View Full Version : Anyone else getting bored of their ppc?
01-31-2004, 03:05 PM
Or do you still love it with all your heart?
I dunno, I feel as if I need to do more with my PPC to justify how much I spent on it. I find myself desperately searching Handango for something else that I can use to fill the void in my ppc. Apart from listing my stuff, balancing my finances, Word, and PIM management, I feel that I have no other use for it.
Oh me oh my. Does anyone else feel as if they should get more out of their ppc, or are you happy with where it is now?
I agree, i want mine to make my bed. :twisted:
What i really want is to make easier what i already do...
01-31-2004, 03:23 PM
have you ever tried listening to audio, or watching movies on it?
01-31-2004, 03:45 PM
I never get bored or want to chuck my PPC, but sometimes, things seem old or in some sort of rut. There are some times where I get an itch for something new, some new game or app, and when I look around, can't find what I'm looking for. Then I go back and look at what I already have: That game I never finished, that demo I downloaded and never tried, etc. I also start looking around here and elsewhere at articles, forums, etc.
Every time I find something I had forgotten about, never knew about or had just plain missed. Sometimes it's as simple as reading about how someone has found an interesting use for what I already have. There's even times it's showing my wife some "old" app or use that is new to her, it makes me realize what a cool thing we have in our PPCs. Sometimes it's finding a potential business use for the PPCs we have at work. There's always something that gets me excited about my PPC all over again.
I feel your duldrums....
and they are not pretty.
i wish i could hack into it, or revise the entire way the thing operates and looks, ala Window Blinds type of software.
i would make a Mac-like interface or something.
Also, I wish it was a bit more "Snappy" in response, ala Palm devices. I especially would like to find an efficient way to switch to Landscape mode for all applications and games.
grumble grumble.
toshiba e330
01-31-2004, 05:35 PM
Of course I am, but then again my attention span is pretty bad. It's similar to my 'Bored with Cellphone' post in the Of Topic Index. Things are only new for so long! :wink:
Have you notice that many new pdas come out with very similar features? Better, bigger, faster, more.
01-31-2004, 05:42 PM
Yeah, I watched movies on the ppc before, but, I mean really, come on. Spending all that time converting a DVD, then spending all that time sending it to the ppc, just for the novelty of watching a sub-par quality movie in the palm of your hand. And music bores me, so I barely ever listen to it on the PPC. There's no way I'd trade in the smell and feeling of a book in your hand to read an ebook on my ppc. Writing with a pad and pen is much better than writing barely legibly on a tiny screen with a tiny stylus. Web browsing, too, is too inconvenient.
I dunno, I feel like one of those couples that have been together for a few years and need to spice up their marriage. Maybe if I have my ppc start wearing lingerie?
I dunno. I just wish I could do more with it. ListPro, PIM, and Finances are its only redeeming qualities, and I'm not sure that's enough to justify being content with the purchase.
Pat Logsdon
01-31-2004, 05:46 PM
Nope - I love my 4150! :mrgreen: I agree with Arnage, though - try music and movies - those are killer uses of a PPC, and you won't get bored with it easily. Movies in particular are cool.
Mitch D
01-31-2004, 06:29 PM
I'm not bored with mine, just into shiny new toys like the MyPal 716.... But I will keep my X3i too...
01-31-2004, 06:32 PM
The longer I have it, the more uses I find for it. Makes me wish I had spent a little more money at first.
01-31-2004, 09:15 PM
I don't get bored with mine, in fact it keeps me from getting bored sometimes. Games, music, video, appointments, e-mail web-browsing, etc. I love it, but I do admit that I do wish I had something better. I only got mine a few months ago, it is great, but now with VGA screens, there's something new I want. And I want integrated bluetooth. So basically, I'm not bored with my PPC, but I do want more, probably like many people in this forum.
Dave Potter
01-31-2004, 09:36 PM
I never get bored or want to chuck my PPC, but sometimes, things seem old or in some sort of rut. There are some times where I get an itch for something new, some new game or app, and when I look around, can't find what I'm looking for. Then I go back and look at what I already have: That game I never finished, that demo I downloaded and never tried, etc. I also start looking around here and elsewhere at articles, forums, etc.
Every time I find something I had forgotten about, never knew about or had just plain missed. Sometimes it's as simple as reading about how someone has found an interesting use for what I already have. There's even times it's showing my wife some "old" app or use that is new to her, it makes me realize what a cool thing we have in our PPCs. Sometimes it's finding a potential business use for the PPCs we have at work. There's always something that gets me excited about my PPC all over again.
:way to go:
Well said! We must have been twins separated at birth because your description above sounds like me - exactly!
01-31-2004, 09:45 PM
My PPCs (currently using my 7th one) have done quite a LOT for me over the years, boredom is not one I can claim. They've offered me the basics (PIM, eBooks, etc.), and the PPC platform has been a great way to:
- do some casual app design/code (either in native code or using tools like dBase programs)
- install and trial new programs (the list of programs I have installed, tried, and uninstalled would take over 4 pages to document...typed!)
- use a mobile/lightweight/instant-on platform to stay in touch with the news of the world ... now in REALTIME thx to WiFi/BT
- take music/video anywhere I go
...and that just scratches the surface. :mrgreen:
Try doing those things on a PC, and time seems to literally slow down as you manage ALL aspects of unavoidable overhead that come along with a PC platform. :silly:
Dave Potter
01-31-2004, 09:51 PM
Web browsing, too, is too inconvenient.
Sublime - how are you browsing? Via Bluetooth? via WiFi? I found adding WiFi makes browsing the web infinitely more convenient. If you haven't already looked into WiFi - I recommend that you do so.
Also - what browser are you using? Basic PIE? MultiIE? PIEplus? I personally like MultiIE, but lately I've been trying ThunderHawk out too. It costs $50 per year, but there is a 30 day free trial. ThunderHawk is very, very, very good. It's perfect for browsing sites which are not optimized for PDAs. I haven't purchased it yet myself, but I fully intend to when my free trial runs out. Give ThunderHawk a spin - I think you'll like it!
01-31-2004, 11:58 PM
Hey Sublime,
It has been fascinating reading through all of the posts about the subject of boredom and loss of excitement for your PDA. It has been intriguing reading comments from all of your different PDA enthusiasts who, quite rightly, have offered you new suggestions, different methods or other opportunities to use it. I don't hear you saying that at all. My hunch is that you are savy enough to figure out the right game, the new application, a speedier way to do something. I think what you are really talking about is the reality that when all is said and done, at the end of the day, when it is all totalled up, we are still talking about the PDA being a tool. It is simply a tool.
Now please do not hear me wrong. It is an incredibly fun, powerful and helpful tool and I have a hunch that we have just begun to scratch the surface of how helpful and powerful it might prove for human existence. But when the final bell rings it is still just so much wire, plastic, light metal enlivened by a jolt of electricity. It might make the minutes go faster, but it is not going to answer my loneliness. It sure keeps my finances in order, but it is not going to give me pleasure for what I have purchased. My tasks are alphabatized A-Z and numbered 1-48, but that ain't going to give me satisfaction for a job well done.
I think that has to come from somewhere else. Internally, above, in connection with someone else, whatever that might be for you. Ultimately that little, expensive cruncher of zeros and ones sits cool and alone in its cradle.
At the risk of sounding like a PDA heretic, maybe it is simply time to power yours off for a couple of weeks. Leave it in its cradle at home, use your pen and paper to actually send a letter, read War and Peace in the original Russian, balance your check book long hand. Live without it for awhile and catch a different glimpse of what might be out there for you.
I don't know fellah, just a suggestion that came to me as I read all the helpful advice that to me, seemed more like replicating what you were doing than touching what might be going on with in you.
Just some ideas. Good luck to you, matey.
02-01-2004, 06:23 AM
The longer I have it, the more uses I find for it. Makes me wish I had spent a little more money at first.
Definitely! But just start putting money to the side I guess. I am, because I'm sure if I have a good five hundred or six hundred dollars in a year and a half, I will be able to buy a great device that will be at least two times better than what I've got now. I don't see why within two years we couldn't be running at eight hundred mhz with 256 megs of ram for an affordable price. With 1 gig sd cards as standard storage :D I hope the screens get better though.
I am saving for that day. I can't wait :)
And I agree with people about the audio/video feature being really cool. Games aren't doing too great, although warfare incorperated is great for starcraft/warcraft/C&C fans.
02-02-2004, 01:21 PM
Hey Sublime,
It has been fascinating reading through all of the posts about the subject of boredom and loss of excitement for your PDA. It has been intriguing reading comments from all of your different PDA enthusiasts who, quite rightly, have offered you new suggestions, different methods or other opportunities to use it. I don't hear you saying that at all. My hunch is that you are savy enough to figure out the right game, the new application, a speedier way to do something. I think what you are really talking about is the reality that when all is said and done, at the end of the day, when it is all totalled up, we are still talking about the PDA being a tool. It is simply a tool.
Now please do not hear me wrong. It is an incredibly fun, powerful and helpful tool and I have a hunch that we have just begun to scratch the surface of how helpful and powerful it might prove for human existence. But when the final bell rings it is still just so much wire, plastic, light metal enlivened by a jolt of electricity. It might make the minutes go faster, but it is not going to answer my loneliness. It sure keeps my finances in order, but it is not going to give me pleasure for what I have purchased. My tasks are alphabatized A-Z and numbered 1-48, but that ain't going to give me satisfaction for a job well done.
I think that has to come from somewhere else. Internally, above, in connection with someone else, whatever that might be for you. Ultimately that little, expensive cruncher of zeros and ones sits cool and alone in its cradle.
At the risk of sounding like a PDA heretic, maybe it is simply time to power yours off for a couple of weeks. Leave it in its cradle at home, use your pen and paper to actually send a letter, read War and Peace in the original Russian, balance your check book long hand. Live without it for awhile and catch a different glimpse of what might be out there for you.
I don't know fellah, just a suggestion that came to me as I read all the helpful advice that to me, seemed more like replicating what you were doing than touching what might be going on with in you.
Just some ideas. Good luck to you, matey.
Do you know Kenn, that is quite possibly the best post I have ever read.
02-02-2004, 01:24 PM
I regularly get bored with mine. Hell, I even bought a Sony Clie a while back just for a change... I know, I know... only lasted about 3 weeks though!
Kenns' post has a fair bit of truth in it - but if you can afford the toys, just buy a new one for a while and see what happens; I'm using a tablet pc for 'fun' at the moment, and my Paq is sat in the car - I find I've been using it less and less recently....
02-02-2004, 02:58 PM
It's impossible to get bored with an e805. ;)
I also have the presentation pack and a 4 GB MuVo2 coming to keep me busy.
If you are bored, get PPX and start designing UI's. 0X
02-02-2004, 04:58 PM
I can never get bored of something I depend on. living in nyc and riding the trains makes my ppc a huge part of my life. Knowing the amount of people I know also makes my ppc an important part of my life. And last but not lease....I get to make those palm users on the train feel little :) can you get bored of that?!?!?!?
02-02-2004, 05:46 PM
Hey Rzanology,
Your post made me smile and reminded me of that wonderful expression:
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." Enjoy your train rides in the Big Apple.
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