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View Full Version : I'd say they've had it, what about you?

Vincent M Ferrari
01-10-2004, 09:27 PM
Click here (http://www.palminfocenter.com/view_story.asp?ID=6428) and read the skepticism in the comments.

I think the Palm guys have had it with product promises that never materialize. But the general skepticism is pretty strong there. Is it me, or are Palm users just not as enamored with the Platform and enthusiastic about the platform as PPC users?

Having been on both sides of the fence, I can say I've experienced both, but PPC users evangelize (kinda like Mac users) while Palm users generally look forward to what's coming with very little regard to what they actually have.

Maybe it's a sweeping generalization, but if you frequent Palm forums, you start to get the same sense I'm talking about here...

01-11-2004, 12:02 AM
With something like this, you can hardly blame Palm users from being sceptical. Imagine if SanDisk or another company promised a SD WiFi card for your OS but repeatedly failed to deliver. Also imagine that this is the ONLY way to connect to a network, and the only product that has this capability is underpowered and overpriced (T|C). Now you know how Palm OS users feel. Sure, they evangelize as well but draw the line with repeated broken promises for potentially essential products that are growing closer to vaporware.

01-11-2004, 12:28 AM
Well I was a palm user for some time. It was great, did what I needed, and was pretty stable.

Then one day a friend showed me his Ipaq, with PPC windows 2002.
It was over. A little friendly laptop in my hand, that acted much like my windows OS!

Now I have my 4155 with me everywhere I go. I have wireless environments at work, home and other places I spend alot of time in.
Its pretty cool to be connected all the time.

For me, money well spent on a new PPC. :D

01-11-2004, 12:54 AM
Sooooooooooooo... RugerX

I need so much to ask... everytime I see an avid Palm User why they like the operating system so much... I only ever get one answer... its simple and it is stable...

Why are you not as enamored with Palm..?

Kevin Remhof
01-11-2004, 02:01 AM
I was a Palm user for a while (Palm III and Palm VII). Palm always worked great but was too basic for me. If you want a PDA for a calendar, datebook, and tasks... find a used, AAA powered, Palm III. You won't regret it. If you want something more advanced, you then need to look at Pocket PC and higher end Palm devices. That's the realization that I came to.

What's different about Palm is that the Palm corporation (OK, PalmOne or whatever they call themselves today) is very open about new releases of their OS. OS 6 has been unveiled although no devices use it yet. So, users get excited. But, since no devices support those new features (yet) users remain skeptical.

Microsoft seems to hold back a bit more on unveiling products. Look at WM 2003. I did not see many pre-release reviews of new features. It just kind of came out with a thud.

I think that both camps have plenty to be skeptical of. WM is a good platform with plenty of potential. Palm always has that new release to look forward to. Don't like a feature, well, wait for the next release. WM is a good OS as is and just gets better. But, new features are never as radical as in the Palm world. They are more of refinements.

Personally, I'm glad there are competing platforms. It keeps both of them on their toes.

OK, I'm rambling now and lost my point...