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View Full Version : More Motorola MPx Photos from pocketpcitalia.com

Jason Dunn
02-24-2004, 06:51 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.pocketpcitalia.com/3gsm_2004_2.asp' target='_blank'>http://www.pocketpcitalia.com/3gsm_2004_2.asp</a><br /><br /></div><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/moto_vert.jpg" /><br /><br />I'm getting teary-eyed just looking at this beautiful hardware...amazing. Go check out the pics!

02-24-2004, 06:53 PM
You can read the site in English (http://translate.google.com/translate?sourceid=navclient-menuext&hl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Epocketpcitalia%2Ecom%2F3gsm%5F2004%5F2%2Easp). The device is surprisingly small. Now, why wait till summer? Perhaps to wait for the 2004 OS, for production to ramp up, for carriers to bring it on... all of the above?

02-24-2004, 06:58 PM
uhh....look at all those shiny 'blinken light'
who cares if the thumboard is functional or not. It's a space ship console.


02-24-2004, 07:00 PM
Nice... this is what I have been waiting to see. Pictures of the device in comparison to someone's hand. Really, I'm surprised at how small it is. From the other pictures I was figuring that it was quite a bit bigger. Of course it is possible that this guy has huge hands too... :)

02-24-2004, 07:02 PM
Nice... this is what I have been waiting to see. Pictures of the device in comparison to someone's hand. Really, I'm surprised at how small it is. From the other pictures I was figuring that it was quite a bit bigger. Of course it is possible that this guy has huge hands too... :)

Small???? Um.....this thing looks like a BEAST. Don't look for a lot of these to be sold.

Pocket PC Dubai
02-24-2004, 07:03 PM
Totally amazing :drool:

02-24-2004, 07:03 PM
uhh....look at all those shiny 'blinken light'
who cares if the thumboard is functional or not. It's a space ship console.

lol... I was thinking the same thing. Looks a little bit like a Star Trek tricoder there...

02-24-2004, 07:05 PM
Looks good, and has a ton of features, so I was totally drooling over it. But now that I see it in relation to that guy's hand, I think it is going to look weird to hold a huge device like this against my ear. Hmm, perhaps I will have to wait for more photos.


Jason Dunn
02-24-2004, 07:06 PM
Small???? Um.....this thing looks like a BEAST. Don't look for a lot of these to be sold.

It's small for a PDA, but big for a phone - remember, this is a PDA first and phone second, NOT a Smartphone. I agree with you that it won't sell millions (the PDA market is a niche market), but among the PDA users, this might be a smash hit based on what it offers.

02-24-2004, 07:06 PM
I highly doubt this device will sell well. It may appear cool to some people, but for me, it is really ugly. I never saw any uglier and thicker device than this.

The price tag and the embrassing keyboard will hurt the sales too.

02-24-2004, 07:10 PM
I highly doubt this device will sell well. It may appear cool to some people, but for me, it is really ugly. I never saw any uglier and thicker device than this.

The price tag and the embrassing keyboard will hurt the sales too.

yeah but just about everybody has 'pretty' phone these days. I am sick of it. I want to carry a beast! I want to scare people away when I use my phone instead of drawing attention. :devilboy:

I wish it was thinner tho.

02-24-2004, 07:11 PM
Remember it is still a BT device, so a wireless headset could be used.

02-24-2004, 07:12 PM
A VGA screen would be great

02-24-2004, 07:16 PM
Small???? Um.....this thing looks like a BEAST. Don't look for a lot of these to be sold.

It's small for a PDA, but big for a phone - remember, this is a PDA first and phone second, NOT a Smartphone. I agree with you that it won't sell millions (the PDA market is a niche market), but among the PDA users, this might be a smash hit based on what it offers.

I agree that it's smallish for a PDA. The problem is that most will still have to carry around a phone as well as it's just too big to put up to your head and not look stupid. So it's not really a "converged" device in my book.

On the other hand, I'm anxious to see some in person views of the new Nokia Communicator. It looks like it accomplishes the same goal as the Moto device, but SEEMS a little smaller and "phone like".

02-24-2004, 07:17 PM
I don't know, I 'm not really feeling this device. I guess I really am a two device person.

02-24-2004, 07:21 PM
I wonder if it will have as big an impact on the PDA/Phone market that the Treo 600 had last year. I seriosly thought of buying a Treo 600 but in the end held off because of the OS it used. This one, however...As for size, come on folks, it's a PDA first. I think it will be about the same size as the Samsung i500 but just a little longer.

The convinience of using it in portrait mode with a thumbpad layed out more like a conventional keyboard is enough to make me ignore the bulk. If size is a concern then just get a Bluetooth headset. At least it will not require a Wifi expansion card or a camera attachment or even a screen protector.

The question is, will this be easier to carry around then my 2200 with thumbpad? If it is then it's a no brainer for me. Things I won't have to carry around with me anymore when this phone comes out:

1. Pocket PC
2. Portable Camera
3. Thumb Pad
4. WIFI card

That's a lot of stuff merged into one unit. I just hope the battery life is not this unit's Achele's heel.

David Prahl
02-24-2004, 07:31 PM
The price tag and the embrassing keyboard will hurt the sales too.

To my knowledge, we don't know the price yet (although it will be pretty high). $700 is reasonable for such a device - look at the Samsung SPH-i700.

We haven't heard about the keyboard yet! Aren't you being a bit quick to judge? Some devices have great thumbboards (RIM Blackberry, Treo© line, etc.).

This device has everything I want. If I wasn't saving for college I'd buy one. Honestly.

02-24-2004, 07:32 PM
1. Pocket PC
2. Portable Camera
3. Thumb Pad
4. WIFI card

That's a lot of stuff merged into one unit. I just hope the battery life is not this unit's Achele's heel.

5. Mobile GPRS/GSM Phone :wink:

02-24-2004, 07:35 PM
I will probably buy it, as well as the iPaq 6300 series, and give whichever one I do not like to my wife :twisted: . This will allow me to justify the $1000 + I will have to shell out :mrgreen:

02-24-2004, 07:38 PM
I think it looks ugly too! It is definitely not a regular phone. I don't know how people will react when I hold this against my ear. Too small for a PDA but too big for a Smartphone.

Strange part is that I never saw of photo of it open portrait mode. Of all those keys, maybe it is too awkward to use.

02-24-2004, 07:39 PM
I highly doubt this device will sell well. It may appear cool to some people, but for me, it is really ugly. I never saw any uglier and thicker device than this. The price tag and the embrassing keyboard will hurt the sales too.

Now that's the huangzhinong I know from this site. I can't recall you responding in an enthousiastic way on any new device. ;) I'm curious, what would your ideal device look like?

02-24-2004, 07:40 PM
That's a lot of stuff merged into one unit. I just hope the battery life is not this unit's Achele's heel.

What do you mean a lot of stuff ? Where is the butane lighter ? Where is the silent dog whistle ? How about a vanity mirror ? How about an apothecary spatula ? What ? No lensatic compass....I'm outta here ? :byebye:

02-24-2004, 07:43 PM
As far as I can tell this device will replace a multitude of devices...

Black Berry
Cell Phone

It offers wireless connectivity, for those of us who want the surf the web faster than the GPRS connection will allow for, and it gives users and nice sized thumbpad to type out those SMS messages faster. It will of course have the built-in Outlook client, which can and will sync with Exchange 2003, for enterprise class mail. It has built-in Bluetooth for those of you who need to talk without feeling embarrased, using a bt headset. IT has built in 1.3 megapixel camera for nice quality pictures. My biggest questions are:

How much?
How much memory
How fast is the CPU and is it an Intel, Samsung, or Motorola CPU?

I just bought a house.... can I live with myself if I purchased this unit for over $600.00?

02-24-2004, 07:45 PM
I love it! It seems to leave my beloved iPaq designs in the dust!

Thank G_d someone is making new form-factors; now where is that iPaq phone and will it be in a new form as well?

IMHO this MPx could be the perfect device 0X

02-24-2004, 07:50 PM
How much?
How much memory
How fast is the CPU and is it an Intel, Samsung, or Motorola CPU?

pocketpcitalia says 64 MB ROM but no word for RAM :cry:

02-24-2004, 08:01 PM
Are the specs posted somewhere? I haven't come across it yet.

02-24-2004, 08:19 PM
I highly doubt this device will sell well. It may appear cool to some people, but for me, it is really ugly. I never saw any uglier and thicker device than this. The price tag and the embrassing keyboard will hurt the sales too.

Now that's the huangzhinong I know from this site. I can't recall you responding in an enthousiastic way on any new device. ;) I'm curious, what would your ideal device look like?

Interesting. My idea device is pretty simple:
640*480 in H2210 form factor with build in BT/Wi-fi and 128mb RAM. If you check my previous posts, I was more dying to get this device than you when I saw the prototype. But the reality is not always so sweet.

02-24-2004, 08:28 PM
8O That is a gorgeous device.

I know some people don't like the "wave" in the keyboard, but it's a lot better than a lot of the junk that Nokia's been putting out. It may take a little getting used to at first, but this keyboard wouldn't be difficult to use in the least. If you were touch-typing on it, I could understand, but this is a thumb-type keyboard and you're going to be watching your thumbs anyway, so it wouldn't be much of an adjustment. Certainly much less than using Grafitti.

Not to mention, it clearly shows that the keyboard is backlit blue. Very nice work Moto!

The Italian site says that it will have 64MB RAM, but doesn't mention the processor. I wonder if it will have the TI OMAP procs in it? (An OMAP2420 maybe? This is probably wishful thinking). We'll find out soon enough. I really want to know in what month they think they'll be able to roll them out and what the estimated cost will be. I can't imagine it costing more than an SE P900, though, which is $800.

IMO, I think they'll sell a lot of these things. Having access to all of those features in one device would be killer.

I am definitely getting one of these when they come out.

02-24-2004, 08:37 PM
Interesting. My idea device is pretty simple:
640*480 in H2210 form factor with build in BT/Wi-fi and 128mb RAM.

This device looks to be a bit thicker, but definately smaller than a 221x.... so I guess you want something bigger. 640x480 is nice on the current stable of 3.5-4" Portrait display PPC devices, but in a converged device, the 2.8" is perfect for 320x240

02-24-2004, 08:43 PM
IMO, I think they'll sell a lot of these things. Having access to all of those features in one device would be killer.

I am definitely getting one of these when they come out.

I agree! Just think how hard it was to get a Treo 600 when that came out, and that solution used the now outdated PALM OS 5.2! Plus it has a smaller screen.

02-24-2004, 08:48 PM
I really like this device... what I would like to see is a picture of someone
actually using it as a phone.. you know holding it up to their face. Then
I can see if I would look stupid using it. :mrgreen:


02-24-2004, 08:54 PM
Who cares how you look when you hold it to your face? No matter what it will be better than the current PPC/phone brick designs. This form factor is killer. There is no such thing as a perfect device but this thing might come close.

For those that say the form factor sucks, look at your current "svelte" flip phone. They are almost an inch thick. This only truly small phones are that Siemens and the SE T610/616. Compared to PDAs, by the time you add a case (unless metal), you have just about the same form factor if not greater.

02-24-2004, 08:57 PM
And for all people who think it's too big 'n awkward to hold against your ear for 'regular' phonecall, think of this:
Get yourselves a Bluetooth headset, but not only that... Also pickup microsoft VoiceCommand ! :D Voicecommand doesn't require training of commands, and through the headset you cannot only dial in every possible way, but also control the whole beast ! Like WMP for instance ! :drool:

Too bad i'm broke right now due to my brand-spankin' new h4150, and that i can't justify another device to myself within half a year to the previous one... But damn; it's defenitely on my wish list :cool:
Think of the voice-controlled scenario i sketched above :drool:

It's like saying to the StarkTrek computer:"2 to beam up !" :drool:

02-24-2004, 08:59 PM
]I really like this device... what I would like to see is a picture of someone
actually using it as a phone.. you know holding it up to their face. Then
I can see if I would look stupid using it. :mrgreen:


I think it'll be a bit larger than typical flip phones of course, which isn't exactly hard to figure out, but based on the photos, it won't be like holding a loaf of bread up to your face, LOL...

I think it'll be just fine.

I gotta say, I have been waiting forever for a device like this. Mainly a handheld/blackberry-type hybrid. But having a camera phone integrated into it as well, and a 1.3 MP camera at that, is just amazing. And with WiFi and BT as well! And to think, that Moto are the ones making it happen.

Waiting for this is gonna drive me nuts! I'm drooling already. I'll have a pool filled by the time this reaches the shelves. :drool:

02-24-2004, 09:05 PM
Waiting for this is gonna drive me nuts! I'm drooling already. I'll have a pool filled by the time this reaches the shelves. :drool:

I am right there in line with you. My fear however is that this will not appear anywhere that you could normally buy a Pocket PC and you will have to get a carrier-branded version of the phone or will have to find a source for a SIM unlocked version as has been done with the XDA devices.

02-24-2004, 09:09 PM
Waiting for this is gonna drive me nuts! I'm drooling already. I'll have a pool filled by the time this reaches the shelves. :drool:

I am right there in line with you. My fear however is that this will not appear anywhere that you could normally buy a Pocket PC and you will have to get a carrier-branded version of the phone or will have to find a source for a SIM unlocked version as has been done with the XDA devices.

I've wondered about that, too. With other phones, maybe it would be beneficial to have a carrier branded version (or maybe it never is), but with this device, I would definitely want it unlocked. I wouldn't want a T-Mo branded version. I'd want this device with an "AYCE" GPRS account. I prefer unlocked devices, myself.

Can't wait for more info to be made available.

02-24-2004, 09:44 PM
Next person who whines about the size of the phone and how it looks like will get a GSM version of this from me if I can find it:



Right now I'm thinking of a local saying which describes some of the postings here, but as this is a wholesome site, I will not say it here.. but really, do you want the device to have everything, the kitchen sink, and a nuclear missile as well?

02-24-2004, 09:44 PM
What a bunch of sissies! A convergent device is the only thing I'll use. And the giant Pocket PC phones that you can't put in your pocket without breaking the screen are not the solution.

The first Nokia I had was as big as a brick and did nothing but make calls...when it could connect. Who cares how it looks next to your head when you make a call? I have an N-Gage and haven't lost any friends yet. :mrgreen:

I'll carry a phone...and nothing else.

Gavin Henriques
02-24-2004, 09:59 PM
Its funny to me how much people care what OTHER people think. Who cares. If it works for me, then fine. I will not have a problem using this phone when it comes out. This is what I have been waiting for. Also, if you think I look funny holding it up to my face...so what, I'll live. I will still have the love of my family, even if I look like a geek :D

02-24-2004, 10:15 PM
Look nice and it's got a lot under the hood but I might have to hold off for a while myself. I just got the i700 in august.

What I'm looking for later is a similar device (though thinner).
Minus: Wifi and Bluetooth. I won't need em.

Add: 640x480 screen, GPS built in, more RAM (128 MB) and 64 MB ROM.

That would make it almost perfect.

02-24-2004, 10:15 PM
Aren't most of the portrait/landscape conversions out there only accessible via soft-reset? If that's true, this bodes well for us seeing a PPC 2004 with landscape support released this year. Motorola wouldn't release a device with hinges like this if you had to reset each time you opened it a different way... :mrgreen:

02-24-2004, 10:28 PM
I like the look of this device!

Just from the buzz that this thing has created, it will probably do well.

02-24-2004, 10:29 PM
Its funny to me how much people care what OTHER people think. Who cares. If it works for me, then fine. I will not have a problem using this phone when it comes out. This is what I have been waiting for. Also, if you think I look funny holding it up to my face...so what, I'll live. I will still have the love of my family, even if I look like a geek :D

Well, then why bother wearing decent clothes, driving a non-beat up ride, cleaning your house if company's coming over, etc...???

02-24-2004, 10:41 PM
Its funny to me how much people care what OTHER people think. Who cares. If it works for me, then fine. I will not have a problem using this phone when it comes out. This is what I have been waiting for. Also, if you think I look funny holding it up to my face...so what, I'll live. I will still have the love of my family, even if I look like a geek :D

Well, then why bother wearing decent clothes, driving a non-beat up ride, cleaning your house if company's coming over, etc...???

I'll be the first to say that style is important (and I've never understood the people who never care about what something looks like or never take any stand on style), and of course we all have our own definitions of what style is, but even so, it should matter more what each individual thinks rather than what everyone else thinks.

This phone looks great IMO, and I seriously doubt that anyone is going to look at someone using it and gasp, "Look at the size of that phone!!!". That's just ridiculous.

They won't, but even if they did, I agree with Dr. G... "who cares?!?". If it meets your needs and you like it, then that's all that matters.

To anyone who thinks this is a "big" phone (which it's clearly not), take a look at the people who carry satellite phones around, and then ask yourself the same question.

02-24-2004, 11:08 PM
I'd really like to see it held up next to a common objest for a baseline for size comparison. Yes that is a hand holding it, but my hand is a lot bigger than my wifes.

02-24-2004, 11:21 PM
*sighs* Stop showing that thing! Its never going to show up on Nextel which is my companies cellphone provider. Do you know you guys are torturing some of us?!?! :cry: :cry: ;)
Nextel's solutions suck. :(

02-24-2004, 11:36 PM
Its funny to me how much people care what OTHER people think. Who cares. If it works for me, then fine. I will not have a problem using this phone when it comes out. This is what I have been waiting for. Also, if you think I look funny holding it up to my face...so what, I'll live. I will still have the love of my family, even if I look like a geek :D

Well, then why bother wearing decent clothes, driving a non-beat up ride, cleaning your house if company's coming over, etc...???

I'll be the first to say that style is important (and I've never understood the people who never care about what something looks like or never take any stand on style), and of course we all have our own definitions of what style is, but even so, it should matter more what each individual thinks rather than what everyone else thinks.

This phone looks great IMO, and I seriously doubt that anyone is going to look at someone using it and gasp, "Look at the size of that phone!!!". That's just ridiculous.

They won't, but even if they did, I agree with Dr. G... "who cares?!?". If it meets your needs and you like it, then that's all that matters.

To anyone who thinks this is a "big" phone (which it's clearly not), take a look at the people who carry satellite phones around, and then ask yourself the same question.

Don't really see anyone carrying around SAT phones on a regular basis. And, quite frankly, people WILL say "look at the size of that phone". I've seen it happen.

You say "if it meets your needs then who cares?" I agree, my point is that it won't meet most people's needs as they need a normal looking phone.

David Prahl
02-24-2004, 11:43 PM
Since when did geeks carry around practical or beautiful electronics? :lol:

02-25-2004, 12:00 AM
Don't really see anyone carrying around SAT phones on a regular basis.

That isn't the point. The point is, this isn't as big as some phones out there. Even from the photos I can tell that.

And, quite frankly, people WILL say "look at the size of that phone".

I doubt that. Besides, this isn't like carrying around a brick.

You say "if it meets your needs then who cares?" I agree, my point is that it won't meet most people's needs as they need a normal looking phone.

It won't meet most people's needs, eh? :lol: that's pretty funny! Since when do you know what most people's need are?

And what exactly is a "normal looking phone"?

Each to his own.

02-25-2004, 12:11 AM
Don't really see anyone carrying around SAT phones on a regular basis.

That isn't the point. The point is, this isn't as big as some phones out there. Even from the photos I can tell that.

And, quite frankly, people WILL say "look at the size of that phone".

I doubt that. Besides, this isn't like carrying around a brick.

You say "if it meets your needs then who cares?" I agree, my point is that it won't meet most people's needs as they need a normal looking phone.

It won't meet most people's needs, eh? :lol: that's pretty funny! Since when do you know what most people's need are?

And what exactly is a "normal looking phone"?

Each to his own.

Really?? You can't look at the market and understand that it's representative of what people are looking for? Phones keep getting smaller and more stylish for a reason: People keep buying them!

You don't think people will look at a phone like that and think you're a dork for holding it up to your head? Then go be a dork I guess...

02-25-2004, 12:16 AM
Don't really see anyone carrying around SAT phones on a regular basis.

That isn't the point. The point is, this isn't as big as some phones out there. Even from the photos I can tell that.

And, quite frankly, people WILL say "look at the size of that phone".

I doubt that. Besides, this isn't like carrying around a brick.

You say "if it meets your needs then who cares?" I agree, my point is that it won't meet most people's needs as they need a normal looking phone.

It won't meet most people's needs, eh? :lol: that's pretty funny! Since when do you know what most people's need are?

And what exactly is a "normal looking phone"?

Each to his own.

Really?? You can't look at the market and understand that it's representative of what people are looking for? Phones keep getting smaller and more stylish for a reason: People keep buying them!

You don't think people will look at a phone like that and think you're a dork for holding it up to your head? Then go be a dork I guess...

LMAO!!! Fellow Dorks, UNITE!!!

David Prahl
02-25-2004, 12:21 AM
Phones keep getting smaller and more stylish for a reason: People keep buying them!

You don't think people will look at a phone like that and think you're a dork for holding it up to your head? Then go be a dork I guess...

I think calling this device a "phone" is an over-simplification. Normal people won't be buying it no matter how svelte it is. Only geeks will buy it, and we care more about function than form.

02-25-2004, 12:26 AM
Hence the term "pocket pc phone' not "smartphone" or "cell phone". This device is meant for a market and that market will consume it, I will.

02-25-2004, 12:47 AM
The size is 99.7x61.2x24mm (3.9"x2.4"x.94") and the weight 174 grams (6.1oz).

140 hours in standby and 180 minutes talk time.

02-25-2004, 12:53 AM
The size is 99.7x61.2x24mm (3.9"x2.4"x.94") and the weight 174 grams (6.1oz).

140 hours in standby and 180 minutes talk time.

Sounds good to me. I wonder if it'll have a swappable battery? It should, being that it's part cell phone.

02-25-2004, 12:54 AM
The size is 99.7x61.2x24mm (3.9"x2.4"x.94") and the weight 174 grams (6.1oz).

Compare that size to the 221x at:
115.4 x 76.4 x 15.4 mm (4.54" x 3" x 0.61")

The new MPx is a little heavier, a little wider and thicker, but not nearly as tall (when closed)... overall, not too far from the form factor of the 221x and a bit more square.... plus when closed, it has built-in screen protector!

Who wants to make a mockup comparison based on these known measurements?

02-25-2004, 12:59 AM
The size is 99.7 x 61.2 x 24mm (3.9" x 2.4" x .94") and the weight 174 grams (6.1oz).

Compare that size to the 221x at:
115.4 x 76.4 x 15.4 mm (4.54" x 3" x 0.61")

The new MPx is a little heavier, a little wider and thicker, but not nearly as tall (when closed)... overall, not too far from the form factor of the 221x and a bit more square.... plus when closed, it has built-in screen protector!

Who wants to make a mockup comparison based on these known measurements?

From your measurements, it looks as though the MPx is a bit thicker and shorter like you were saying, but instead a bit narrower than the 221x.

I won't have a problem with it at all. Not to mention, a lot of the time I'll be using my Digital Bluespoon with it anyway. But I still think it's a beautiful device.

02-25-2004, 02:20 AM
I don't know how people will react when I hold this against my ear.
That matters?

Personally, I don't give a fat rat's arse what others think of the devices I choose to use.

David Prahl
02-25-2004, 02:22 AM
I don't know how people will react when I hold this against my ear.
That matters?

Personally, I don't give a fat rat's arse what others think of the devices I choose to use.

Same here! I didn't buy that PPC to be popular, I bought it to be mobile, productive, and entertained.

02-25-2004, 02:40 AM
Really?? You can't look at the market and understand that it's representative of what people are looking for? Phones keep getting smaller and more stylish for a reason: People keep buying them!
The argument could be made that people keep buying them because that's all that's available these days! Chicken or the egg thing.

IMO, this itty bitty phone craze has gotten way out of hand. Guess I'm an old fashioned fuddy duddy, but I actually ** like ** a phone that's big enough to perch between my shoulder and ear....leaving my hands free to do something else. Yeah, so maybe I'll have a permanent kink in my neck by the time I'm 70. But I'll worry about that when I'm 70. :)

02-25-2004, 02:57 AM
Now, why wait till summer? Perhaps to wait for the 2004 OS, ....
Do we know for certain there will be a new OS this year? Or is it just a good guess based on Toshiba's release of a VGA device and the landscape mode capabilities of a device like this making it seem as though a new OS *can't* be too far off?

Just asking.

02-25-2004, 03:03 AM
The size is 99.7x61.2x24mm (3.9"x2.4"x.94") and the weight 174 grams (6.1oz).

140 hours in standby and 180 minutes talk time.

Smaller in every dimension than my e740 in it's leather flip top case... ok perhaps a mm or 2 thicker, with clamshell I won't need the case...

Shame the memory's not that great. The clincher for me would be how comfortable it is to read ebooks on.

Len Egan
02-25-2004, 03:15 AM
I highly doubt this device will sell well. It may appear cool to some people, but for me, it is really ugly. I never saw any uglier and thicker device than this.

The price tag and the embrassing keyboard will hurt the sales too.

Couldn't agree with you more. It may be useful, but it is BUTT ugly!

02-25-2004, 03:30 AM
HOLY !@#$. What am I going to do until summer. I guess I will have to suffer with my 4350 / t616 combo.

02-25-2004, 03:41 AM
My Dream Phone:

Based on one of those new roll-up flexible screens due late this year/ early next year from that Dutch Company. A cylinder about 3/4" diameter by six inches long with a roll-out screen 5" tall by 8" wide with 1024x600 resolution. Holding a cylinder up to the side of your head for phone calls doesn't sound too geeky. (Is that a phone in your pocket or are you glad to see me!)

Oh, and no camera since my office doesn't allow cameras.

The phone in the pictures looks cool, but still several generations from my dream phone/e-book reader.


David Prahl
02-25-2004, 03:43 AM
There's a (concept) device just like that, but a bit thicker.

02-25-2004, 04:23 AM
roll up screens? wow, where do I find more about this?

David Prahl
02-25-2004, 04:58 AM
roll up screens? wow, where do I find more about this?

They haven't "come of age" yet, but

Gavin Henriques
02-25-2004, 05:19 AM
SassKwatch wrote:
nobody wrote:
I don't know how people will react when I hold this against my ear.

That matters?

Personally, I don't give a fat rat's arse what others think of the devices I choose to use.

Same here! I didn't buy that PPC to be popular, I bought it to be mobile, productive, and entertained.

I agree!!! :)

02-25-2004, 06:56 AM
Well.......... I want one........... :lol:

02-25-2004, 08:47 AM
The device is surprisingly small.?
Surprisingly small!?! Compared to what - the damned thing is about a foot thick! I really dont understand all the interest in this device - horrible horrible horrible - all the design style of a Subaru Impreza! :pukeface2:

02-25-2004, 09:03 AM
Sheesh .. I don't get people who are afraid about the acclaimed geekish look of the device. :roll:

First of all, as some people have said; who cares? If you're dressed nicely otherwise, having a phone slighty thicker than others doesn't render you a geek. It's really your other appearance that does that.

And secondly, just how cool does tapping a normal PPC on a metro look like? Personally, I'd much rather play around with this device on public than fiddle around with normal PPC.

I say bring it on, babe. Bring it on! :twisted:


02-25-2004, 05:18 PM
The size is 99.7x61.2x24mm (3.9"x2.4"x.94") and the weight 174 grams (6.1oz).

140 hours in standby and 180 minutes talk time.

This is interesting. If you want to have a good sense of the size of this thing...those measurements almost precisely match the size of the Sony UX50 in it's charging cradle *minus* the tubular hinge and the tubular stylus holder/hard button cylinder.

This is getting extremely close to an ideal device for me. I'd like it thinner, and would sacrifice the camera if it'd help. Also, I'd like a way to open, twist and flip the screen so that you could use it in tablet mode w/o the keyboard too.


02-25-2004, 05:27 PM
Also, I'd like a way to open, twist and flip the screen so that you could use it in tablet mode w/o the keyboard too.

I would like that as well, but I don't think the single permanent hinge would support that 'twisting'... Still, it would be nice to have a tiny slate so that traditional PPC portrait mode could be used with just a stylus.

Actually, I don't mind the thickness as long as it gits the other dimmensions down which it does very well. I just don't want it so thick that I end of with a square block - that would just look silly.

Will T Smith
02-25-2004, 06:25 PM
Nice... this is what I have been waiting to see. Pictures of the device in comparison to someone's hand. Really, I'm surprised at how small it is. From the other pictures I was figuring that it was quite a bit bigger. Of course it is possible that this guy has huge hands too... :)

Small???? Um.....this thing looks like a BEAST. Don't look for a lot of these to be sold.

It's kinda thick compared to other PDAs. But It looks WAY smaller than an Ipaq with the traditional expansion jacket. You couldn't pry those things out of their owners hands at the time.

This device has a cool integrated keybaord PLUS a 1.3 mega-pixel camera. If there is integrated bluetooth (it is a phone after all) & Wi-Fi, I would expect them to have a supply shortage.

Don't forget, this replaces ALL of those mobile gadgets that people carry. It could also be a decent replacement for a LOT of salespeople. Many of the things they run are pretty simple and could be easily moved into the PocketPC space.

This brings me to my next point. Something tells me that Microsoft may start to push 240x320 in the "smart-phone" category and ramp up to VGA on the PocketPC. It would be a NICE way to transition. The same hardware used to put 640x480 into a 4" diagonal screen could put 240x320 into those little smart-phone displays.

Network-phone-traditional small resolution phone
Smart-Phone- 320x240 phone integrated device.
PocketPC+Phone - 320x240 with phone integration
PocketPC - 640x480 handheld pen based PC with or without keybaord.

Will T Smith
02-25-2004, 06:26 PM
Looks good, and has a ton of features, so I was totally drooling over it. But now that I see it in relation to that guy's hand, I think it is going to look weird to hold a huge device like this against my ear. Hmm, perhaps I will have to wait for more photos.


Well, this device is WAY smaller than the original Star-Tac phone. I didn't see anyone complaining about there arm falling off from the weight.

02-25-2004, 08:26 PM
Even better pics at


You can especially see exactly how the keyboard looks like.

Will T Smith
02-25-2004, 08:34 PM
Now, why wait till summer? Perhaps to wait for the 2004 OS, ....
Do we know for certain there will be a new OS this year? Or is it just a good guess based on Toshiba's release of a VGA device and the landscape mode capabilities of a device like this making it seem as though a new OS *can't* be too far off?

Just asking.

The 2003 release seems to have been a simple effort of getting the PocketPC running on top of CE 4.3. It had very few new features.

Microsoft seems to be revving PocketPC every year now. I suspect you'll see new features from PocketPC in 2004 (Jun/July/Aug) timeframe.

It will be interesting to see how developers embrace a dual resolution platform. Though, this is NOT unprecedented since PC developers have had to handle variable resolution devices for MANY, MANY years.

I suspect that MOST apps will handle this through different resource packages for different platforms. I've been looking through GNU Go 2.6.2 the last couple days and they did some work in their to work on both Smartphone(176x220) and PocketPC.

Beyond that, it would be good for Microsoft to generate a utility that AUTOMATICALLY upscales 240x320 apps to VGA. This could really smooth the adoption of the higher resolution.

In fact, the decision to skip the Palm 320x480 resolution (Clie and Tungsten devices) could be a sign that Microsoft wants to include this specific functionality. The reason is simple. Translating from 240x320 to 480x640 is a simple pixel doubling. One only needs to add some dealiasing to make things "not blocky" as well as some translation software to seamlessly double size WinCE widgets. Hopefully, the dealiasing (for bitmaps) would be handled by the display hardware automatically without taking processor resources.

If this is the road, it's easy to see how "normal" PocketPC could peacefully co-exist with HD PocketPC (480x640). Without such a transition plan, two mutually incompatible formats would develop in software.

Will T Smith
02-25-2004, 08:54 PM
roll up screens? wow, where do I find more about this?

They haven't "come of age" yet, but

I like the concept. Though, I think students will need more than one.

I also don't think that tranditional windows would be the best operating system for such a device. It should be more like an appliance.

In the meantime, I'd like to see a rugged device with an color LCD screen that can act as a generic book. Insted of being issued 5 different paper textbooks. Students would simply have their book viewer and they would be "issued" DRM copies of textbooks.

The viewer would have excellent features for highlighting, clipping, beaming (over bluetooth), etc... It would also have a built in planner for students and the ability to incorporate educational games, worksheets, and exercises. Students would keep their digital textbooks for life. Instead of PRINTING a book, the book companies (cartel) would simply get a license fee per student per year.

Basically, they would probably issue a locked server module to each school. The book company would crypt the book so only THAT students reader could use it.

Students would be able to cut and paste cited material up to a certain length or resolution (in case pictures).

MPEG-4 video could also be included in these new "dynamic" textbooks.

The physical form factor would have two halves that unfolded revealing to "pages". They could be linked to simulate a traditional book, or they could be decoupled to display different pages AND/OR allow the student to perform book exercises with an integrated notebook functionality

The device would contain the same type of drive used in iPods (the device should probably play music as well (MP3, Ogg). Though, the music would NOT play over the built in speakers (it would only work through the phone jack ;-))

When closed, the device should be able to withstand a fall of 7ft. The exterior would be made of a sturdy, durable and BOUNCEABLE rubber (the same type used in Kong toys for dogs ;-).

It would way the same as a traditional notebook (5-8 lbs).

02-25-2004, 11:14 PM
Adding further to the confusion about the look of the device I just found a somewhat different picture of the front of the MPX300 on Motorolas italian website, enclosed in the Word-specsheet file


No flash here, smaller display, to buttons to navigate the outer display and different case color...

BTW: I dont like the keyboard. Neither the wave form nor the two color buttons and the fact that they are so close to each other. It simply looks cluttered. But since Motorola has said that there might be some alterations to the device before its release we can all be hopeful :-)

02-26-2004, 07:33 AM
I don't understand why we assume if we own a PDA we must be geeks? Everyone I've ever shown my i700 to are amazed at how cool it is using GPS and Thunderhawk, and this is a brick-looking phone! I think it is a sign of sophistication and maturity that we manage our lives with streamlined calendars and effecient devices.

You have to make a decision; you cannot physically have a small phone and big screen. So for those of you who think it's to big, I say thank god the screen isn't any smaller! I don't want to be looking at my next appointment, surfing the web, and using my GPS on some powerless dinky 1" smartphone screen.

I think it's much less fashionable to see someone haul their big-a** laptop wherever they go so they can have their svelt phone. I think because we look for converged devices we are NOT geeks--geeks are the ones who like to carry around separate phone/mp3/pda's/laptops. We want converged devices BECAUSE they are discreet--they take up only 1 pocket!

02-26-2004, 10:41 AM

I noticed that all these latest pictures floating around here, the date and time at the device screen is April 1, 2003 at 12:31.
This make me wonder:

1. Whoever take these pictures had known about this 'hot' device almost a year ago, and we just can see it now? Wait ... looks like the surrounding view (whatever GSM event is) where this device shown publicly must be very recent, right? If this event was actually a year ago, some pictures must have leaked out here way earlier.

2. How can this guy take all these very fine - focus pictures, in many different positions and backgrounds within 1 minute?

So, it is either an April fool or non-function dummy phone or just a scam pictures .... another conspiracy theory 8)

PS: In this official picture, http://www.motorola.com/mediacenter/graphics/detail/0,,3334_4253,00.html
There is a retractable stylus, I also don't see that in these latest pictures

02-26-2004, 01:17 PM
anthonymoody wrote:
quote]Also, I'd like a way to open, twist and flip the screen so that you could use it in tablet mode w/o the keyboard too. [/quote]
JonnoB wrote:
I would like that as well, but I don't think the single permanent hinge would support that 'twisting'... Still, it would be nice to have a tiny slate so that traditional PPC portrait mode could be used with just a stylus.

I'm thinking the same thing, I believe that it is still possible in that hinge design. It can rotate on the middle part of barrel between the permanent hinge and the portrait hinge lock, add two hinge lock on opposite sides of the landscape end, so when you rotate the screen outwards it can lock in for tablet mode.

I think it will look big if you flip it open for a phone, but I still want one. anyway you still have BT(head set).

02-26-2004, 04:43 PM
Hey Marc - those idnes.cz pix are phenomenal...thanks for the link! I want one even MORE now!!!


02-26-2004, 05:30 PM
*whimpers* stop the torment, oh, stop it!

David Prahl
02-26-2004, 06:02 PM
I noticed that all these latest pictures floating around here, the date and time at the device screen is April 1, 2003 at 12:31.

(I noticed this too!)That's the default time and date that PPCs revert to after a hard-reset. I believe that device had a simulated screen, not a real one. Which would also explain why the shots of the device in portrait mode still have the screen in landscape.

Jason Dunn
02-27-2004, 03:44 AM
Without such a transition plan, two mutually incompatible formats would develop in software.



02-27-2004, 03:17 PM

Will the MPx using the upgrad version of WM2003? Interesting.

Can't wait the device come to the market.

Len M.
02-27-2004, 05:19 PM
For expansion, does it only take one SD card? No CF card?

Len Moskowitz
Core Sound

David Prahl
02-27-2004, 05:37 PM
For expansion, does it only take one SD card? No CF card?

Looks like it - they probably didn't have room for one!

02-27-2004, 09:36 PM
I really wish manufacturers would start putting in two SD slots. One for permanent memory expansion and storage, and one for data transfers and/or SDIO SD-based devices, like a GPS card, etc.

02-28-2004, 02:00 AM
I dream of the day I can carry one device. Lately I've been switching between a Samsung i600 and iPAQ 4100. When I need wi-fi the smartphone can't do it and when I need Verizon CDMA the iPAQ can't do it. One device just doesn't seem to cut it. Sorry, but I can't carry all this crap around with me without looking like a total dork. Besides, I always seem to want a notebook when I am travelling and these devices are pretty worthless when you need to do some real work.

This device might be able to stand on its own as a PDA and not necessarily a PDA/Cell Phone. I could use it with my wi-fi networks and cellular networks. Just a thought....I don't think I'd use it as a phone but as a PDA with all the connectivity options (except CDMA) it might be an okay PDA.

If the Treo 600 had wifi and a MS operating system I would have gone that route...

03-02-2004, 05:59 AM
I think it looks ugly too! It is definitely not a regular phone. I don't know how people will react when I hold this against my ear. Too small for a PDA but too big for a Smartphone.

Strange part is that I never saw of photo of it open portrait mode. Of all those keys, maybe it is too awkward to use.
The link at the thread's beginning shows an image in that wise. Design looks very clever, although fragile for a portable device.

For certain uses, I'm affraid it will render hard to use as for how you will need to hold it on the hand instead of grab it as in a plain PDA.

I guess I remain a purist about design.

03-02-2004, 06:00 AM
I really wish manufacturers would start putting in two SD slots. One for permanent memory expansion and storage, and one for data transfers and/or SDIO SD-based devices, like a GPS card, etc.
I wish 'em start putting in a HARD DRIVE!

03-02-2004, 06:11 AM
This device might be able to stand on its own as a PDA and not necessarily a PDA/Cell Phone. I could use it with my wi-fi networks and cellular networks. Just a thought....I don't think I'd use it as a phone but as a PDA with all the connectivity options (except CDMA) it might be an okay PDA.

Is this one able to open 180º like those Sonys with camera?

I would like to see it opening that way but with landscape mode as default. That way it could be usable both as a conventional PDA and in its "laptop" mode.

I keep seeing no use in keep trying to make PDA's a phone replacement. There is no way to choose carrying a PDA sized device instead a 4"x 1 1/2" x 1/2" compact cell phone when you just need this one.