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View Full Version : Can I use a 1910/1940 screen protector on 4150?

02-13-2004, 09:37 AM
Has anyone tried or know of whether a screen protector for the ipaq 1910/1940s will work with a 4150? I can't find a local retailer who stocks protectors for the 4150, that's why I'm asking.

02-13-2004, 09:50 AM
Has anyone tried or know of whether a screen protector for the ipaq 1910/1940s will work with a 4150? I can't find a local retailer who stocks protectors for the 4150, that's why I'm asking.

Yes it will

Dave Potter
02-13-2004, 03:27 PM
I am using a Boxwave screen protector for a 1935 on my 4150 right now.

So - the answer is YES.

02-13-2004, 04:23 PM
I use these ScreenGuardz (http://www.pocketpcmall.com/product_info.php?cPath=147_164&products_id=566) on my 41xx. Best one's I've used thus far!