02-16-2004, 10:34 AM
There has been the odd flurry of activity in various forums lately regarding the PockeTop company. While not a PockeTop customer myself, I have seen some things which have made me feel compelled to investigate, to get to the bottom of what is happening with this company. They were a Vancouver company, so that perhaps played a role in my curiousity. The keyboard has also attracted my attention at times, being so small and apparently well made. I've only tried one briefly, and felt it was a bit small for me - and anyway, I have a Stowaway.
I have in the past day made telephone contact with the CEO of Cyberhand, which is now the company carrying on the PockeTop products and software development. Patrick Burke was good enough to offer a lot of details regarding the past year of his business. There was some disturbing news there, but it does not bear on the company's behavior. Rather there have been forces at work which have jeopardised the very existence of PockeTop, and while resolution of these issues is underway I am not at liberty to speak to details of this misadventure. The rest of our conversation was devoted to the many questions about driver fees and development, product support, the relationship with Nydidot in the past, other questions related to what I've read in the forums. Follows a blend of Patrick's official response with my own interpretations. I hope that this helps to clear things up for a lot of people.
DIsconnected phones at the Vancouver offices, the closing of the 1-800 number, unanswered emails... these have been obvious problems in recent weeks. The explanations from the CEO are complex, but deserve attention. Among them there have been server problems (they've changed servers just recently to help remedy this), phone complaint volumes which they were not equipped to handle, and email volumes no small company could hope to respond to adequately - usually over 1000 emails per day of late. Much of the communication from the public has been very, very abusive, especially around the issue of charging for drivers.
Who is PockeTop?:
PockeTop is under new management. This began publicly in June of 2003, and was announced in the context of stock exchange notifications and other news releases. Conclusion of this merging was slated for November of 2003, but Patrick stated that it was "just recently" concluded.
The new management has a somewhat different approach to dealings with other parties involved, and will be shifting all hardware production to North American factories, among other changes. New products are under development, with the first of these slated for release this year; a "Shoestring IR Extender/Amplifier keyboard cable". More on this later.
Driver fees:
The bottom line is important in any business. If profitability falls below a critical level, no number of sales will support the company, it will fail, and the product will stop being available, and support for existing customers will disappear. In the case of Cyberhand/PockeTop, they are looking at somewhere in the neighbourhood of $10/unit sold in actual profit. This is not sufficient to fund significant software development for the great abundance of devices now being released by dozens of companies. Mobile phones, Symbian devices, Pocket PCs, Palms, all the many appliances with which a keyboard might be used need software made specifically for them in order to allow keyboard input. Each of these drivers takes a certain amount of time, and therefore money, to develop. My previous feeling was that PockeTop ought to simply provide a serial number or other user ID with each keyboard, and supply drivers for a set number of devices per user. It seems that this is a very difficult thing to administer, and open to piracy of software if just one customer decides to 'share.' PockeTop has decided to offer one free driver per purchased keyboard, an offer good for 30 days from the date of purchase. Beyond that, they have worked out a scheme for selling further drivers for other devices as the customer needs them. While in certain cases this could result in one customer having to buy several drivers, with the cost adding up rather quickly, for most customers this will mean either no extra expense or perhaps one new license purchased per device revision, perhaps once a year. The company does not feel this to be an unreasonable request, and hopes that it will be sufficient to fund development of all the drivers still needed in the near future. Continued support is their aim, not unreasonable profiteering as many have suggested.
The Nydidot question:
PockeTop, the original company, had an arrangement for licensing a portion of their Virtual Display drivers. This was the simple rotational element, making 90° left and right rotation with a soft reset possible, as well as a 180° rotation without reset. Though I do not know the exact details involved in the business agreement between these companies, Patrick insisted that he has been in contact with Nydidot recently regarding payment for the licenses used, and that an agreement is at least being worked out. I concluded from what he said that the previous management might have been negligent in some of their dealings with Nydidot, but that current management desired to have all this straightened out as soon as possible. Statements made in one thread by Nydidot were pretty brutal, basically saying that there was a criminal action involved. If there is anything like this happening, I got no sense of it in my conversation with Patrick, and his statements seemed sound, without taint of any shady-sounding language.
From the CEO:
"We will be concentrating on
drivers for our customers new devices that they need to keep them competitive with their business and lives in general. The original business model for Pocketop never anticipated the growth in the PDA/ Pocket PC / Cell phone market and demand for new software drivers in some cases for every new device and every operating system. We are hoping that our customers realize that our Pocketop keyboard is not a standard Windows device that
requires in most cases one or two drivers. We have asked the makers of the major Operating Systems to provide compatible drivers for a standard IR keyboard and they have declined. In some cases they had developed a driver for our keyboard that they would not release to their customers."
"Like any change in past practice it produces ripples that many find
disturbing. I would like to present the positive advancements that our new plan will bring to our customers. Over the next three months we will be releasing a number of new products and drivers."
a.. Shoestring IR Extender/Amplifier keyboard cable
b.. Shoestring IR Extender/Amplifier PDA to laptop cable
c.. Symbian drivers for the Sony Ericson P800/P900 and Nokia 60 Series
d.. Palm OS 5 drivers
e.. Toshiba e350, e400, e750, e800 drivers
f.. XDA II drivers and no the XDA drivers do not work with the XDA II.
g.. Tablet PC drivers.
h.. We will be reviewing every new commercially viable device to create drivers in a timely manner.
"In the area of customer service, we will be instituting a one working day response to any of our valued customers that purchase a support ticket. This will pay for the additional technical staff that is required to provide our customers with better customer service. I believe we have fallen down
in this area in the past and must apologize to our customers for this
problem. We have kept silent as we were charting our new direction as we needed time to plan the positive advancements that we hope will alleviate our customers fears in respect our product."
I think that these statements are fair enough. While some may take issue with a per-session support fee, it is hardly an unknown practice. For the most part it seems PockeTop keyboards have just worked, with few complaints cropping up in the boards I've visited. Though my own experience with one is only a few seconds trying one belonging to another local user, my impression has been of a very well-made, strongly designed product. If the company can continue software development on a reasonable schedule, and further intends to offer some gadgets of great utility for reasonable prices, it seems there isn't a lot to complain about.
I would like to see all the information about what's happened come out publicly. It seems usually the best course, as secrets breed rumours which often lead to downfalls. But there are lawyers... so it's best here to let nature take it's course. If there are questions you would like to fire at Patrick, I've offered him the links to each thread I've posted like this, and hope that he'll be available to respond. I'll answer what I can as well. It's been an interesting little ride, seeing how discussion dynamics can affect a company. It'd be nice if further open discussion could foster some better understanding and relations with the buying public, and help to assure the survival of a decent product and company at the same time.
*p.s. I have posted this on Brighthand, PocketPCPassion, pocketnow, CEWindows, PocketpCThoughts, and PPCSG, as I feel that the subject merits broad exposure. I hope that this is not considered a cross-posting. Rather, I think that this company deserves a fair and broad airing in as many locations as possible.
I have in the past day made telephone contact with the CEO of Cyberhand, which is now the company carrying on the PockeTop products and software development. Patrick Burke was good enough to offer a lot of details regarding the past year of his business. There was some disturbing news there, but it does not bear on the company's behavior. Rather there have been forces at work which have jeopardised the very existence of PockeTop, and while resolution of these issues is underway I am not at liberty to speak to details of this misadventure. The rest of our conversation was devoted to the many questions about driver fees and development, product support, the relationship with Nydidot in the past, other questions related to what I've read in the forums. Follows a blend of Patrick's official response with my own interpretations. I hope that this helps to clear things up for a lot of people.
DIsconnected phones at the Vancouver offices, the closing of the 1-800 number, unanswered emails... these have been obvious problems in recent weeks. The explanations from the CEO are complex, but deserve attention. Among them there have been server problems (they've changed servers just recently to help remedy this), phone complaint volumes which they were not equipped to handle, and email volumes no small company could hope to respond to adequately - usually over 1000 emails per day of late. Much of the communication from the public has been very, very abusive, especially around the issue of charging for drivers.
Who is PockeTop?:
PockeTop is under new management. This began publicly in June of 2003, and was announced in the context of stock exchange notifications and other news releases. Conclusion of this merging was slated for November of 2003, but Patrick stated that it was "just recently" concluded.
The new management has a somewhat different approach to dealings with other parties involved, and will be shifting all hardware production to North American factories, among other changes. New products are under development, with the first of these slated for release this year; a "Shoestring IR Extender/Amplifier keyboard cable". More on this later.
Driver fees:
The bottom line is important in any business. If profitability falls below a critical level, no number of sales will support the company, it will fail, and the product will stop being available, and support for existing customers will disappear. In the case of Cyberhand/PockeTop, they are looking at somewhere in the neighbourhood of $10/unit sold in actual profit. This is not sufficient to fund significant software development for the great abundance of devices now being released by dozens of companies. Mobile phones, Symbian devices, Pocket PCs, Palms, all the many appliances with which a keyboard might be used need software made specifically for them in order to allow keyboard input. Each of these drivers takes a certain amount of time, and therefore money, to develop. My previous feeling was that PockeTop ought to simply provide a serial number or other user ID with each keyboard, and supply drivers for a set number of devices per user. It seems that this is a very difficult thing to administer, and open to piracy of software if just one customer decides to 'share.' PockeTop has decided to offer one free driver per purchased keyboard, an offer good for 30 days from the date of purchase. Beyond that, they have worked out a scheme for selling further drivers for other devices as the customer needs them. While in certain cases this could result in one customer having to buy several drivers, with the cost adding up rather quickly, for most customers this will mean either no extra expense or perhaps one new license purchased per device revision, perhaps once a year. The company does not feel this to be an unreasonable request, and hopes that it will be sufficient to fund development of all the drivers still needed in the near future. Continued support is their aim, not unreasonable profiteering as many have suggested.
The Nydidot question:
PockeTop, the original company, had an arrangement for licensing a portion of their Virtual Display drivers. This was the simple rotational element, making 90° left and right rotation with a soft reset possible, as well as a 180° rotation without reset. Though I do not know the exact details involved in the business agreement between these companies, Patrick insisted that he has been in contact with Nydidot recently regarding payment for the licenses used, and that an agreement is at least being worked out. I concluded from what he said that the previous management might have been negligent in some of their dealings with Nydidot, but that current management desired to have all this straightened out as soon as possible. Statements made in one thread by Nydidot were pretty brutal, basically saying that there was a criminal action involved. If there is anything like this happening, I got no sense of it in my conversation with Patrick, and his statements seemed sound, without taint of any shady-sounding language.
From the CEO:
"We will be concentrating on
drivers for our customers new devices that they need to keep them competitive with their business and lives in general. The original business model for Pocketop never anticipated the growth in the PDA/ Pocket PC / Cell phone market and demand for new software drivers in some cases for every new device and every operating system. We are hoping that our customers realize that our Pocketop keyboard is not a standard Windows device that
requires in most cases one or two drivers. We have asked the makers of the major Operating Systems to provide compatible drivers for a standard IR keyboard and they have declined. In some cases they had developed a driver for our keyboard that they would not release to their customers."
"Like any change in past practice it produces ripples that many find
disturbing. I would like to present the positive advancements that our new plan will bring to our customers. Over the next three months we will be releasing a number of new products and drivers."
a.. Shoestring IR Extender/Amplifier keyboard cable
b.. Shoestring IR Extender/Amplifier PDA to laptop cable
c.. Symbian drivers for the Sony Ericson P800/P900 and Nokia 60 Series
d.. Palm OS 5 drivers
e.. Toshiba e350, e400, e750, e800 drivers
f.. XDA II drivers and no the XDA drivers do not work with the XDA II.
g.. Tablet PC drivers.
h.. We will be reviewing every new commercially viable device to create drivers in a timely manner.
"In the area of customer service, we will be instituting a one working day response to any of our valued customers that purchase a support ticket. This will pay for the additional technical staff that is required to provide our customers with better customer service. I believe we have fallen down
in this area in the past and must apologize to our customers for this
problem. We have kept silent as we were charting our new direction as we needed time to plan the positive advancements that we hope will alleviate our customers fears in respect our product."
I think that these statements are fair enough. While some may take issue with a per-session support fee, it is hardly an unknown practice. For the most part it seems PockeTop keyboards have just worked, with few complaints cropping up in the boards I've visited. Though my own experience with one is only a few seconds trying one belonging to another local user, my impression has been of a very well-made, strongly designed product. If the company can continue software development on a reasonable schedule, and further intends to offer some gadgets of great utility for reasonable prices, it seems there isn't a lot to complain about.
I would like to see all the information about what's happened come out publicly. It seems usually the best course, as secrets breed rumours which often lead to downfalls. But there are lawyers... so it's best here to let nature take it's course. If there are questions you would like to fire at Patrick, I've offered him the links to each thread I've posted like this, and hope that he'll be available to respond. I'll answer what I can as well. It's been an interesting little ride, seeing how discussion dynamics can affect a company. It'd be nice if further open discussion could foster some better understanding and relations with the buying public, and help to assure the survival of a decent product and company at the same time.
*p.s. I have posted this on Brighthand, PocketPCPassion, pocketnow, CEWindows, PocketpCThoughts, and PPCSG, as I feel that the subject merits broad exposure. I hope that this is not considered a cross-posting. Rather, I think that this company deserves a fair and broad airing in as many locations as possible.