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View Full Version : CrunchIT Compresses Files On Your Pocket PC

Ed Hansberry
02-18-2004, 02:00 PM
<a href="http://www.nsctech.com/products/pocketpc/CrunchIt/">http://www.nsctech.com/products/pocketpc/CrunchIt/</a><br /><br />"CrunchIt is the swiss army knife that every Pocket PC user needs," said Jeff Preston, NSC's President &amp; CEO. "With its winning combination of powerful features such as self-extracting archives, performance benchmarking or the new UUencode/decode functions it solves a lot of problems handheld users encounter on a daily basis." <br /><br />New features in version 4.1 include: <br /><br />• Create self-extracting (SFX) files that will automatically unzip themselves. <br />• Access thousands of files available in newsgroups and other Internet services with the built-in UUencode/decode features. <br />• Find and select files using name patterns. <br />• Multi-select capabilities in all file and archive views. <br />• Benchmark processor, storage and memory performance during ZIP operations. <br />• Overall speed enhancements. <br /><br />CrunchIt 4.1 is available immediately through the NSC software store and <a href="http://www.handango.com/brainstore/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=311&productId=23660">other online resellers</a> for a suggested retail price of $24.95 USD. A limited trial version is also available from the same locations. The software requires a Microsoft Pocket PC 2000, 2002 or Windows Mobile device with 2 megabytes or more of storage space.

Dave Potter
02-18-2004, 03:31 PM
Sounds interesting... but the price is a little steep IMO.

02-18-2004, 04:00 PM
I've been using this app for some time to unzip the full Quake .PAK when I've got the space to spare, and want the much faster loading time. I'll check out the new version when I get a PDA again, but I've little need for such a robust de/compression utility when I've got a program that'll let me browse and extract from .zip files.

But if you need it, this looks like it's well worth it.

02-18-2004, 08:52 PM
In the past I have had bad experiences with compression software and having it totally screw up a pc hard drive.... so I will simply stay away and keep my data in one piece.

Not saying I have heard of any problems with this software - but this type of utility scares me....simply from my bad experience in the past.

I guess it is cheaper than buying a larger SD card...but I am ok with the size of my data and space left over now.... :lol:

Dave Potter
02-18-2004, 09:22 PM
I think this software is more comparable to WinZip than it is to the troublesome hard drive compression utilities of the past. If I am wrong - someone please correct me.