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View Full Version : Help Creating PIE Website

01-19-2004, 12:35 AM
Hey everyone,

I'm trying to create a PIE-friendly web site using Dreamweaver. I'm having trouble setting the actual size of the page.

Can anyone help me???


Anthony Caruana
01-19-2004, 01:22 AM
I'm not a Dreamnweaver user so I know nothing about it. However, what I did when making PIE versions of my personal site (www.thepdaguy.com) and the Melbourne PPC User Group Site (www.melbourneppc.org) was to use very simple page templates so that the pages were just text.

The screen you are working in for PIE is only 240 pixels wide and you need to allow for scroll bars so you lose another few pixels. I went with a simple HTML template so that I didn't have to worry about the formatting too much.

Also, I used this code (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/articles.php?action=expand,15385) to automatically redirect site visitors to a moble version of the site if they are using PIE to view the site.

Pat Logsdon
01-19-2004, 09:10 AM
You can't actually set a page width (html doesn't work that way), but you have two alternatives.

Probably the easiest would be to just make sure that you don't insert any graphics with a width greater than 240 pixels, or any long strings of text without breaks. As long as this is the case, PIE will automatically wrap the content correctly, and you won't get a horizontal scroll bar.

You can see approximately what your page will look like in the design view by turning on the rulers (View -> Rulers -> Show/Pixels), and then resize the main DW window to the 240 px mark on the ruler.

The other way is to insert a table (Insert -> Table -> x Rows, x columns, ~225 px width (you want to leave room for the scroll bar). Then just put your content in the table.