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View Full Version : Renaming storage card on Pocket PC

02-24-2004, 10:01 PM
I have spent all morning on this. All I want to do is rename my storage
card from SD Card to something else, ie something without a space.
(IPAQ 2215, PocketPC 2003).

After following some hints that seemed to do nothing perceptible, the final
one that did something was to change the registry entry:

so that it contained a Name and a Folder entry. Respectively set to
'SD Memory Card' and 'SD1'

Alas, the thing is even worse. Now it comes up as 'Mounted Volume'.
Well, at least it still exists, I guess that is something to be thankful for.

I look at the .../Profiles/MMC immediately above the SDMemory and I can
find no differences of any kind except that Name and Folder occur in a
different order (and Folder is set to 'SD Card' of course). I have tried
re-entering them but they always seem to end up with Folder followed by

However, seems unlikely this is the cause of the trouble. Presumably
something else is missing or damaged and it is unable to find its way to
this entry.

A prior tip had (incorrectly as far as I can tell) pointed to
as being the location for Folder. This seems a little unlikely and didn't do
much when I tried it. I do however notice that this has an entry for Profile
which is 'SDMemory' which seems to make sense.

Any help appreciated as to how to get my SD Card renamed to something
other than 'SD Card' or 'Mounted Volume'. Just getting it back to
'SD Card' would be something.

(apologies in advance if wrong forum, I am not sure where config fits
in all this)

Jason Dunn
02-24-2004, 10:52 PM
I'm not aware of any way to do what you're asking - the names are basically hard-coded into the OS, and changing them as you saw can bring out unpredictable results.

If I may ask, why did you want to change the name?

02-24-2004, 11:09 PM
Just makes running gcc and python (both of which are up and running on the
pda) somewhat smoother. I really don't have enough space to put everything
into the main memory and various workarounds to get rid of the blank space
are getting steadily uglier.

Well, I definitely changed something. The name is now different. But it still
doesn't solve the main issue.

Jason Dunn
02-24-2004, 11:17 PM
Just makes running gcc and python (both of which are up and running on the pda) somewhat smoother.

Wait - you're saying these apps will run better if there's no space in the storage card name? 8O How can that be? I've never heard of such a thing...

02-24-2004, 11:28 PM
Because space is a delimiter on these apps, thus to access anything on them
requires some means of escaping that space. Having escapes and multiple
levels of quotes all over your code is pretty ugly.

02-25-2004, 01:08 AM
OK, It works now. The differences
1) I changed the registry editor program
2) I changed the name (slightly).

For sure, it now takes SD_Card, which is good enough for me. No more
tiresome spaces in filenames. I am guessing it would work with other
values too, but I have spent way too much time on this already.

The program I last used was the PHM stuff. Their installer didn't work
when I first tried it, so I gave up and used another regeditor that did
install OK and appeared to be doing the right thing.

But in desparation, I went back and used PHM's CAB installer rather
than the ActiveSync installer. That worked without a hitch.

So, for anyone else following along this tale and wants to change the
name of their storage card (in this case an SD card) and doesn't mind an
outside chance of trashing their device:

Go to: HKLM/System/StorageManager/Profiles/SDMemory
Set Folder to NewName

Similarly, I would guess for MMC, CF etc. But someone else can take over
the running here. I have had way too much of this for something as simple
as a renaming a device.

end-of-story, I think,
