually keeps a backup copy (somewhere) on the desktop before deleting the files it is supposed to synchronise between the PDA and the desktop?

I was unaware of the backup feature of the ActiveSync, and would have easily saved myself a whole world of trouble by just "backing up", but I guess the program should have been written in a way to FORCE a user to backup when they connect for the first time a new PDA and then to use that backup as a reference for future additions.... It only need a dialog box to remind the user to perform a initial backup so that their data would be safe!!

I was trying to organise the files on the desktop and then thought to test out the theory that once synchronised, (i.e., my thoughts were that by synchronising we are actually "transferring to the desktop"....................... but NO that was not the case) that if we deleted the files in the synchronised folder, later we would find it in the PDA.

Actually, the sychronised folder is a WRONG DESCRIPTION and only fools would believe that. It is simply the list of the files "mounted" on the flash filesystem and whatever you do, you do it in real time unless otherwise defined, so what I was actually doing was deleting at one shot almost three weeks of live data and there was no advance warning the files on the PDA would also be deleted immediately (there could have at least been a warning on the PDA screen that I am deleting over there as well!)

The folder was in fact a trap-door, and had I copied the files out of that synchronised folder .. to another desktop computer folder, I would have been saved eternally.

I don't know how to say this but if there is justice in the world, that will be the day when I do hope the ground swallows up a certain individual who works in redmond, Washington for creating a monstrosity of a company that only wants $ and in fact wants to have all $ referred to as M$.

But, is there any AT ALL undelete software for PDA memory please any suggestions?


Jason Dunn
03-02-2004, 05:28 PM
Turn on hidden files then go to...

C:\Documents and Settings\Jason Dunn\Application Data\Microsoft\ActiveSync\Profiles\POCKETPCNAME\Synchronized Files Backup

:way to go: