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View Full Version : Best Benchmarking Software?

02-16-2004, 10:58 PM
I am looking for PocketPC benchmarking software. I noticed that Spb Benchmark is the most used package. However, I would like to see some Video Decoding tests, such as MPEG4 or WM9, in frames per sec. Plus, some 3D graphics manipulation, perhaps OpenGL, would be nice.

Is there anything out there that can perform these tests?


Anthony Caruana
02-17-2004, 12:33 AM
The only other app I've seen is VOBenchmark. Some mags use it instead of Spb Benchmark. Personally, I've never used VOBenchmark but I've seen it quoted in some mags.

One interesting thing though, When I used Spb Benchmark to compare a 2210 and a 4150, it scored the 4150 grapphics very highly and the 2210 reasonably low. However, with VOBenchmark, the results were reversed according to a review I'd read.

Given what you are trying to test, it may be that you'll need both to get a detailed picture.

02-17-2004, 12:01 PM
an alternative may be Sandra. (http://www.sisoftware.co.uk/) In its new version it supports also ppc.

regards, Axel.

02-17-2004, 02:57 PM
Thanks- I have both VOB and Sbp, but I didn't know about Sandra. I am having trouble downloading it right now for some reason, but I'll give it a shot. Thanks!


Kati Compton
02-17-2004, 03:17 PM
Didn't Sandra have some spyware in it? I may be thinking of something else, though.