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View Full Version : Help pleez - my ipaq's internet explorer died!

Gary Garland, Esq.
02-26-2004, 03:21 PM
Hi - I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this plea for help...
last night, i opened avantgo per usual, and there was a lousy offer as usual. i pressed, "no thanks" as usual, and it basically froze. as usual. I don't remember if i soft reset, or used wisbar or something else to close the window, but that was the last time i saw internet explorer in one piece.
Now, when i try to load ie, it tries to open a window, the on screen keyboard opens up, and that's about it -- no opening the homepage, no readyness, nothing. I went into the registry (eek!) and changed the default page from avantgo to www.iwon.com - just in case avantgo was corrupted. No dice.
I've soft reset the thing many times trying. I've removed PIE Plus and anything else I thought may affect Pocket Internet Explorer.
I would really like to avoid a hard reset - for the first time in ages, my ipaq was actually working well across the board - reconfiguring after a hard reset is hours and hours of work....
and no, i was too stupid to make a backup :(
i'm running the ipaq 3975 with windows media 2003 - any help or suggestiosn really appreciated. I don't know if it's a registry problem, or a corrupt file -- i know the stuff is stored in ROM, but i dont' know if some of the files are copied to ram for faster execution, etc. - any help or guidance really appreciated - thank you! :) :helpme:

Steven Cedrone
02-26-2004, 04:04 PM
Go into your Windows directory, run Welcome.exe...


Gary Garland, Esq.
02-26-2004, 04:35 PM
Go into your Windows directory, run Welcome.exe...

Thanks Steve - I never knew this was an option. Does this change all my settings, such as my e-mail settings, or does it just refresh the ROM applications, or what?
Thanks for the reponse - very much appreciated. If it does what I'm thinking (refreshing the ROM apps) then maybe this tip should periodically go on the front page, to let folks know how to refresh their apps?
Thanks again, very much appreciated!

Steven Cedrone
02-26-2004, 04:40 PM
Shouldn't mess up any settings, it's the first thing I try when IE goes "belly-up" on me (and the first thing I reccomend to others as well)!


Gary Garland, Esq.
02-26-2004, 04:46 PM
Shouldn't mess up any settings, it's the first thing I try when IE goes "belly-up" on me (and the first thing I reccomend to others as well)!

Thanks again Steve - much appreciated. From the web searching I did, most IE problems were folks unable to connect to the internet - probably due to bad settings. I thought I was the only one to experience this problem, based on the lack of information from microsoft or elsewhere.
I once did screw up my older system by deleting ARI and Flashman (or similar) - basically, the files that controlled my expansion pack (can you say, dumb!!!!!) but i was able to restore when some kind soul posted a way to use resco to find the invisible files and put them back in ram where they belonged...i thought I may have to do the same here.
Seems the culprit was avantgo - that it corrupted, and since it was my homepage, ie couldn't open it...and when i substituted www.iwon.com, i.e. didn't like it because it wasn't "http://www.iwon.com"
as far as i can tell, ie is working again.
i would suggest mentioning the welcome file on the front page to help others - thanks again, very much appreciated!