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View Full Version : Help Needed....XP Install Yes or No?

01-05-2004, 05:02 AM
I bought an old laptop for a younger brother and I would like to know if you guys recommend installing XP on it. It is a Toshiba Portege 3020 and the specs are:

Pentium 300MHz with MMX CPU
10.4" Sharp Active TFT 800x600 LCD Display
10gb Hard Drive
96 MB high performance Synchronous DRAM
MagicGraph 128XD video onboard 2MB 800x600 24bit color video support.
Built-in 16bit Sound with integrated speakers and Headphone/Microphone jacks
Built-In USB port

It is one of the early ultra portables and it is currently running Win98. It will be used as a word processor only. Now, I looked at the minimum requirements listed by Microsoft and it seems to pass... barely. What are your thoughts on this and if anybody has any experience on running XP on an old system configuration and have some tips... feel free to supply me with some info.

If XP were to be installed, it would be switched to "classic" mode and all of the fancy options disabled. :D

Janak Parekh
01-05-2004, 05:23 AM
The biggest problem is RAM. 96MB is insufficient for XP. I'd consider 128 a bare minimum, and 192 the minimum "tolerable" amount of memory. If you can upgrade that for cheap, I think you'll be OK.


01-05-2004, 05:24 AM
Since my PC died on me :cry: I've been running a 395MHz Athalon with 128MB RAM. I installed XP and it works fine. But If the laptop is just going to be used as a word processor, I would say definately stay with 98. Unless you encouter any compatibility issues with networking or software, it doesn't make much sense to upgrade with a slower machine unless you have to.

Janak Parekh
01-05-2004, 05:24 AM
Unless you encouter any compatibility issues with networking or software, it doesn't make much sense to upgrade with a slower machine unless you have to.
The reason to upgrade is that Microsoft is discontinuing support (including critical updates) for Win98 within 2 weeks.


01-05-2004, 05:29 AM
The reason to upgrade is that Microsoft is discontinuing support (including critical updates) for Win98 within 2 weeks.
I thought about that, but I didn't realize the support was ending so soon, I thought that the support was scheduled to last for a while, but it was just the sales that were ending. That might make it worthwhile if you are a person that calls tech support. But you might try upgrading to an OS between 98 and XP, though 2000 and especially WinME don't get good reviews.

Janak Parekh
01-05-2004, 05:49 AM
I thought about that, but I didn't realize the support was ending so soon, I thought that the support was scheduled to last for a while, but it was just the sales that were ending.
Nope, support is completely ending January 16.


01-05-2004, 07:56 AM
Wow I had no idea that Win98 support is going to be discontinued. Well the reason why I was thinking about going with WinXP for this laptop is because it seems to be really unstable...(crashing a lot, blue screens, typical 98 stuff). Plus when trying to network wirelessly, it has been quite a hassle to get it working, while with XP it seems relatively easy. Another thing is that I have an extra copy of XP laying around and didnt feel like investing in 2000 or ME. :| Thanks for the info though... really appreciated.

Dave Beauvais
01-05-2004, 08:03 AM
For the heck of it, I installed WinXP on an old Sony VAIO PCG-C1X PictureBook. It's a 266 MHz Pentium with MMX (not Pentium II), 128 MB RAM, and a tiny 4.6 GB drive. I was amazed that it runs as well as it does. Be sure to turn off all the eye candy such as window animation, shadows, fading, and manually disable the Themes service. Even if you use the Windows Classic theme, the Themes service is still running, consuming valuable resources.

I would never want to use such a machine as my primary system, but as a notebook to use for basic word processing, e-mail, and Web browsing, it would be very tolerable.

01-05-2004, 08:49 AM
In the long run you are much better to just go buy a $1000 new laptop that has XP already installed. If you think about the cost of an XP licence....Anywhere from $100-$400 dollars depending on what kind of rate you get from MS or your software dealer and then factor in the time an old slow machine will cost you in lost productivity.....

Sell only lap top for $200 to somebody and add to that the money you didn't spend on the XP licence and you are about half way to the new laptop.....For $500 it is well worth your time and sanity to get a new laptop....You will have all the extras like warranty, NIC, more ram,bigger HD, Faster CPU, better screen etc.

David Prahl
01-05-2004, 05:42 PM
Windows 2000 might work better - do you have access to a copy?

01-05-2004, 07:20 PM
Windows 2000 might work better - do you have access to a copy?

that would be my suggestion as well, I've got 2K on scads of machines of that vintage at work, and it runs just great.

01-05-2004, 11:15 PM
Be sure to turn off all the eye candy such as window animation, shadows, fading, and manually disable the Themes service. Even if you use the Windows Classic theme, the Themes service is still running, consuming valuable resources.

How does one turn off the themes service? Thanks

Janak Parekh
01-05-2004, 11:24 PM
How does one turn off the themes service? Thanks
In Control Panel => Administrative Tools => Services. You want to change the Startup setting to Disabled, presumably. First try stopping it and make sure the machine's OK though.

Also, don't go randomly shutting off other services -- especially RPC. ;)


Dave Beauvais
01-06-2004, 08:26 AM
Also, don't go randomly shutting off other services -- especially RPC. ;)
Aw, but it's so much fun to try to abort the shutdown countdown in time! It's kinda like a game! I got really good at typing [Win]-[R] shutdown -a [Enter] a few months back while fighting worms on clients' PCs. :)

01-14-2004, 06:03 AM
I thought about that, but I didn't realize the support was ending so soon, I thought that the support was scheduled to last for a while, but it was just the sales that were ending.
Nope, support is completely ending January 16.
MS just extended support for Win98 until mid-2006, just so you know.

Janak Parekh
01-14-2004, 06:12 AM
MS just extended support for Win98 until mid-2006, just so you know.
Yup. I've debated making a frontpage post. Maybe I'll do it this Friday (the original expiration date).


01-14-2004, 07:13 AM
Support for win98 is not that big of a deal for technofolks like us, right ? Afterall, there is an internet out there that is full of official and non-official drivers at our perusal.

I dont know, but in my entire adult life, I have not yet experienced an occasion where I have to ask for support from microsoft.

Got Nitro Cooled P4 at 5ghz ?

Janak Parekh
01-14-2004, 04:49 PM
Support for win98 is not that big of a deal for technofolks like us, right ? Afterall, there is an internet out there that is full of official and non-official drivers at our perusal.
Two words: critical updates.


01-15-2004, 02:54 AM
The article said that "critical issues" would be addressed as needed. I'm having problems opening the ZDNet article on my PDA, so here is the Geet.com article. (http://www.geek.com/news/geeknews/2004Jan/wge20040113023415.htm)

Janak Parekh
01-15-2004, 04:39 AM
The article said that "critical issues" would be addressed as needed. I'm having problems opening the ZDNet article on my PDA, so here is the Geet.com article. (http://www.geek.com/news/geeknews/2004Jan/wge20040113023415.htm)
Right. That was my point to Maximus: by "supporting" Win98, MS will release critical updates they deem necessary. :) That's about all the support I need from them...
