Ed Hansberry
02-18-2004, 02:00 PM
<a href="http://www.nsctech.com/products/pocketpc/CrunchIt/">http://www.nsctech.com/products/pocketpc/CrunchIt/</a><br /><br />"CrunchIt is the swiss army knife that every Pocket PC user needs," said Jeff Preston, NSC's President & CEO. "With its winning combination of powerful features such as self-extracting archives, performance benchmarking or the new UUencode/decode functions it solves a lot of problems handheld users encounter on a daily basis." <br /><br />New features in version 4.1 include: <br /><br />• Create self-extracting (SFX) files that will automatically unzip themselves. <br />• Access thousands of files available in newsgroups and other Internet services with the built-in UUencode/decode features. <br />• Find and select files using name patterns. <br />• Multi-select capabilities in all file and archive views. <br />• Benchmark processor, storage and memory performance during ZIP operations. <br />• Overall speed enhancements. <br /><br />CrunchIt 4.1 is available immediately through the NSC software store and <a href="http://www.handango.com/brainstore/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=311&productId=23660">other online resellers</a> for a suggested retail price of $24.95 USD. A limited trial version is also available from the same locations. The software requires a Microsoft Pocket PC 2000, 2002 or Windows Mobile device with 2 megabytes or more of storage space.