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View Full Version : It might be time to start a Mobile Video section to cover viewing, converting, and mobile video conferencing

02-21-2004, 05:16 AM
For the last four months I have been attempting to use my pocket pc, my t616(t-mobile unlimited GPRS plan), HP SD CAM, and Microsoft Portrait for mobile video conferencing. Though not the broadcast quality that many will say sucks (these people are the ones who are basically NEVER happy), those who use messenger programs such as Yahoo and MSN to keep in touch with business, family, or your girlfriend/wife(hi Angel) who likes to do her work naked at home will discover this is wonderful! I get hundreds of questions everyday about mobile video technology and totally support the technology like so many other memebers i have spoken to via email. I think it is time the wonderous gods of PocketPCThoughts.com create a video fourm area so all of our experiences can be placed there for all to see.


and yes..I know about the multimedia section......but i think mobile video needs it own section :lol:

Steven Cedrone
02-21-2004, 05:24 AM
Best to email "Site Admin" via the contact link (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/contact.php) for site suggestions!


03-03-2004, 12:46 AM
For the last four months I have been attempting to use my pocket pc, my t616(t-mobile unlimited GPRS plan), HP SD CAM, and Microsoft Portrait for mobile video conferencing.

BD - have you been able to get this to work through your TMobile account? I keep getting messages about not being able to connect. Works fine when I use a wireless card, just not when I attempt to connect via GPRS.