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02-17-2004, 09:28 PM
This of course doesn't apply to those who have always been on the WinCE/PPC side. I'd like to know--why did you originally switch to PPC?

Me, I switched because I saw those games--beautiful games, and how much more connectable a PPC is, to the internet.

I don't like PPC's built-in apps (the Tungsten t3 has much better built-in apps), and I don't like the PIM replacement apps either, I've tried them all and I currently use Agenda Fusion, but none offer what I had on the Palm.

I like the PPC platform, for it's games. Palm has the stability and usability down-pat, not to mention out-of-the-box Mac support... *and for those that say Palm is abandoning Mac, that's bull. The OS-maker (PalmSource) is abandining Mac, but the hardware-maker (PalmOne) isn't*

Jeff Rutledge
02-17-2004, 09:36 PM
Great question. For me there was no choice. I got one of the first iPAQ 3650 devices that were available in Canada. The specs sold me. Colour screens, more memory, expansion packs. It was PDA-heaven (at least, once I got past the dust and screen flips :)).

Kevin Remhof
02-17-2004, 09:36 PM
I got bored with Palm. I had a Palm III and then a Palm VII. I was stuck with 2MB of RAM and no real multimedia capabilities. Then, I saw the Compaq iPAQ. Wow, what a device! Plus, it synced with Outlook out of the box. Sounded like a great device.

I've always found Pocket PCs more fun to play with. Palms work great but are best when they are basic. Pocket PCs are better at the general "fun factor" (in my opinion).

02-17-2004, 09:51 PM
Palm is just so boring. If you get it strictly for PIM I understand, but in my eyes that's all they have. I was amazed at the T3 when it came out it had that wow factor. After one hour of playing with it, the wow wore off. My T3 is on ebay as we speak! No palm compares to my e805!

02-17-2004, 10:08 PM
Multitasking. Anything less is unacceptable. 0X

Also, PPC is meant to function more like a computer than a beefed up Franklin Planner. We are not exactly, entirely, quite there yet. But I am happy to get on to this bandwagon.

Robb Bates
02-17-2004, 11:11 PM

I hated the constant need to convert any kind of data into PALM format. Any kind of Word, Excel, MPEG, MP3, Acrobat, HTML, etc. file that I wanted to view on my PALM had to be in a proprietary format. There was no such thing (there might be now) of native file format viewers.

With the PPC I can take just about any regular unconverted file and use it with very little hassle. I think this had a lot to do with the fact that PPCs use a directory file structure instead of some kind of internal database for every file.

Also there was almost no interactivity between applications. On the PPC I can click an Acrobat link in PIE and it will load, launch and view Acrobat Reader.

And of course PPCs could do straight out of the box what Palms were just then touting they could do (sort of...).

I haven't kept up with current Palm capabilities, but I would suspect that the above issues are still issues.


Steven Cedrone
02-18-2004, 12:30 AM
I wound up doing everythig I could with my Palm. I modded the case so that alarms were louder, loaded every hack I could find, added memory (TRG) so that instead of 2 Meg I had 8. It was O.K., mind you I could surf (it was ugly, but it worked), read my email, etc. I finally gave up when I ached for a color device and Palm kept saying: "When we can release a color device that will last as long as a mono device on a pair of AA batteries, then you will get a color device". Instead of waiting for what would become the Palm IIIc, I bailed! :wink:


Palm Cow
02-18-2004, 04:40 AM
I'm a recent switcher. It was just that, there STILL aren't any PalmOS drivers for the WiFi SD card! Otherwise I would have stuck around for a while, maybe. But this Toshiba, with dual expansion, it's just ... man! The multimedia and value and wireless options got me over the fence. Stupid Clie.

02-18-2004, 08:49 PM
I had 4 Palms (Palm Pilot Personal, Plam V, Palm 505 and Tungsten T). I never considered a PPC because they were too big. When the H2210 came out, I give it a try and got hook.

Now, I just got the 4150, I really like the fact that I can surf the net on Wi-Fi (not through a proxy). And multitasking is a big thing. On my Palm TT, I was running the GPS, and if I wanted to look at a contact, I had exit out Mapopolis, loosing all my navigation info, get the contact info, then re-launch Mapopolis and re-configure my destination.

I would say multitasking is the best feature PPC provides. But, it's more expensive to cutomise it (software). And PPC doesn't have to software that the Palm has.


Robb Bates
02-18-2004, 09:05 PM
But, it's more expensive to cutomise it (software). And PPC doesn't have to software that the Palm has.

This is quite true. That's one thing I miss about PalmOS. There are quite a lot of programs that are free and/or much cheaper.

I think the ratio of Palm S/W to PPC S/W was about 10 to 1. I wonder what the ratio is now. Any ideas? I thought Handango had those stats somewhere. I couldn't find them.


02-19-2004, 11:18 AM
I was using a crappy Palm VII, then walked into my dad's office a few years back (I was about 12) and saw his Casio E-115.. :drool:

It was so cool! A Start menu, COLOR Screen! wow!

So after I lost that Palm VII, I asked my dad if I could have his Casio when he got a new one from his work, and he did and I got the Casio.. That's how I switched

02-19-2004, 12:50 PM
I was in the market for a new PDA and there was an ad in the Staples flier that compared the Toshiba e310 to the Palm m505 - the e310 had like 7x the processing power, 4x the RAM, a higher resolution screen, etc... and so I got it instead of another Palm. :wink:

02-25-2004, 03:32 AM
i switched because ppc has better processors, wifi/bt, graphics ctrl, and greater windows compatability.

Zack Mahdavi
03-03-2004, 06:45 AM
My main PDA was an m505, and before that a IIIxe. I used to love Palms, but I hated the lack of multitasking. I wanted to play mp3s on occasion. Of course, I could buy a new T3 to play mp3s. But I wanted to have Bluetooth AND WiFi. None of the Palms offered that except for the expensive Sony Clie.

So basically, it was the connectivity options of the iPaq 4155 that converted me. There are a lot of pros and cons about Pocket PCs, but I think overall, I made an excellent choice by switching. I tried to hold out for OS 6, but I couldn't resist waiting a few more months for something that's been around for a couple years... :?

Jon Westfall
03-03-2004, 07:13 PM
Needed a phone/pda converged device, and really the Treo looked like crap to me. Liked the form factor of the PPC Phone Edition (T-Mobile branded) and decided to buy one over ebay. Got it, switched sims from my motorola v70 (cute design, horrible functionality on that one) and have been in love ever since.


03-07-2004, 05:56 PM
I haven't exactly actually "Switched" to PPC, Rather I have expanded to it. Ya see, I just recently bought me a iPAQ h1945, mainly for the connectivity, Multitasking, and entertainment value, And I absolutly love it, but I also own, and still use my Sony Clie' TG50, which is still a very good Palm device, it just sucks for internet and has such a small screen. :?

05-20-2004, 06:46 AM
Well, as a Palm user and PPC newbie, I must say that many of you former Palm users would be surprised by what one can do with a Palm nowadays. My newly departed Tungsten T3, and my current TG50 are great e-mail and web browsing machines (via BT and my T-mobile GPRS account.) I've used them in a lot of different ways: PIM, word processsing, spreadsheet (simple), e-book, MP3's, audio books, database and numerous reference books. Both of them are pretty speedy, and as for multi-tasking, well, I have to admit that I've never really been bothered by it.

Having said that, I am within a week of receiving my new (used) e805, and I am just jazzed! The screen is beautiful, and I'm pretty excited about FINALLY having a PDA with Wi-Fi. I'm on the lookout for a socket BT card so that I can continue to use my T-mobile GPRS account.

Getting back to the original question, I think that the lack of Wi-Fi options is really the biggest failing of the Palm OS. Until recently, the only way to get Wi-Fi was to spend a lot of money on a Tungsten C, or a high-end Clie. This is getting better with some of the recent Sony offerings, but Palm is still WAY behind in this regard.

In any case, I'm just excited to be here and am looking forward to getting to know my new toy. (I'm sure I'll have lot of questions.)


05-20-2004, 10:51 AM
multitasking multimedia office and outlook sync well made software rather than palm
are these enough?

05-24-2004, 09:37 AM
I had 2 palm T3 but took them back because of faulty screens. Saw a 4155 for a cheap price and thought why not give this a go (Im not a fanboy). To be honest theres not much between PPC and Palm. Each can do what each other can do - some things worse others better.

05-30-2004, 01:24 AM
Well, as a Palm user and PPC newbie, I must say that many of you former Palm users would be surprised by what one can do with a Palm nowadays. My newly departed Tungsten T3, and my current TG50 are great e-mail and web browsing machines (via BT and my T-mobile GPRS account.) I've used them in a lot of different ways: PIM, word processsing, spreadsheet (simple), e-book, MP3's, audio books, database and numerous reference books. Both of them are pretty speedy, and as for multi-tasking, well, I have to admit that I've never really been bothered by it.

Well said. I have a T3 as well.

Getting back to the original question, I think that the lack of Wi-Fi options is really the biggest failing of the Palm OS. Until recently, the only way to get Wi-Fi was to spend a lot of money on a Tungsten C, or a high-end Clie. This is getting better with some of the recent Sony offerings, but Palm is still WAY behind in this regard.

Another alternative for Wifi is the Enfora Wireless Portfolio, which I use with my T3. It works quite well.

I have ordered an Axim X30 (624 mhz) and I am looking forward to seeing what the "dark side" is all about. I can't say that I have "switched" - that will have to wait until I actually get my X30 :D but I am bored with my T3 so we shall see.

05-31-2004, 06:51 PM
I must say I do miss the speed,screen and web browsing caperbillitys of the T3.

I cant believe so many on here slate Palm's.

I do love my 4150/55 but sometimes grab for my old sony clie c.2001 when it comes to buisness work and some games. If only the T3 was as good as the ipaq for audio Id be back with POS.

Ryan Joseph
05-31-2004, 07:29 PM
I was in the Palm camp for quite a while and I liked the Palm OS. I had a IIIxe and then got an m505. The 505 was one of the best devices I ever owned. It was really small and durable (I can't tell you how many times I dropped it :oops:)

Then I met a guy who offered to sell me his old iPAQ 3765. I looked up the prices of 3700s on eBay and decided to buy it from him to resell it because I could turn a profit.

I got it, fully intending to sell it...but then I started to use it. That's when I was converted. It was just so much cooler than my m505 in every respect except size. I loved the multimedia abilities!

Since then, I have had 3 more PPC devices, the last one being my PPC Phone. Making the switch to a Phone Edition device was like making the switch from Palm to PPC: once I tried it, I never looked back!

I am now awaiting the delivery of my i-Mate PPC Phone. I can't wait!

(great thread, by the way! I love reading everyone's stories!)

Kacey Green
05-31-2004, 08:59 PM
I switched because as I was about to purchase my first palm I was given a nino 320s that my dad couldn't figure out in the amount of time that he had to do so (plus he got a palm IIIc)

05-31-2004, 10:28 PM
I ended up with PPC after trying Casio BOSS, HP WinCE thingy, and Palm Vx. The Palm was a great organiser, but limited as a mobile computer. After checking out a friends Axim X5 I got one and used it everyday for over a year. The features and value for money make the X5 a great product.

After a year I felt it was time for something that was even more of a mobile computer and I didn't think PPC had evolved too far so I switched again.

06-11-2004, 05:29 AM
I'm thinking about switching right now from my Tungsten|E, what a headache. Not to bore everyone with the story... I'm moving towards the Dell X30 but note sure to spend extra for the top model and I'm curious about built-in keyboards like the HP model. I've seen external clip-on keyboards for some ppc's, but not sure if the X30 has that feature.

I'm so confused. But I've been a Palm user since the first PalmPilot, so this is new territory for me. I agree with alot of posts here on switching, but connectivity is my main reason for switching. An organizer for basic tasks, doesn't need to cost alot, but I would like to do more. What's down the line coming for PPC's? Should I wait?

06-11-2004, 11:59 AM
You should wait a month or two. There should be some WM2003SE powered PPCs coming soon and since you're looking to buy a high-end model I suggest you wait to se what everyone offers before you purchase. 8)

06-11-2004, 04:33 PM
The Palm OS was so boring. I wanted something more exciting, that is when I found PPC. Man, I got what I asked for! Pocket PCs are a whole lot more fun!! And I like that the OS has more to it. Plus the connectivity is easier on a Pocket PC... :wink:

06-12-2004, 04:59 AM
I'll be switching soon, the Tungsten|E closes Sunday on ebay and now I narrowed it down to 2 models, the hp4150 and x30. But don't know what to do.

I agree with everyone's choices here to switch. I want seamless syncronization and more functionality from my device. When I tested out PPC2003 I couldn't believe how much has changed. Can't wait to get into full swing, I was tempted to buy the HP4150 tonight, but wanted to hear what you guys had to say first.

Reading here, I see many have the HP4150 model.

06-12-2004, 12:11 PM
If you're looking for "seamless syncronization" with Pocket PCs you're in for a rude awakening. 8O

06-12-2004, 07:33 PM
If you're looking for "seamless syncronization" with Pocket PCs you're in for a rude awakening. 8O

Probably not as bad as what I have been going through with the Tungsten|E. One good sync a night is not acceptable. I know more than a handful of palm users that are experiencing hell right now.

Seamless is as good as it will be using Outlook, Word and Excel and XP. I know Windows, so you're not telling me anything new. :wink:

06-13-2004, 04:13 AM
All right if you say so, but there's a reason why "ActiveSync" is refered to as "ActiveSuck" in the PPC community. FWIW I have synced my T|E to both Outlook and Palm Desktop with far more reliability than I ever had with my PPC.

06-13-2004, 04:21 AM
I switched because there was a lack of driver support from PalmOne. Palms are reliable but useless if I want to add gadgets to do things like like wifi, etc. The other reason is mp3 playback quality. Much better quality on PPC.

Just my CDN$0.03.

06-13-2004, 05:07 AM
I have had my x30 for less than a week so perhaps I am not capable of fully answering this question but I can give first impressions. Besides the fact that my X30 has issues & will be replaced next week, so far I find Palm OS to be easier to use for business-related applications and PPC to be easier for multimedia. I actually read a posting on another board where someone recommended to a new ppc user that he get a pad & paper to write his notes on for later entering into his PPC ! Amazing. Isn't that why he bought a pda in the first place?

Anyway I am enjoying my X30 (when it works :() but I am not ready to abandon my T3 yet.

BTW - can anybody tell me why I can't connect my T3 and X30 over BT?

06-17-2004, 12:58 AM
I wanted a multitasking PDA and the PPC does that. I know you can switch from one app to another on the Palm (used 'em for many years) but it's not quite the same as task switching when you're working in two environments.

My last two Palm OS devices were Sony Clies (NR70 and UX50). Since I've adopted a Tablet PC as my computer platform, I find I do far less data entry int he PDA and more reference/checking of data. My other big uses are listening to Audible.com and reading eBooks. The PPC screen is nice and bright for reading and the sound quality is every bit as good as on the Sony devices.

ActiveSync is problematic. I had very good sync experiences with both Clies both by USB and WiFi. ActiveSync needs some work, IMO, to come up to the level of reliability I had with Palm HotSync. I know others tell a different tale but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :wink:

All in all I'm perfectly satisfied with the PPC and my co-worker, with whom I swapped devices, is having a whale of a time with th UX50 (which is a very cool device).

06-17-2004, 03:29 PM
I switched for the same reasons everyone else did, more power, multitasking, better screen (at the time), etc. No question that my PPCs were better "computers" than any Palm I've ever owned. Unfortunately, after 6 iPAQs and a Jornada, I've switched back back just this week. I've always been big on the phone/PDA convergence. I had one of the original Visorphones with a Visor Prism, and the iPAQ phone sleeve (what a piece of $#!&). Finally there's a device that gets it right, the Treo 600. There just isn't anything on the PPC side that's comparable (and believe me, I tried). If the 6300 had a proportionally smaller screen and built-in thumboard (I'm not interested in carrying around a clip-on keyboard), I would have waited for that. As it is, I'll keep looking for the PPC/phone that gets it right, then I'll switch back.

07-17-2004, 03:14 PM
I've owned 7 Palms: IIIx, IIIc, Handera 330, M130, Treo 90, Treo 300 and currently a Palm Zire 72.

I like the Palm OS much better than the Pocket PC platform because it is much more intuitive and simpler to use. I'm a Geeky Palm Boy with a Ph.D. in Philosophy who is a mobile professional. I bought an IPAQ 4155 this past March, 04 because I wanted the best WIFI and the fastest handheld web surfing experience. I got sick of the super slow surfing experience on my Treo 300 and wanted to listen to 60's music on my handheld. Moreover, my investigative research revealed that the IPAQ 4155 was superior to the Tungsten C in terms of WIFI signal strength.

I like my IPAQ 4155 very much. WIFI signal strength is tremendous. I live in NYC where many families have a Router and I am able to connect to the Internet via their Router when I am away from my PC.

I have a very elaborate WIFI network in my home and my IPAQ 4155 connects to it in seconds as well as to other networks throughout NYC. I recommend the IPAQ 4155 highly just for the WIFI capabilities.

I'm using Windows Mobile Premium 2003 on my IPAQ 4155. It is not difficult to use or learn. Actually, the OS on my Pocket PC is simple to learn. The Pocket PC OS is just inferior to Palm OS for the reasons I stated above.

I got more criticisms: Firstly, I ditched one of my Sprint accounts and set up a T-Mobile unlimited GPRS VPN unlimited Internet surfing account with a Sony Ericcson T610 Bluetooth phone. I found that surfing the Internet via Bluetooth is much faster on my Zire 72 than my IPAQ 4155!!!! Certain sites that I could not access on my IPAQ 4155 via Bluetooth on the T-Mobile Network, I was able to access easily on my Zire 72. I can only speculate that this is due to the proxy nature of the Palm Web Pro Browser.

The Windows Media Player on my IPAQ is nice. However, the PocketTunes Deluxe Music Player on my Zire 72 is superior to the Windows Media Player. If Palm One ever gets its act together and provides a great WIFI experience, I may ditch the Pocket PC platform altogether.

Janak Parekh
07-17-2004, 07:28 PM
I like the Palm OS much better than the Pocket PC platform because it is much more intuitive and simpler to use.
To each their own. :) It took me a few months to get comfortable with Pocket PCs back in 2000 after switching from a PalmOS 3 device, but once I did, I find it more intuitive now than a Palm device. ;)

I can only speculate that this is due to the proxy nature of the Palm Web Pro Browser...However, the PocketTunes Deluxe Music Player on my Zire 72 is superior to the Windows Media Player.
You're probably right on both counts -- do note, though, that there are alternatives for the Pocket PC on both. On the first, there's a service called Thunderhawk (http://www.bitstream.com/wireless/client_index.html) that blows away every other browsing experience, IMHO, although it is a bit expensive. On the second note, there are ton of third-party music players. Perhaps the highest-rated at this point is Pocket Player (http://www.conduits.com/ce/player/).


07-17-2004, 07:28 PM
Even though I now have a hp4155, I still can't say that I have switched. The main thing I do on my hp is Wifi. I do have the Enfora Wireless Portfolio for my T3 but I probably haven't used it more than a couple of times since getting the hp a couple of weeks ago. Having a small, lightweight device for Wifi is really nice. And the speed on the hp is faster due to the limitations of the universal connector that the Enfora uses.

However, my hp4155 is my toy and my T3 is my workhorse. I'll be firmly back into the Palm camp when Wifi is better implemented.

07-18-2004, 01:23 PM
The main reason I switched is simple: W?BIC

The W?BIC possibilities are what told me that using a PPC was the right thing for me to do!

07-23-2004, 04:38 PM
The main reason I switched is simple: W?BIC

So true. When I had a Palm it was a rarity to have a W?BIC moment.

Steven Cedrone
07-23-2004, 04:51 PM
So true. When I had a Palm it was a rarity to have a W?BIC moment.

I don't know about that, I had a few: I took a few broken Palms and built one working device. I added 8 Meg of RAM when most had 2. I drilled out the back so that the alarms were louder. I could attach my modem and surf(but man was that ugly, at the time though...). I could also get my email (pop3). And I could connect and send pages to the Vol. Rescue Unit I was(and still am) a member of...

Then I saw the Aero for the first time... :wink:


07-23-2004, 08:08 PM
The main reason I switched is simple: W?BIC

What is "W?BIC"?

Janak Parekh
07-23-2004, 08:47 PM
What is "W?BIC"?
Why? Because I Can! (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7144) -- coined by Brad Adrian.


07-23-2004, 09:28 PM
For me it was a combination of the colour screens and mulitmedia playback features that initally moved me to the Jornada 568 from my Palm IIIXE.

The colour screen makes reading ebooks so much more pleasant !


07-24-2004, 12:07 AM
this is the heart of PPC ownership!!!

07-24-2004, 08:55 AM
My last PDA was a PALM V and I loved that thing. It was a very nice form factor. Thin and chic with that cool leather flip cover.

Multi-tasking? Bah! One of the reasons I like PocketPlus is that it changes the X button in the Pocket PC so that it actually closes the program. Plus, I had a hack in my Palm that let me switch back to my recently used apps fairly easily.

Synchronization with Outlook? Both of my Palms synced with Outlook out of the box so I don't see any improvement there either.

Plus Palm had tons of software and most of it was cheap. I didn't need a huge processor and scads of memory because everything on the Palm was so compact and efficient.

Oh, so why did I switch? I switched jobs and since I was working at home the PDA pretty much sat in it's cradle all the time. The new PDAs all had color screens and played MP3s so the wow factor when I whipped out mine had all but completely gone. I had gotten out of the habit of carrying it. It was time for an upgrade and I had authorization from my wife back in December of this year. I started researching the new Palms.

I really wanted a Tungsten T3. That expanding screen was hot.

But a co-worker of mine who had also been a Palm devotee had gotten a PPC because he was developing some mobile software for a customer of ours. He told me I needed to look at the Pocket PC and I reluctantly did. The Toshiba e750 gave me built-in wireless and two expansion slots for $100 less than the T3 costs today! I took his advice and made the switch even though I was afraid I would end up spending a ton of money replacing my Palm software collection.

After 6 months of ownership I'm not going back. When I'm leading my church youth group I can run a Powerpoint presentation off my PDA. I carry four translations of the Bible, a concordance, and a Bible commentary with me everywhere I go. I pack an SD card with MP3s in the morning so I have fresh tunes when I leave the house. Once I rip my new CDs I rarely open them up again. I have a Super NES emulator for games. I set up a wireless network in my house so I can surf on my deck or chat while I'm watching TV. And, the builtin PIM functions work every bit as good for me as the Palm ones did. Oh and I have Voice Command. It totally blows people away when I look up a contact by pushing a button an audibly asking my pocket computer to show it to me. The wow factor is back! :D

I was tired of SFcave anyway.

07-24-2004, 03:08 PM
nice story, gregmills. that's pretty much how i got here, trading a garmin ique 3600 for an ipaq 2215 last year. :)

08-10-2004, 05:10 PM
For me it was definitely the promise of handwriting recognition (Transcriber/Calligrapher). The best that Palm has done is onscreen Jot which is not the same. To be able to scrawl away at a meeting and then have it translated is just great. Combine that with an app like PhatPad and I'll either be buying a PPC or Tablet PC the next go round. It simpy became more useful than my Palm.

09-10-2004, 03:38 PM
I started my journey into mobile computing with a Visor Deluxe from Handspring (now owned by Palm, I believe). Eitherways, it had a black&white screen, 8 MB onboard memory, a decent processor for the time (it was an older device), and essentially I thought I was going to have fun...

I didn't...

First off, I could only pen-write in the area designated and when I found programs to allow me to write on the screen, I learned that it was a mistake... the stylus was so badly recognized that drawing was impossible. I found a few neat games, dabbled in Active Sync, loved the battery life and HATED the fact that the battery didn't recharge which ment that I lost data completely about 5 times. I couldn't use the calendar since it didn't allow for categories or sort of categories and in general I just couldn't find a use for the device. I wanted to use it for note recording into MP3 only to learn that I needed a seperate EXPENSIVE upgrade module to connect the microphone much less record anything.... I NEVER really understood Palm's handwritting engine, Grafiti, and eventually my Visor Deluxe was doomed to a drawer forever.

I kept on hearing that pocket pcs were better though. Eitherways, recently, I saw the Zire 21 series come out and I looked into it. For the same price as my Visor Deluxe was then I can get LESS specification wise (less memory, same processor, same B&W screen), and it STILL needed an EXPENSIVE expansion card for MP3 playback. The only nice-ish thing was that the battery was recharged via a power adaptor that went into the device, but I don't want to pay the same amount years later for a new device that is inferior to my old one!!

I am a member at Overclocker's Forums, a place that doesn't really talk about pocket pcs or palm devices. In the Classifides, there was an e740 selling for $140. True, that most likely wasn't the best price, and that device has the nickname "cursed device", but still in a buying frenzy, I bought the device.

So how did I like this cursed device? Actually, I LOVE the thing, for I can use calendar well, I play a ton of cool games on the device now, I fell back into Active Sync, I can keep my battery charged (being that it charges itself!), and I have a ton of cool programs that work on my device (being OS 2002) that couldn't work on my Visor (OS 3 on the Palm scale, NOT 3.5 which EVERYTHING (well, almost everything) wants), I can write all over my screen in mostly my handwriting (ppc understands me better than palm, but it still doesn't totally understand me... thus I am thinking of a keyboard for when I have to write a ton), and I have a great amount of storage space (32 MB CF card and a 256 SD card). In other words, I really love this device I bought even though everybody else who had it ended up hating Toshiba's support and dropped the device like it was poison.

I am lucky though since the Toshiba e740 is compatible with the e750 and e755, since that means I can still get upgrades for my device since it is made for devices compatible with mine. As I use my device more, it makes me tempted to buy one of the high end pocket pc devices, although I bet I will wait a while before that purchase. Lurking around random forums, I took the plunge yesterday and registered here, hopefully this forum shall be as friendly and helpful as Overclockers... although I don't think it will have as much e740 discussion as Brighthand.

So, long ramble short, pocket pc fit me a lot better, and that category is having some neat products. I shall be staying in the pocket pc world forever, if not for a really really long time... most likely I will do the same in these forums.

(rant over)

<edit> A little tidbit more. The Today screen impressed me, since I can see what appointments I have and other important things about the day when I turn the device on. Palm's schedule was a click away, true, but it wasn't as simple to see, nor as quick, and because I am lazy I just didn't keep on schedule... certainly not the best thing. Ok, seriously, rant over! :) </edit>

09-28-2004, 06:57 PM
I own a Palm Vx - I love every little thing about it - it was easy to use, lots of software, cheap or free software, beautiful form factor, it was light, slim and had WONDERFUL accessories (especially for the Palm V). Infact there was one program in particular called Planetarium that was a great little astronomy program.

My Palm served me well for almost four years. until the digitizer cracked. It was repaired twice before I finally gave up on it and went down to Fry's. Integrated WiFi and Bluetooth along with those pretty screens is just too much to pass up. I've had my pocket PC for just about 2.5 months now and don't see myself going back to a Palm device. PPCs leave much to be desired (so do Palms), but its a much nicer experience.

I keep my Palm Vx in its original box with all its accessories on the shelf of my closet. Hoping, praying that someday we will have the technology to fix it. :wink:

09-28-2004, 08:06 PM
I was a longtime Newton user, but I decided I needed another PDA. Windows Mobile was quite similar to the Newton, and the users were more helpful than on the palminfocenter fourm. Also, the PalmInfoCenterfourm members didn't like the Newton. BURN THEM!!!!!! :twisted:

09-29-2004, 04:08 AM
I originally started with a Palm V and a Psion. I used both at the same time and since it was my first time owning a pda the Palm V was fun for games and of course basic pim. I would use the Psion on and off and then went totally to it because of the keyboard and ease of syncing with word,excel, etc.
I had always wanted a ppc because of the color screening and multi-tasking. I have no regrets and no desire to go back to any palm. I would consider Psion if it came to my expectations with Symbian because of the good experience I had at first.