Jason Dunn
02-06-2004, 04:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.apexwin.com/v2/plusdraw/index.htm' target='_blank'>http://www.apexwin.com/v2/plusdraw/index.htm</a><br /><br /></div>"Apex Software and Leica Geosystems today announced the release of the DISTO™ Plus lasermeter with Bluetooth™ technology and PlusDraw™ software for real estate appraisers. The Bluetooth connectivity in these powerful tools allows appraisers to measure and sketch areas automatically and simultaneously. The DISTO Plus units and PlusDraw software will be bundle shipped worldwide in March of 2004.<br /><br />Apex software is the leader in area calculation software development and support for the real estate industry. “With the explosive popularity of the DISTO Classic laser meter in the appraisal industry, we saw a real opportunity to incorporate mobile field sketching and revolutionize the industry’s field work”, said Randall Garrett, CEO of Apex Software. “We teamed with Leica Geosystems to design the Bluetooth communications between the DISTO Plus and our PlusDraw application for the Pocket PC. After twelve months of development, we are extremely pleased with the demonstration product”.<!><br /> <br />PlusDraw enables the DISTO Plus to wirelessly transmit measurements to a Bluetooth compatible Pocket PC. The two devices only need be within 32 feet of each other and line-of-site is not required, making floor plan sketching virtually hands-free and totally automatic. <br /><br />Apex’s PlusDraw is the included introductory software program for installation on a Pocket PC. It automatically draws the floor plan sketches from the DISTO Plus measurements, labels dimensions and calculates area totals. Apex Software will also offer PlusDraw Pro™, with a more robust feature set in Spring 2004.<br /><br />Apex Software will be working with industry leaders to develop custom mobile or integrated applications for their needs.<br /><br />This innovative combination of the DISTO Plus and PlusDraw is projected to have the same time-saving effect on the appraisal industry as did the digital camera. <br /><br />These bundled products will be available in limited quantities in March 2004. Orders can be placed immediately online at <a href="www.apexwin.com">www.apexwin.com</a> or by calling Apex Software at 1-800-858-9958. International orders can be placed by calling 001 210 699 6666. <br /><br />Leica Geosystems, with worldwide headquarters in Heerbrugg, Switzerland, develops, manufactures and markets systems for surveying, mapping and position determination. The company has turnover of almost 650 million francs and is listed on the Swiss Exchange. Along with the Swiss facilities, the company also has development and production subsidiaries in America and Asia. Leica Geosystems has 20 wholly-owned sales subsidiaries worldwide and representation in more than 120 countries.<br /><br />Apex Software is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. With over 20 years of software development experience, Apex Software has set the standard for sketching innovations and area calculation techniques. For more information about Apex Software, visit www.apexwin.com."