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View Full Version : setup mNotes to sync wirelessly?

01-08-2004, 05:27 PM

I tried mNotes a while back and could not get it to sync via wi-fi.

Since then I have added Bluetooth to my laptop. Also my employer has made Lotus EasySync Pro available to us and I was using it via bluetooth.

EasySync is not working reliably, so I want to look at mNotes again, but this time over bluetooth. My mNotes trial has expired so I can not try it again to see if/how it works over bluetooth. :( and being unable to get it working over wi-fi, worries me.

In this thread.... http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=22246&highlight=mnotes There is a link to an CommonTime article about setting mNotes up for wireless sync. I've read it, and it mentions about setting up a Dial-Up location. I'm confused.

Are people using mNotes wirelessly? if so, how did you set it up? I know non-wireless setup was a breeze, but how easy is setup for wireless?

(if it matters, I'm using my Thinkpad with bluetooth dongle and its attached to customer lan via the built in NIC. iPAQ 2215. Lotus Notes r5.0.12. Local replicas of Mail and journal databases.)


01-08-2004, 07:24 PM
EMail Commontime with your question. They are prompt with their support or at least have been for me.

fyi...A Location in mNotes is the setup for and what you want to replicate based on where you are located at the time of replication.

Anthony Caruana
01-09-2004, 02:42 AM
I use mNotes via dialup, Bluetooth and cradle routinely, depending on what i am doing and where I am.

Bluetooth is essentially a serial connection. Once your PC can Activesync via bluetooth you should be able to use mNotes over Bluetooth (at least with the latest version of mNotes as it is integrated into Activesync)

I do the dial up in a slightly unconventional way. mNotes can be setup on a Domino server but we don't have that where I work. Instead, i dial into the corporate LAN (PPC->BT to Cellphone->dialup networking to office LAN). I have a connection setup in mNotes that connects to my PC (using its NetBIOS name). Once I'm dialled up I just go to mNotes on my PPC, chnage to the location I've set up in mNotes and hit the Sync button.

01-13-2004, 04:40 PM
Is mNotes a substitute for Activesynch? Can you use activesynch via bluetooth?

01-13-2004, 10:36 PM
mNotes only syncs with Lotus Notes. It is not an activesync replacement.