View Full Version : Best back-up method before a hard-reset? Hard reset frequency?
02-19-2004, 03:00 PM
OK -
I have a need to hard reset my iPAQ 3975 due to a minor issue with Active syn 3.7.1 or possibly my Franklin Covey Plan-Plus software. My inbox on my iPAQ is off on the count of new messages. It shows (-1) unread when I have no uread messages and is always off by 1 item... I have not hard-reset in over 6 months, so I think it is time. I have ton of apps on my device and want the reset to be as painless as possibly.
Any suggestions would be great!
I also want to find out from iPAQ users how often they either have to hard-reset (due to issues) or just do it as normal procedure. Thanks!
Steven Cedrone
02-19-2004, 03:27 PM
I did a few hard resets about two weeks ago to find out what was going on with my 2215 not waking up when placed in cradle (no change, so I restored everything with Sprite Backup). If it weren't for that, I still would be going without a hard reset. I plan on cleaning things up when I get my next device! :wink:
Robb Bates
02-19-2004, 04:22 PM
I like a nice clean installation. And since I frequently install and uninstall programs to try them out, I'll do a hard reset every so often so I can clear out all those registry entries and miscellaneous files that get stuck in there.
Here's a trick I use.
Make a list of all the programs you use regularly. Save all of the installation programs in one directory on your desktop. Put a sub directory under there with all the on-PPC installed CAB files. And then a text file with a list of custom settings that must be done by hand. Then when you want/need to do a hard reset, just walk down each of the installation programs, install them. Then copy and run all the CAB files, and then do all the manual settings changes.
If you're really happy with a particular installation and you have all your settings done just like you like them, do a full backup. That way it'll be easier next time. I use the iPAQ backup program on my h2215. I keep a copy of my ideal installation backup on an extra SD card. That way if I ever get stuck away from home and my PPC crashes hard, I can restore it easily.
The only thing my set up doesn't have is all my Outlook data or MS Money data. I purposefully didn't sync that data before I did the backup so that I wouldn't have any conflicting contacts or calendar appointments or, heaven forbid, a corrupted MS Money file.
But if you keep a back up of your critical contact info in the iPAQ File Store (or equivalent), you should be safe under just about any circumstance.
I haven't done a Hard Reset since putting WM2003 on my iPAQ 5450 :)
Robb Bates
02-19-2004, 06:00 PM
From a private message:
Any further detail you could give me would be great as you seem to have this process down pretty well...
Just sharing so everyone can benefit.
1) Make a list (on your desktop PC) of all the programs you use on your PPC.
2) Download all the installation programs for those PPC programs from the internet.
3) Save them all in one directory called PPC_Setup (that's what I call mine).
4) Some programs only come in a .CAB format which must be copied to the PPC and executed there to install the program. Copy all these to a subdirectory under PPC_Setup.
5) Make a text file with any custom program configurations. For example I write down my Bluetooth connection settings, Inbox Email account info, Acrobat reader button arrangement, etc.
6) Hard Reset your PPC (You will lose ALL data on your PPC)
7) Run each installation program in the PPC_Setup directory.
8) Copy all the .CAB files to your My Documents directory so they will get synced to your PPC. It may help to install some kind of File Explorer first like Resco Explorer or Total Commander to help with the next step.
9) Navigate to that directory on your PPC and execute each .CAB file. The .CAB file will install it's program and delete itself.
10) Make all the necessary manual configuration changes.
11) When you're happy with your installation, do a full backup with whatever backup program you have. You can use the Backup utility included with ActiveSync. I use the iPAQ Backup Utility included with my h2215.
Does that clear it up? Any other questions?
02-19-2004, 07:37 PM
For your Inbox issue, try deleting all your services and re-adding them. I had that issue and this worked for me.
Robb Bates
02-19-2004, 08:02 PM
Hmmm. I wish I had known that. I had that issue as well, but my hard reset fixed that. Good to know in the future.
02-19-2004, 10:06 PM
When I look in my Tools , Options under my Inbox it does not show any services... Should it? I only sync with a desktop via a USB and not a server or any wireless connections at this point.
Robb Bates
02-19-2004, 10:21 PM
Ah, the only service you are using is ActiveSync which you can't delete.
Problem un-solved.
02-19-2004, 11:22 PM
OK, now my interest is really peaked... Do I have options other than ActiveSync for syncing with a desktop?! If there are other options, what is the best?
02-19-2004, 11:54 PM
I had never intentionally hard reset any of my devices. I did get a hard reset a few times with a few when I let the battery go dead. For the first time ever however this past week, my 2215 hard reset itself when I inserted it into the charger! My backup was at least a month old. Thankfully I did not lose much data as it was synced to my desktop regularly. I will be more regular in my scheduled backups now.
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