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View Full Version : Problem with WEP encryption

02-11-2004, 11:00 PM
Have a Linksys Wi-Fi card in my 2215 with the latest drivers (Dated 19 Jan 04). I use it to get onto our wireless network at home, in which I use a Linksys wireless router.

If I enable WEP and enter the key into the 2215 it works great. But as soon as the 2215 powers down or is shut off, I lose the wireless encryption settings on the 2215 and have to reenter the key. It's getting d?mned annoying and I'm sure its something simple I'm overlooking in the setup on the HP. What's even more annoying is it worked for a week or 2 after I first set it up, and I have apparently done SOMETHING somewhere to change the original setup. I have tried a re-install, BTW.

Can anybody give me any idea as to what I'm doing wrong?


02-15-2004, 07:06 AM
I had this problem a few times with my 3975 and a CF12, basicallyu it took me about an hour on the phone with Linksys tech support. Because I am old I can not remember all the steps we did for things to finally lock. Also, I remember the thing I hated most was the battery drain and the top of the card sticking out of my unit so I returned the CF WiFi (or sell it on ebay if this is not an option) and bought a BlueTooth USB Adpater which now Linksys sells. It is very easy to setup a WiFi Bluetooth hotspot in your home. Also, the Linksys has a coverage range of about 100 to 300 feet so you can move around freely. Once you have bitten by the bluetooth you might want to find a bluetooth phone (I would go with anything Sony Ericsson) and stay wireless wherever you might be.

Good luck my friend...


02-15-2004, 01:55 PM
Thanks. I'll look into that Linksys Bluetooth-USB adapter.

02-15-2004, 07:55 PM
I have an iPaq 1935 running with the SanDisk Connect Wi-Fi SD card. I have WEP encryption on my Wi-Fi AP/router. I entered the code on my iPaq just once and never had to again. However, if I delete my home network's settings in Connections (on the 1935), it requires a key if I try to connect again.

02-16-2004, 05:12 PM
Busdriver, I have a 3850 with a WCF12 card and get the same problem as you on an on-off basis. Lately for the last few days I did not have any problems, but last week I had to type in the WEP key quite a few times...

Let me know if you find a workaround!