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View Full Version : Where to Install? Main Memory or SD??

01-08-2004, 01:12 AM
Hey guys, I have a question for you. How can you tell if a program can be installed to the SD card rather than the main memory? As I understand it, some programs require that you install them on main memory and some allow installation on the SD. How can you tell which one is which?

I have installed many programs on my SD card and often times I get the error "This program "something.cab" is not a valid Windows CE program". When this happens, I reinstall it on the SD card again ... and sometimes it just works ... sometimes I get the message again. Anyone know why? It would be much less frustrating and time consuming if you could tell right off the bat where to install.

If you have some info, please post!

01-08-2004, 04:04 AM
Hey guys, I have a question for you. How can you tell if a program can be installed to the SD card rather than the main memory? As I understand it, some programs require that you install them on main memory and some allow installation on the SD. How can you tell which one is which?

I have installed many programs on my SD card and often times I get the error "This program "something.cab" is not a valid Windows CE program". When this happens, I reinstall it on the SD card again ... and sometimes it just works ... sometimes I get the message again. Anyone know why? It would be much less frustrating and time consuming if you could tell right off the bat where to install.

If you have some info, please post!

The message "This program "something.cab" is not a valid Windows CE program". Would be an error that you have not successfully transfered the program to your device. Not a problem with your SD card IMHO. I have seen this often when trying to re-install multiple programs from ActiveSync. Perhaps like me you would see this less often if you went to installing one program at a time?

Generally any program that is started automatically when you reset your device, will not work correctly in a Storage Card. So things like today screen programs, and drivers for hardware, will not work correctly on a Storage card. Also programs that are very large, and load in parts, you might find taking to long to work when installed on storage cards.


01-08-2004, 11:24 AM
not all programs runs nicely on SD cards. what i install to my sd are
- dictionary databases
- rom images like quake
but other than these i try to keep all my executables in the RAM because of the speep issues.

Janak Parekh
01-08-2004, 05:08 PM
not all programs runs nicely on SD cards.
Most programs do, however. When I reinstalled my i700, I installed non-essential programs to my SD card, without any troubles whatsoever. David's metric is very good: the vast majority of applications that don't run on startup should run fine on an SD card.


01-09-2004, 04:19 PM
I've noticed that many programs that should be loaded directly into RAM tell you as much. I generally load programs that I need without the cards directly in RAM. Things like Pocket Informant, Dashboard, etc. The only other ones are ones that tell me to. Everything else is on my SD card.

Ah, an exception. If a program only comes as a cab, I let it install in RAM. I really shoud get the cab installer program that lets you specifiy where cab files are installed.

01-09-2004, 05:40 PM
I think that apps that has to be synced are to be installed in main mem. I installed worldmate and passwords plus into my sd card and couldn't get them to sync automatically thru activesync. Instead, I had to sync manually

01-09-2004, 09:10 PM
Hey guys, I have a question for you. How can you tell if a program can be installed to the SD card rather than the main memory? As I understand it, some programs require that you install them on main memory and some allow installation on the SD. How can you tell which one is which?
I don't know an easy way to tell, but of all the programs i have listed HERE (http://marzano.home.att.net/mobile/iPAQ-Software.htm) are installed to SD card except Wi-Fi card driver, WiseBar Advanced (and skins), Restart App, ScaryBear stuff, MS Reader update and StopTime. and they work fine.

For all .CAB based installers, I use CabInstl by SK (http://www.geocities.com/s_k_s_k_s_kru/util.html) (click HERE (http://www.webattack.com/get/pocketpc/cabinst.html) for alternate download site) to direct installs to the SD card.