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View Full Version : Worst scam email of all time. Bar none.

02-02-2004, 01:37 PM
From that bastion of errudite reportage, The Register:

"Is this the worst scam email of all time?
By Lester Haines
Posted: 02/02/2004 at 10:14 GMT

We have in the past made merry at the linguistic deficiencies of 419 advance fee fraudsters, but nothing the boys from Lagos have ever issued even comes close to what some chancer has just sent reader Joskyn Jones.

The email purports to come from Citibank, (not a new line of attack, as we previously reported) and is a bog-standard phishing scam, to wit: the recipient is asked to verify details online and thereby inadvertently gives his or her credit/debit card number and PIN to the waiting phishers.

However, this particular missive is so spectacular in its ineptitude that we are convinced it is unlikely ever to be bettered:

--- citi_bank_ wrote:
From citi_bank_ Sat Jan 31 02:19:56 2004
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 05:19:56 -0500
From: citi_bank_
To: Joskyn
Subject: citi_bank Email Veerification

Dear _citibank Mebmers,

This leter was sennt by_the Citi_Bank serevr to veerify your E-mail addres_. You must clomptee this psrecos by clicking on the link below and enntering in the litle winddow your Citbiank Debit_ full card nummber and PiN that you_use on_the Atm Machine. That is done for your pocetrtion -m- becourse some of_our memebrs no lengor have accses to their email addseesrs and we must verify it.


To veerify _your_ _email_ adress and access _your_ _citibank account, clic on_the link below_.

Thank you.

Read it and weep - with laughter. What is really special about this magnificent piece of imbecility is that it seemingly comes from "americanfootball.com", a really convincing touch.

The link, btw, really does give a pop-up window over the main Citibank site. Once you have obligingly entered your details, you are informed "Your E-Mail Address Was Successful Verified", so they couldn't even get that bit right. "

02-02-2004, 04:25 PM
Even more hilarious when you realize that some moron somewhere will fall for it. :roll:

02-02-2004, 05:08 PM
Kwhite franklee, I do not se wat is so funy abowt this. I got this very same emale, and I did wat it sed to do, and now their going to help me verefy ALL my investment acounts, to -- even those not held at Citybank!

You wate. I wil hav the last laff!

02-02-2004, 05:12 PM
It does amaze me how gullible people are when asked for personal information. I've had several friends and family members (that I thought were smater) start giving out such info on the phone, until I stopped them. I can't count how many scam emails friends have passed on, like "Send us your personal info, then forward this to 10 friends. If you do, we'll send you ____"

My first thought when reading about this scam was, "I can't believe anyone would fall for this" but I quickly thought of some folks. And, in keeping with P.T. Barnum's insight into human nature, yeah, there's got to be at least one person out there who fell for it.

Pat Logsdon
02-02-2004, 05:18 PM
Sheesh - the guys who write spam to get it through filters shouldn't try things of this magnitude. :roll: :mrgreen:

02-03-2004, 05:13 PM
I have now received this particular email scam twice.

I was astounded that not only by the gramar problems, but also by the fact I don't have a citibank account.

02-04-2004, 01:53 AM
I am going to fill in some fake information and tell them to pweeze go *F* themselves.

Brad Adrian
02-04-2004, 03:09 AM
Kwhite franklee, I do not se wat is so funy abowt this.
Same here. Just for the sake of thoroughness, I went ahead and included the information for the account to receive the money I'm getting from Nigeria any day now.

02-15-2010, 08:33 PM
I think I have you all beat this has to be the worst spam email ever.
I think some kind of retardation going on here.

From: Human Resource Department [email protected]
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 11:06 AM
To: Chris Buhneing
Subject: Job for Chris Buhneing
Dear Chris Buhneing
Your CV was found on the CareerBuilder. That窶冱 why we are glad to propound you a position of an 窶廢xecutive Manager窶. Your resume was learnt accurately by our HR department and they were satisfied. Therefore you fit this job absolutely.
Your work will include following tasks:-well-timed filling of accounts on done work- record keeping of customers in the USA- inform customers about all they窶囘 like to know- Fulfillment of financial deals within the USA. All the following information you will get during an colloquium over the phone.
Staff requirements:
Nationality: US
From 25 years old
3-5 free hours daily to hold your dutiesobligations
Your salary will be up to 5000USD monthly. Money will be transferred to your bank account every month.
Many applicants wishing to have this vacancy, that窶冱 why we窶囘 ask you not to take your time and decide as soon as possible about this vacancy.
All the information about our company you may find website When you make your positive vote about this job, you should follow these tips. Make a registration at our here .Then find a count of 窶廢xecutive Manager窶. There you should fill in all the fields carefully. All data will de controlled by our security.After that will held an interview over the phone. Then a contract with our firm should be signed.
We are very grateful to you and hope for a long and mutually relationships.