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View Full Version : ?Donde esta la Senorita Jenneth?

Chris Spera
02-05-2004, 04:25 PM
I've been trying to get to Jenneth's site (www.jenneth.info) for the last 2 days and have been getting HTTP 404 errors...

Site not found..?! :?:

What's up with that? Jenneth, are you listening?? Where did you go?

Kind Regards,

Christopher Spera

Steven Cedrone
02-05-2004, 04:50 PM
Well, as far as I know she is in LA now. Her Avantgo updates are still coming through. (last one was dated today - 2/5/04)

But yeah, I can't get to her site either. :(


BTW, Jenneth: you could have told us you were going to be in Philly and New York, some of the members could have met you and bought you a beer... :beer:

02-05-2004, 05:00 PM
Yeah .. just found out yesterday that my domain name had expired .. in December! That's what I get for listing my hotmail address (which I don't check) in the administrative details for the domain.

So it's currently in this limbo stage where it's been deleted but not purged from the .info registry .. and I have to pay USD$155 to get it back. :cry: I could wait till it's re-released into the wild and then just buy the domain name for $15, but it won't be available for another 30 days. In the meantime, I don't have access to my email either.

So instead of buying that Apple Bluetooth wireless mouse and keyboard to go with my new iBook, I have to pay an exorbitant amount of money to get my domain back. :|

Steven Cedrone
02-05-2004, 05:02 PM
There's always Jenneth.org... :wink:


Janak Parekh
02-05-2004, 06:39 PM
There's always Jenneth.org... :wink:
And Jenneth.net! :D BTW, sorry to hear about your domain problems, Jenneth. Some registrars support "auto-renew", which might be worth pursuing in the future.


Chris Spera
02-05-2004, 07:05 PM
I agree with Janak... go with another domain provider and name. $155 is just too expensive, especially when the site doesn't generate any revenue to speak of (yet!)

I'm just glad you didn't get swallowed up by a roving black hole or something... :D


02-06-2004, 12:48 AM
Yeah .. but the hassle of changing my email address and domain name and telling everyone about it is just too much, particularly the email address thing. I've already paid the $155 and submitted the necessary paperwork, but who knows who long it will take before they give it back to me? In the meantime, I don't have access to my email :cry:

I used to own jenneth.net actually. It would redirect to jenneth.info. The plan was to move everything over to jenneth.net, but never got around to it. Then I just didn't bother renewing it.

Thanks for your support guys, it means a lot :)

02-06-2004, 12:51 AM
I was wondering what was up. I've been going to the site several times a week for a few months, and was a bit miffed and mystified when it wasn't working.

Is the domain name part of the hosting package, or is there an IP address to the server that we can use to access your site in the interim? :mrgreen:

02-06-2004, 04:11 PM
Good question! My hosting package is separate to the domain name, but I have no idea what the IP address of the server is. My host is local .. but unfortunately I'm in a different time zone at the moment, not that I could call them anyway as they only do email support! :| I'll follow up on this later on today when Australia wakes up.

02-11-2004, 11:00 PM
Good question! My hosting package is separate to the domain name, but I have no idea what the IP address of the server is. My host is local .. but unfortunately I'm in a different time zone at the moment, not that I could call them anyway as they only do email support! :| I'll follow up on this later on today when Australia wakes up.

Hey Jenneth,

How are you going with getting the site back up? Need any help?


02-12-2004, 09:16 PM
Well my renewal was processed a couple of days ago, and yet the site still isn't back up. This totally sucks :( Looks like I'm going to have to call up Melbourne IT and nag them .. again.

Oh, and turned out that I didn't have to pay USD$155 after all .. instead I had to pay AUD$310, which works out roughly to USD$242. Yeah, it just gets better and better huh? :roll: I'm so over the whole thing. :devilboy:

Janak Parekh
02-12-2004, 09:19 PM
Seriously, Jenneth, if you can... consider canceling the transaction and get a new domain name. You can get them for ~ $10 per year from various places. That's a huge difference.


02-13-2004, 04:48 AM
Still showing a HOLD status.

If there's anything I can do, let me know - even if it's just putting something up to let people know what's happening. Presumably the site & DNS are all still there, so I guess most of it's in Melbourne IT's hands now :(

O'course, registering jenneth.net and/or jenneth.id.au & having it point to the same IP wouldn't be a bad backup either. As well as making the site accessible now rather than in a week or two when Melb IT get around to it.... :grumble:

Anyway, drop me a line if you do need anything. I don't know if you still have my email address?

02-13-2004, 08:28 PM
Seriously, Jenneth, if you can... consider canceling the transaction and get a new domain name. You can get them for ~ $10 per year from various places. That's a huge difference.


Well, I've already paid, so .. :( Their customer support opens in a couple of hours - I'll call them up and settle this once and for all. They told me it would be back in up to 48 hours and it's been much longer than that. Maybe I can demand a refund? I'm not worried about the URL so much as the email address - telling everyone about a new one is just so much hassle. Will keep ya'll posted!

Janak Parekh
02-13-2004, 09:05 PM
Maybe I can demand a refund? I'm not worried about the URL so much as the email address - telling everyone about a new one is just so much hassle. Will keep ya'll posted!
Well, you can certainly ask ;)

I understand about the email address -- it all really boils down your budget and convenience constraints. Good luck anyway, and maybe I'll see you in Seattle. 8)


02-16-2004, 10:31 AM
Yay! Jenneth's back on the air, finally :-D

Chris Spera
02-16-2004, 04:37 PM
Yeah, but the home page is totally blank... No fun info... :(

02-16-2004, 08:26 PM
Woo-hoo, about time :roll:

Unfortunately I don't have time to make any updates as I just started my new job yesterday and I'm still getting used to having to wake up early and make the long commute. But I've reposted the last two articles I wrote before the site went down, as I don't think many people were able to read those. I'll also have some new stuff up around lunchtime today (my lunchtime, not yours :wink:)

Again, thanks to everyone for their support (except for Melbourne IT, they're hopeless).

Janak Parekh
02-16-2004, 08:31 PM
Ah, glad to see it's up... and glad to see you enjoyed New York. 8) Next time, I'll explain how the subways work and you won't ever get lost. ;) And make sure to come in the Spring or Fall! (Or even summer, just not a frickin' cold winter.)
