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View Full Version : Fellowes WriteRight are pretty useless...

02-24-2004, 02:45 AM
The Screen Protectors that I got for Christmas were Fellowes ones. I decided to put one on my iPaq today and immediately took it off. It is not very good at all. You can see these streaks in the actual plastic and you cant squeegee them out either.

This isnt very good for the PDA, but I decided to take it and cut it out to fit my Digital Cameras colour LCD and my Printers Colour LCD! :D


PS. so they arent wasted entirely :D

02-24-2004, 02:57 AM
Haha... that's funny, because I did the very same thing today. I just purchased a Casio EX-Z4 Digicam that has a very large LCD display and the WriteRights when cut to size work wonderfully. I don't care for them on my PPC, however. My personal preference falls with these


That PocketPCThoughts recently reviewed. Another option is searching google for "screen protector review" you'll see quite a number of them reviewed. The hard/reusable/washable type are in my opinion the best. I'm not a fan of those 12 pack deals, because that means that there are enough scratches after one month that they need to be replaced. The hard ones. writeshield, martin fields, etc... seem to hold up very well over time, with some people saying they last as long as the device.

02-24-2004, 01:42 PM
I can't stand WriteRights. I've never been able to put one on without air bubbles all over the screen, they wear out in no time, and my stylus sticks on them.

WriteSHIELD for me.

02-24-2004, 03:10 PM
They were pretty useless when I had my Visor waaay back then.

I now use WriteShield. Couldn't imagine a screen protector that is so good. Highly recommend it.

Zack Mahdavi
02-24-2004, 06:41 PM
I remember using WriteRights during my Palm IIIxe days. They made the screen very cloudy, but back then, there wasn't much of a choice in the screen protector world.

Now, I love my Boxwave screen protectors. They're perfect: they block glare, yet they don't cloud up the screen.

Well, good luck looking for a new screen protector!

02-24-2004, 06:44 PM
Yes, the WriteRights are pretty useless. Problem is, it's kind of put me off trying any other brands too, even though it seems like a screen protector is a good idea.

02-24-2004, 07:06 PM
WriteRights are absolutely useless!

Trust me buckyg, there are screen protectors out there that don't cloud the screen nearly as much.

WriteShields have glare reduction and so "cloud" the screen, but minimally -nowhere close to Writerights.

There are numerous options better than these.

02-26-2004, 09:21 PM

I'm jumping on the bandwagon.

I represent BoxWave, and I'd back most any major independent screen protector maker over Fellowes. This is from personal experience as well as coming across so many dissatisfied customers.


Wing Lum

02-27-2004, 03:05 AM

I'm jumping on the bandwagon.

I represent BoxWave, and I'd back most any major independent screen protector maker over Fellowes. This is from personal experience as well as coming across so many dissatisfied customers.


Wing Lum

Well you also have to understand that there is a price difference. Along with Quality comes a price, I hope you understand. BoxWaves no doubt have better materials, therefore the price goes up.


02-27-2004, 10:56 PM
You know, it all depends on how discriminating a person is....

I use the Fellowes screen protector -- successfully! I've had the same sheet of plastic over my iPAQ 1910 for months and months now. It doesn't have any bubbles (it did at first, but I guess the air escaped eventually), and there are too many scratches. The screen was brighter and crisper without the protector, but I only saw it that way for a few days before I bought the Fellowes (my pre-PPCT days, so I didn't know of any alternatives).

The protector did come in handy -- early on, I put my PPC and a set of keys in my pocket. The plastic Fellowes protector was shredded, but the screen wasn't. I learned enough not to make that mistake again.

That all said, if I were in the market again, I'd buy one of the better alternatives out there.

02-27-2004, 11:46 PM
Justin - point duly noted : ).

I spent 22.99 on a 12 pack I believe. That or something equivalently expensive.

There were a ridiculous number of bubbles and... okay, while I might be lithe to say that Fellowes are better then not having ANY screen protection. not much more so.

Wing Lum