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View Full Version : Bluetooth setup....

02-01-2004, 04:12 PM
Yesterday, I installed a PCMCIA Bluetooth adapter (Zoom) in my laptop so that I could sync my iPaq 2215 with my laptop as well as my desktop.

I installed the zoom software, and then installed the card. I lthen loaded up Activesync. Activesync instructed me use the cradle to establish a partnership with my 2215 before trying to sync with Bluetooth, so I did. I then set the COM port in activesync to match one being used by the laptop.

But.....as usual......nothing works.

At this point, when I click on the Activesync icon in the Bluetooth manager of my 2215, I get a "Cannot Connect" error. Also, I am left with a "Bluetooth Network: A network cable is unplugged" icon in my system tray. When I double-click it to open up my network connections folder I now see a Local Area Connection with a status of "A network cable is unplugged" as well as a Bluetooth Network with a status of "A network cable is unplugged."

The devices do see each other. I can see my laptop when browsing devices from my 2215, and I can see my 2215 when browsing devices from my laptop. But they will not talk to each other.

Are there any words of wisdom from the Bluetooth veterans out there????

02-01-2004, 07:44 PM
Are you running any personal firewall software, even the Windows XP (you don't specify the OS) built-in one?

Have you tried creating a pairing between machines before trying the menus to find the AS connection?

Is the ActiveSync configured to use the COM port specified in the Local Services tab in your computer, not anything else? Don't use the ports defined on your Pocket PC as they don't have any relation with this, and don't use the Client port as defined in your computer - use noly the one defined in the Local Services.

Regarding the Network Cable disconnected, is your LAN Access service configured like image 1) or 2)?

If #1 then it could be a problem in the installation. If #2 then that's normal. It'll act like a normal LAN connection and the cable ("wireless" not connected until a client plugs in, like a real wired cable).

1.http://www.geekzone.co.nz/images/forums/btlan.jpg (http://www.geekzone.co.nz)

2.http://www.geekzone.co.nz/images/forums/btlan1.jpg (http://www.geekzone.co.nz)

02-02-2004, 06:24 AM

I was just going to suggest the Geekzone Bluetooth guides! But, here is the man himself...


02-02-2004, 02:06 PM

Have you resolved your problem yet, I have managed to get my kluncky Audiovox Maestro (BT CF card) working with through a USB BT dongle. Much trial and error, but I may be able to help you you still have a problem.

02-02-2004, 07:41 PM
I haven't had a chance to dig into it anymore since my post. I am hoping to have some time later tonight or tomorrow. I will definitely let ya know what happens. It would be cool to compare what you had to do to get yours working to what I have to do.

Thanks for all the input!!!!!!!!!!!