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View Full Version : Pocket PC remote control apps.

01-21-2004, 08:16 PM
I've had an HP Jornada 548 for a while now and use it for a fair few things but I've often wondered why the programs that allow you to use your PPC as a remote control only work on X-scale and Strong ARM processors. Can anyone enlighten me as to why this is? Also does anyone know if there are any such programs, maybe with less features, that would run on my Jornada and it's SH3 processor. Thanks :)

Janak Parekh
01-22-2004, 06:39 AM
Because the J548 is running Pocket PC 2000 on an old processor, which is slowly being phased out. It's sort of like asking why new applications don't run on Windows 95. The 548 is now quite a few years old. As to availability of older remote control apps, I don't know.
