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View Full Version : Cascading Start Menu App

02-04-2004, 05:19 PM
I used to use Novosec's Facelift and it had a nice feature of cascading the start menu & programs, etc.

Is there an alternative? From what I've seen on their site, its not compatible with WM2003.

Kati Compton
02-04-2004, 05:40 PM
You can check out the tillanosoft options at http://tillanosoft.com/ce/index.html

02-04-2004, 09:29 PM
Yeah...didn't really fit the bill. Facelift kept the background the same as the theme and didn't turn the start menu into one huge list of apps (as I recall). Worked a little 'slicker' as I recall too.

Any others out there?

Steven Cedrone
02-04-2004, 09:37 PM
Actually, I have the Tillanosoft cascading menu program loaded right now. You are correct Dorelse the cascading menu feature was "slicker" in Pocket Facelift. The one graring problem that I have with it: the link to system settings does not work. I am going to play with it, but this really kills it for me.

I did email Maik <sp> from Pocket Facelift to ask if they would just release a cascading menu, but never received a response from him. (I also posted about it in the forums there - Heh, I just notice a post by you about it there as well)


02-04-2004, 10:35 PM
The problem with cascading menus is that it probably won't work with the GUI for WM2003. Novosec pretty much states that MS has made it impossible to work with the interface. They have no hopes that it will ever be possible for Facelift to work under WM2003.

02-05-2004, 12:18 PM
Wisbar Advance now offers cascading start menu and it's free.

Steven Cedrone
02-05-2004, 01:53 PM
Wisbar Advance now offers cascading start menu and it's free.

Hmmm. I wasn't aware of that! I'll download the new version and let you know what I find!

Update: well I downloaded and installed the app, and I must be missing something because I don't see any settings for cascading menus

Update again: O.K., I found the cascading menus, could they make it harder to find? Anyway, the problems still remains: The settings folder is not "seen". I have been looking at adding the individual shortcuts for the applets, but this is a pain-in-the-butt!


02-05-2004, 05:00 PM
Wow...could that be hidden any better?

Its a little better, but is basically the same as the Tillanosoft, which makes me think it was integrated with their code? Possibly?

Facelift does have some pieces that work still and it sounds like this is one of them...so I'm going to install it and see if it still has what I need.

Thanks guys!

Steven Cedrone
02-05-2004, 05:04 PM
Let me know how you make out. I'm still a registered owner of Facelift!


Steven Cedrone
02-06-2004, 12:55 AM
Well, I have mixed feelings about the cascading menus in WA. While playing around today my Pocket PC locked up! My hand was trembling when I went to do a reset, my fear was that I would get the "Welcome" screens...

If it happens again, I'll go back to the older version and foget about CM's until something better comes along!


02-06-2004, 09:16 AM
I just download Tilanosoft's Small Menu.

How do you access the settings screen?
Do I have to map it to a button?


Stephen Beesley
02-06-2004, 09:53 AM
For a long time I used Pocket Facelift, first on my Jornada 545 and then on my 568 after I upgraded. The only reason I kept it on my 568 was the cascading menues. I have tried some of the alternatives, small menu and now the Wisbar Advanced version, but the implementation is just not as good in my view.

I do not have PF on my Jornada now (never reinstalled it after my last scheduled hard reset) but all this talk of cascading menus has got me thinking of installing it again.

I really wish the developers had brought out just the cascading menu part as a seperate app. Oh well....

Steven Cedrone
02-06-2004, 02:23 PM
I just download Tilanosoft's Small Menu.

How do you access the settings screen?
Do I have to map it to a button?


Which settings screen? The one for Small Menu or your Pocket PC settings screen? If you are talking about the latter, you must exit Small Menu and use the default Start Menu. There are ways to add that functionality to a menu, but you wont be happy. Take a look at this thread (http://discussion.brighthand.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=79526) over at Brighthand. I did this yesterday, it adds most of the shortcuts you need, but I'm still not really "satisfied"... :?


02-06-2004, 09:48 PM
Which settings screen? The one for Small Menu or your Pocket PC settings screen? If you are talking about the latter, you must exit Small Menu and use the default Start Menu. There are ways to add that functionality to a menu, but you wont be happy. Take a look at this thread (http://discussion.brighthand.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=79526) over at Brighthand. I did this yesterday, it adds most of the shortcuts you need, but I'm still not really "satisfied"... :?


Thanks for the Link Steve. I am not thrilled with Small Menu, but it is better than nothing... I suppose. I was referring to the default start menu. Now for the next question, how do you exit small menu? I didn't see a way to do that. How I exited was to do a soft reset, because I did not set the small menu as my default. I will try it again, but doubt if I will keep it. I can do without the cascading, I suppose, but what I really want is a tiny app to close and minimize screens. It is the age old need for app closure. :D


Steven Cedrone
02-06-2004, 09:57 PM
Thanks for the Link Steve. I am not thrilled with Small Menu, but it is better than nothing... I suppose. I was referring to the default start menu. Now for the next question, how do you exit small menu? I didn't see a way to do that. How I exited was to do a soft reset, because I did not set the small menu as my default. I will try it again, but doubt if I will keep it. I can do without the cascading, I suppose, but what I really want is a tiny app to close and minimize screens. It is the age old need for app closure. :D


Well, for closing/minimizing apps I have been using Wisbar Advance. It does this very well, plus I can skin both the top and bottom bars on the screen. As far as exiting Small Menu goes, I have no Idea! In the menu program I was using, there was a "settings" link on the menu itself that brought you to the menu setup, from in there you could exit. If you do a search in the forums for "Task Manager" you will probable come up with a ton of suggestions for the age old smart minize/close problem. :wink:

Let me know if you do find something interesting though!


05-21-2004, 12:40 AM
Wow...could that be hidden any better?

Its a little better, but is basically the same as the Tillanosoft, which makes me think it was integrated with their code? Possibly?

Facelift does have some pieces that work still and it sounds like this is one of them...so I'm going to install it and see if it still has what I need.

Thanks guys!

where did you guys find it? i still can't!!! (in WA)... THANKS!

Steven Cedrone
05-21-2004, 05:04 AM
where did you guys find it? i still can't!!! (in WA)... THANKS!

Go into WA settings. Go to the "Items" tab. For "Start Menu", go down to where it says: "Execute", "Tap", now go to the dropdown box below that, pick "Cascading Start Menu" instead of "Start Menu".


Blue Zero
05-21-2004, 08:54 AM
Go into WA settings. Go to the "Items" tab. For "Start Menu", go down to where it says: "Execute", "Tap", now go to the dropdown box below that, pick "Cascading Start Menu" instead of "Start Menu".

Seriously! If you didnt let us know, I wouldnt be able to find it! :evil:
What where they thinking? Its like playing hide and seek with that setting...

05-21-2004, 12:54 PM
where did you guys find it? i still can't!!! (in WA)... THANKS!

Go into WA settings. Go to the "Items" tab. For "Start Menu", go down to where it says: "Execute", "Tap", now go to the dropdown box below that, pick "Cascading Start Menu" instead of "Start Menu".


thanks steve... but for some reason when i do that (wm2003/hp4155) it just disables my start button... i press the start button and it visually depresses but doesn't do anything... i DO have "use custom theme elements" as they say there too... am i missing something?

Steven Cedrone
05-21-2004, 01:03 PM

Does your setup screen look like this:



05-21-2004, 01:22 PM
only slightly different. i took a screen capture but how to i get it up here if i don't have a web server to post it to? can i attach a file? i see your image (above) is hosted by ppcthoughts - how do i make that happen? thanks for the side-lesson.

Steven Cedrone
05-21-2004, 01:25 PM
only slightly different. i took a screen capture but how to i get it up here if i don't have a web server to post it to? can i attach a file? i see your image (above) is hosted by ppcthoughts - how do i make that happen? thanks for the side-lesson.

When you post a reply: On the left side above the Emoticons, you should see a "Your media folder" section. Click on add/remove files and follow what the wizard tells you to do!


05-21-2004, 01:34 PM
Steve - is that only available to some posters? on my left side above my emoticons are only 2 words - Message body and above that Subject... there is no my media anything (anywhere)?

ps can i send you my screen shot some other way? i'd love to get these custom menus working w/o another app like small menu etc.

Steven Cedrone
05-21-2004, 02:04 PM
can i send you my screen shot some other way?

Susre, email it to me at: steven AT Pocketpcthoughts DOT com


05-21-2004, 02:38 PM
ok it's on it's way... but i'd love to be able to attach to posts in the future so what's up with my my media? i'm a subscriber!

Janak Parekh
05-21-2004, 10:34 PM
ok it's on it's way... but i'd love to be able to attach to posts in the future so what's up with my my media? i'm a subscriber!
Are you a full or deluxe subscriber? "Lite" subscriptions don't get the media folder.


05-21-2004, 10:39 PM
well damn... does anyone know if you can upgrade your subscription for a reduced price?

ps my WA still won't work for cascading start... starting to annoy me!!!

Steven Cedrone
05-21-2004, 11:45 PM
ok it's on it's way...

Never recieved your email. Did you send it?


05-22-2004, 12:27 AM
Zilla 31... did you make the changes to apply the casading menu's..???

If you have not done so.. go into the setting menu... go to the items tab... Start Menu should be selected... on the drop down menu at the bottom that says Start Menu... select Casading Menu... make sure the Execute box is checked, tap on the ok box and you should be good to go...

05-22-2004, 07:57 PM
yeah i made those changes and all that happens is my start menu is now disabled... you can depress it but no menu drops down (as a matter of fact nothing happens). if i go back to "start menu" then everything is back to normal no problems... strange.

05-23-2004, 05:52 PM
I have posted a picture of the setup screen for you...


05-23-2004, 06:07 PM
that's exactly how mine looks (except i'm using a different skin). when "cascading start menu" is selected there - my start button is effectively disabled (you can see it depress when you click on it but no menu folds down). when i change BACK to "start menu" the normal functionality returns... i'm not sure what is going on - i do have the latest of WA.

05-23-2004, 11:50 PM
Ok one last thing... it shouldn't matter but it says it does on the screen. Did you change the settings on your Theme selection tab to "Use Custom Theme Elements"...???