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View Full Version : Expected Time Frame for PPC '04

02-10-2004, 08:26 PM
Any ideas? And what exactly should we expect in terms of hardware.

02-11-2004, 12:08 AM
Think more like PPC '05....

02-11-2004, 12:49 AM
You really think that we wont be seeing a PPC04 ? If this is true then it is definetely a large letdown.

Steven Cedrone
02-11-2004, 12:51 AM
You really think that we wont be seeing a PPC04 ? If this is true then it is definetely a large letdown.

I would be happy to just get the ROMUpgradeToFixAllOfTheProblemsWithMYDevice04! :wink:


02-11-2004, 04:46 AM
From other rumors I heard about PPC '0x:

DEFINITELY landscape modes available
Larger RAM (maybe a HD, who knows); also heard MS is still trying to fit current OS build into the 32MB ROM.
A HUGE makeover of the GUI

And they better support 2 SD slots in this 1 'cuz I am tired of switchin 'tween Wi-Fi and 64 Megs.

02-11-2004, 07:26 AM
Why would you expect a new OS 3 years in a row? Even to get one 2 years in a row was an oddity.

How about we all be patient and give them plenty of time to get things RIGHT this time(ahem, alarm bug anyone?)!

02-11-2004, 07:33 AM
Are they ever going to get it right...?

Windows has been a series of patches... has any of the MS Windows OS's been the perfect OS...? I don't think so.... it is forever being patched... and we are handed a few new enhancements and told it is a new OS... and we buy in...

Well... if the formula works why not use it for the PocketPC... it will continue to evolve... and it will probably never be perfect... but I wish that they would release some patches to at least give us some hope however false they might be... do you feel ignored...? All this time and still no fix for the alarm issue... they used to work you know... like 3 versions ago...