Jonathon Watkins
02-22-2004, 08:00 PM
Steve's been wondering where we are all from, and has found <a href="">just the tool</a> to help visualise it, in <a href="">this thread.</a><br /> (Where did you get *that* idea from Steve? :wink: )<br /><br />"I want to get the locations of all PPCT members by country. That means, if you see your country listed in this thread, there is no need to reply (duplicates will be removed). Who knows, maybe later on we'll try by city, but for now, just country..."<br /><br />So, check out the countries already entered and if yours is not represented, add it to the list.<br /><br />Nice map Mr Cedrone! :deal:<br /><br /><a href="">Discuss this story</a> [<b><a href="">lots of replies, but more needed!</a></b>]