01-29-2004, 09:17 PM
Hey Folks, in the next week or so I'm purchasing a new PPC. I've been a dedicated Ipaq 3835 user for a good number of years now and it is time to upgrade. Just recently spent a good deal of time face down recovering from eye surgery and WI-FI capability is a given. I'm debating between the e805 and the H5555.
Characteristics that are important for me are: WI-FI, large excellent screen due to vision issues, preferably both SD and CF slots. Sturdy unit. I do a lot of traveling both domestic and internationally so will be using this for email, surfing and ebooks.
Let me tell you what my dilema is. For the last couple of weeks, I've been reading about new devices and doing my home work and specs and what not. Either one of those devices would basically fit my needs, probably more than my needs. Screens size and quality is a really, really huge deal for me, so that is driving a lot of this. I had heard and read so much about the e805 and finally got to see one today. The guy at the local Circuit City shop did not even know how to get the thing turned on. Anyway, after getting it up and running, it was nice, but I was underwhelmed. Without exception every single review I've read goes on and on and on about the great screen. Please do not hear me wrong, there was nothing wrong with it, but it was a little bit like hearing that the Messiah has arrived, and that his name is Joe. Screens, as well as messiahs, should make the trumpets blow. I was also surprised that the format just did not look as professional as I had assumed that it would. It sort of reminded me of one of the first giant calculators that I had had many years ago in college.
After seeing that model, I tooled down the road to the local Office Depot and looked at their Ipaqs--driving by the way, with a black patch over my eye looking all piratey. Of course the Ipaqs were locked in this clear plastic circular display that Harry Houdini would have been baffled with. You could touch them and mainpulate the keys, but you could not hold them. What good is an unholdable handheld? The local clerk was cool though when I asked if I could hold it. He told me that to get it out of the case was too much of a hassle, but he went and got a completly new unit, openned up the box and let me hold and play with it a little.
The H5555 seemed professional and well put together. The screen did not seem that much smaller or less clear than the e805. Does .2 make that much difference? It does lack the CF slot without the sleeves, which is a bummer as I hate loading it up with different sleeves. However, I do already have a number of sleeves from my current 3835 so it is not like I have to buy any new equipment.
I think what I really am interested in knowing is if you debated between the two machines and chose one for a specific reason, what was that reason for you? It could be a technical reason or just a visceral one that was right for you. I have probably read all the different reviews that are on the different sites, but I'm very interested in the reaction of folks who are using these machines day in and day out and what that reaction is based on. Ultimately, of course, I will end up making my own decision, but I value your collective wisdom.
Thanks for your input and your insights. And by the way, watch out for piratey guy with an eyepatch driving an F150 in Virginia!
Characteristics that are important for me are: WI-FI, large excellent screen due to vision issues, preferably both SD and CF slots. Sturdy unit. I do a lot of traveling both domestic and internationally so will be using this for email, surfing and ebooks.
Let me tell you what my dilema is. For the last couple of weeks, I've been reading about new devices and doing my home work and specs and what not. Either one of those devices would basically fit my needs, probably more than my needs. Screens size and quality is a really, really huge deal for me, so that is driving a lot of this. I had heard and read so much about the e805 and finally got to see one today. The guy at the local Circuit City shop did not even know how to get the thing turned on. Anyway, after getting it up and running, it was nice, but I was underwhelmed. Without exception every single review I've read goes on and on and on about the great screen. Please do not hear me wrong, there was nothing wrong with it, but it was a little bit like hearing that the Messiah has arrived, and that his name is Joe. Screens, as well as messiahs, should make the trumpets blow. I was also surprised that the format just did not look as professional as I had assumed that it would. It sort of reminded me of one of the first giant calculators that I had had many years ago in college.
After seeing that model, I tooled down the road to the local Office Depot and looked at their Ipaqs--driving by the way, with a black patch over my eye looking all piratey. Of course the Ipaqs were locked in this clear plastic circular display that Harry Houdini would have been baffled with. You could touch them and mainpulate the keys, but you could not hold them. What good is an unholdable handheld? The local clerk was cool though when I asked if I could hold it. He told me that to get it out of the case was too much of a hassle, but he went and got a completly new unit, openned up the box and let me hold and play with it a little.
The H5555 seemed professional and well put together. The screen did not seem that much smaller or less clear than the e805. Does .2 make that much difference? It does lack the CF slot without the sleeves, which is a bummer as I hate loading it up with different sleeves. However, I do already have a number of sleeves from my current 3835 so it is not like I have to buy any new equipment.
I think what I really am interested in knowing is if you debated between the two machines and chose one for a specific reason, what was that reason for you? It could be a technical reason or just a visceral one that was right for you. I have probably read all the different reviews that are on the different sites, but I'm very interested in the reaction of folks who are using these machines day in and day out and what that reaction is based on. Ultimately, of course, I will end up making my own decision, but I value your collective wisdom.
Thanks for your input and your insights. And by the way, watch out for piratey guy with an eyepatch driving an F150 in Virginia!