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View Full Version : Speed demon PDA - suggestions?

02-06-2004, 06:42 PM
I use my PDA primarily to access Contacts, Calendar and Tasks. I need one that (a) loads fast [I hate it when the pen-and-paper people have to wait for me!] and (b) has a screen that is legible under all light conditions. I don't use the Internet connection, do any gaming, or use the multimedia capacity at all. Which PDA do you recommend?

Assuming that the installed software also affects speed, I also wonder whether some of the plug-ins I've been considering might affect speed. In particular, what impact would apps like Pocket Informant, Resco Informant, Journal Bar, Battery Pack and Voice Lookup have?

Jason Dunn
02-06-2004, 07:14 PM
The iPAQ 4150 is one of the fastest Pocket PCs around, and the ASUS Pocket PCs also benchmark very fast.

02-07-2004, 03:01 AM
Idon't think you need a speed demon... In fact the PPC that would probably fit your needs would be the Hp1945... a nice small clean looking device that is small and compact.

Go into any Electronic Store and give it a whirl...

02-07-2004, 03:21 AM
I was going to even suggest a 1910...overclock it to 300Mhz and its very snappy plus its got the best screen I've seen.